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  1. The Constitution instructs the Senate to choose a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. Pro tempore is a Latin term meaning "for the time being,” signaling that the position was originally conceived as a temporary replacement.

  2. Next, Article One, Section 3, Clause 5 provides that in the absence of the vice president the Senate could choose a president pro tempore to temporarily preside and perform the duties of the chair. Since vice presidents presided routinely in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Senate thought it necessary to choose a president pro tempore only for ...

  3. President Pro Tempore. The United States Constitution provides for a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. The president pro tempore is third in the line of presidential succession, behind the vice president and the Speaker of the House.

  4. During the vice president's absence, the president pro tempore is empowered to preside over Senate sessions. Except when necessary or to highlight important votes, the vice president and the president pro tempore rarely preside; instead, the duty of presiding officer is rotated among junior U.S. senators of the majority party to give them ...

  5. Since vice presidents presided routinely in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Senate thought it necessary to choose a president pro tempore only for the limited periods when the vice president might be ill or otherwise absent. As a result, the Senate frequently elected several presidents pro tempore during a single session.

  6. Mar 23, 2019 · The U.S. Constitution establishes the office of the President pro tempore of the Senate to preside over the Senate in the Vice Presidents absence. Since 1947, the President pro tempore has stood third in line to succeed to the presidency after the Vice President and the Speaker of the House.

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  8. In the event the Vice President is unable to fulfill his duties as President of the Senate, Article I, Section 3, Clause 5, provides for the Senate to choose a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President or when he shall exercise the Office of the President of the United States.

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