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    • Read a book. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, picking up a good book and spending some time reading it is a great way to spend your free time in a productive way.
    • Exercise. You knew this one was going to be on the list… you were just really hoping it wouldn’t be. I was hoping it wouldn’t, anyway. Exercising, even if it’s just a quick 5-minute walk down the road, is a fantastic way to use your free time.
    • Do a bit of home organization. I have a very strong love/dislike relationship with home organization. I love having an organized home, but I don’t always love getting it to an organized state, especially when I have let my cleaning and organization duties go for too long and I’m faced with an extra messy house.
    • Pay bills. This definitely isn’t the most fun option on the list, but it’s something that has to be done from time to time, and if you’ve been falling behind lately use these couple minutes of free time that you have to catch up on some much-needed bill paying.
    • Overview
    • Take a wal
    • Catch up on your email
    • Practice mindfulnes
    • Make a to-do lis
    • Work ou
    • Change your job descriptio
    • Put in some overtim
    • Start a journa
    • Listen to an audiobook or podcas

    Sure, you’re bored and have a little free time on your hands, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be productive. When life gives you downtime, you squeeze all you can out of it and make sweet, sweet, lemonade. Or get some chores done—whichever gets you up off the couch. We've got tons of ideas to get out there and make the most of your boredom.

    Get some exercise by taking a walk, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga at home.

    Read a book or a newspaper, or listen to a podcast to brighten your mind in your free time.

    Flex your creative muscles by sketching, practicing an instrument, or visiting a museum.

    Give your brain a break with a quick stroll.

    Taking small breaks might seem counter-productive, but it’s a great way to improve your productivity when you get back to your desk. A little time away from responsibilities helps you rest and recoup, reorienting your mind on what matters.

    Get some sunshine, if you can, or head to a local park for some fresh air.

    If you’re cooped up inside, take a few laps around your home or office.

    If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a whole backlog of unopened emails. Are they urgent? Are they spam? Who knows! The best time to find out was yesterday. The next best time is now.

    Also be sure to unsubscribe to those promotional emails you forgot you signed up for.

    Do a few mindfulness meditations

    to focus on the world around you.

    In some studies, people who did regular mindfulness exercises reported reduced stress and greater productivity.

    Take 5 minutes to observe the things around you using your 5 senses. Take note of how things feel, sound, and even taste.

    Do a body scan meditation by focusing your attention on each individual part of your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to the crown of your head.

    Find a piece of paper and jot down your emotions: how do you feel right now? How did you feel a little while ago? How do you want to feel in the future?

    Plan out the rest of your day or week.

    of the things you need or want to accomplish this week. Then, organize them according to their importance. Once it’s all on paper, you’ll have a better idea of what you need to get done, and more motivation to do it.

    In addition, make a schedule of when you plan to do each item on the list, which will help you stay on-track.

    wikiHow Quiz: What Should I Do?

    Not sure how to cure a case of boredom? Being bored can drain your energy and bring down your mood, which is why we’re here to help you out—and hopefully make your day a little more interesting. We’ve prepared a handy quiz to help you narrow down that list of activities and find a fun pastime that you’ll truly enjoy!

    Who do you spend the most time with?

    Hit the gym to boost your physical fitness.

    Working your body while giving your mind a rest is a 2-birds, 1-stone situation. A quick run or even just a handful of jumping jacks every so often helps both your body and mind feel its best.

    at home or sign for a class to connect with new people.

    for an effective and quick muscle-building exercise.

    Talk to your boss about adjusting your responsibilities.

    If you’re bored at work, it could be because you don’t have enough to do. On the other hand, you might have too much to do, which results in procrastination. In either case, have a casual chat with your boss about your schedule and responsibilities, and work together to balance your workload.

    Complete some extra tasks at work.

    Is there a report that nobody’s stepped up to do? Or maybe the water cooler just needs replacing. Look around and find something that’s been neglected, then roll up your sleeves and get it done yourself. It’s a sure way to

    Write down your thoughts and daily activities.

    Get an old notebook and

    If you’re feeling creative, scratch out a few lines of poetry. Otherwise, just record your stream of consciousness.

    It may seem silly at first, but coming back to a journal some years down the line is a great way to keep in touch with your past self.

    Learn something new or listen to a story in the background.

    Browse podcasts related to your industry, or go the totally opposite direction and listen to a podcast on a subject you don't know much about. Or, if you’re after something more imaginative, check out a novel from your local library’s digital catalog and dive into a new world.

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    • Catch up with the industry news. It’s important to have an idea of what’s happening in your industry, if there is any interesting news, and what your competition is doing.
    • Ask for feedback on your work. Feedback is the key to improvement. If your team and/or manager haven’t given it to you, don’t be afraid to ask.
    • Clean out your inbox. Getting to inbox zero is often not an easy task, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment and puts your mind at peace.
    • Write or update your CV or resume. If you don’t have a CV or a resume, now it’s time to create one. If you already have it, it may be useful to update it.
    • Get organized with a productivity app like ClickUp! If you’re not already organizing yourself with an online platform, it’s time to start. These apps can help you create and stick to habits that will take you miles in your personal and professional spheres.
    • Tend to your email inbox! It’s almost scary how easy it is to let your email inbox get out of hand. But much like the relentless power of mother nature, if left to its own devices, your inbox can quickly grow beyond your means of control if you don’t tend to it daily.
    • Clean your physical workspace. Reducing physical clutter has the same impact on your mental clarity. Sort and store the notes and documents strewn across your desk, toss the sticky notes stuck on your monitor that are no longer relevant, then wipe down your surfaces.
    • Organize your computer and desktop. Having a custom desktop image can add some much-needed happiness to your day, but make sure your desktop screen is clean of stray files and downloads so you can see it!
  2. Apr 18, 2024 · Find your A work. What is your “A” work? This is the type of work you do that you are the absolute best at! It makes time go by, you love doing it, and you can do it for hours without boredom. Not everyone is at their A-game. Which level are you performing at? Resource: Check out this article to find your best work. Find your maximum ...

  3. Nov 23, 2023 · Start by throwing in a load of laundry, then get to work throwing things out and clearing items off of the floor. Organize your desk, sweep, and clean the windows. Really get in there and take on those cleaning tasks you typically skip during normal cleaning sessions. This is a great way to make a few hours pass.

    • 294.4K
  4. 9. Have a picnic. Put out a blanket, and pack up some food to eat in your living room or backyard. Sometimes just a change of scenery really helps. 10. Create a bucket list. Dream of all the fun things you want to do in your lifetime. Or make a seasonal bucket list for what you want to do this or next season.

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