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  1. Jan 12, 2017 · Whitefield’s inaugural sermon drew on lessons he learned from John and Charles Wesley in the Methodist society at the University of Oxford. The Methodist movement criticized the nominal spirit that had infected the eighteenth-century Church of England.

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  3. Feb 3, 2009 · He said to Wesley, “I must preach the Gospel of Christ, and this I cannot now do without speaking of election” (Dallimore, George Whitefield, 2:41). In his sermon based on 1 Corinthians 1:30 called “Christ the Believer’s Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption,” he exults in the doctrine (remember he is lifting up his ...

  4. He blamed George Whitefield for breaking up all of New England’s churches. The document above is a letter to the newspaper in which he addresses Whitefield.

  5. Through his sermons and writings, Whitefield spread his message of hope and redemption to thousands of people across the colonies. His message was so powerful that it sparked a spiritual revolution in colonial America and helped to lay the foundation for modern Christianity in America.

    • Orthodoxy
    • Christ-Centered
    • Experiential Calvinism
    • Regeneration and Righteousness
    • Warnings
    • Conclusion

    First, George Whitefield preached what can be referred to as orthodox themes. He was robustly trinitarian preaching truth like, “My brethren, if Jesus Christ be not very God of very God, I would never preach the gospel of Christ again. For it would not be gospel.” He had a high view of God affected his view of everything else. And though his sermon...

    Whitefield had a high view of Christ, not merely theologically, but also experientially. He preached, “And have we not among us, thousands who call themselves Christians, who had rather part with Christ than their pleasures?” For Whitefield, not only where the precious truths of propitiation, “the active as well as passive obedience of the Lord Jes...

    It is no secret that George Whitefield was a staunch Calvinist, even stating that “Arminian principles being antichristian principles, always did and always will lead to antichristian practices.”Whitefield, thus, preached on all 5 points of Calvinism regularly including the radical depravity of the sinful heart and its inability and lack of any des...

    Perhaps what Whitefield is best known for in the broader evangelical world is his preaching on the new birth. The doctrine of regeneration could be found, in some extent, in much of his preaching. He steadfastly heralded “the necessity of our new birth in Christ Jesus.” All of Whitefield’s doctrines were rightly interconnected. Regeneration, theref...

    It is difficult to summarize the themes found in the sermons of George Whitefield without mentioning the context in which he preached. Many in his day, on both sides of the Atlantic, held to a nominal Christianity. Many in the Church of England identified with Christianity simply because they had been baptized in the Church as an infant. This cause...

    In conclusion, George Whitefield was one of those men for which all Christians should be thankful. It has been over three hundred years since his birth and his impact is still felt and will continue to be felt in the centuries to come. The gospel Whitefield preached was the gospel of Jesus and he showed that it is not just a gospel in which men mus...

  6. These two volumes contain sixty-one sermons, the vast majority of Whitefields's extant transcripts. Lee Gatiss, also the Series Editor for REAL, introduces Whitefield's preaching methodology, Anglicanism, and Reformed theology.

  7. Sep 30, 2019 · Eloquence and Anointing. Where did such power and popularity come from? At one level, Whitefield’s power was the natural power of eloquence, and at another it was the spiritual power of God to convert sinners and transform communities.

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