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  1. Cuisine Of India - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Taste of India Rotisserie Chicken
    My hubby came up with this recipe based on a desire to have a rotisserie chicken in our Showtime Rotisserie but was a little tired of the same 'ol rub that we traditionally use. We are both HUGE fans of Indian Cuisine and therefore this fabulous recipe came to be! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! We have not experimented with roasting the chicken in the oven, but I assure you, if you can let the skin crisp up the same way that it does in a won't be disappointed!
    Trout Rechad
    Food and Wine
    When you grow up close to the water, be it by an ocean, lake, or river, you develop a natural affinity for fish. You start to appreciate the subtle differences in flavor and texture between various types of fish and learn to cook and eat them in a thousand different ways.In India, where I grew up, fish was steamed, fried, or cooked in curries and served over beds of warm scented rice or bread—and it was always on the menu for weekends. These days, although I live on the other side of the world, seafood is still a mainstay in my Bay Area kitchen, and pan-seared and fried fish are popular options at my home when guests visit. What I like about serving dishes like this Rechad with Trout is the convenience it offers; the spice blend can be made ahead of time, and fish cooks rather quickly, so I’m not trapped at the stove when I want to be spending time with my guests.I lean on rechad masala quite often; it’s a bright red paste that’s prepared by grinding down Kashmiri chiles with vinegar and a few spices. It’s a staple in many kitchens in Goa, a region located on the west coast of India. Goan cuisine is renowned for its use of chiles, but that wasn’t always the case. When the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century, they introduced chiles from South America, which quickly became an integral part of the local cuisine. In Portuguese the word “recheado” means stuffed and in Goa, you’ll see it spelled as either “recheado” or “rechad” on restaurant menus.In this recipe, I lean on Kashmiri chiles for their bright red lycopenic color. These chiles are mild in their heat level and are only sold dry. They’re readily available at Indian grocery stores and spice markets; if you can’t find them, use any dried red chile that you like.The classic choices of fish for this recipe are usually pomfret or mackerel, but I’ve found trout to work exceptionally well. Once it’s fried, serve this fish with warm rice and a light salad and a few wedges of fresh lime or lemon to squeeze over the top.
    Daab Chingri
    Daab Chingri is a celebration of Bengali cuisine. Made with ingredients quintessential to coastal Bangladesh and eastern India, this dish is dubiously simple to make.
    Paneer Tikka Masala
    Ever since I married my husband, who is from southern India, I have discovered an entirely delicious world of Indian cuisine. Below is an authentic recipe for paneer tikka masala.
    Stir Fried Chicken Quesadillas With Mayo Salsa
    Myself Uma from India , passionate about different types of cuisine ..... Today I am sending my son favorite recipe, its feel me always proud ..... The stir fried chicken quesadillas with mayo salsa is very simple and quick dish . It is highly nutritious and lots of energy . It is also unique and lip - smacking dish ...... Serve the soya Quesadillas along with a glass of Fresh Ginger Lemonade or a cup of Coffee for a breakfast or dinner ......
    Pigeon Pea Paste (Aka Arhar Dal or Toovar Dal)
    Entered for ZWT. This is a staple of South Indian cuisine, found in Madhur Jaffrey's "World Vegetarian", used as a launching pad for other recipes. This recipe describes the basic preparation of these round, dull yellow peas with an earthy, dark flavor in their hulled and split forms. The plants in the northern part of India produce Arhar Dal; in the southern part of India: Toovar Dal. Every day a different stew is made with these. If using "oily toovar", wash it very thoroughly before cooking to remove the castor oil coating. Note that dried peas double in size after cooking. This paste will last 1 week tightly covered in the refrigerator; in Indian households, it is used everyday. If the next recipe requires draining of the peas, save the cooking liquid for soup. Preparation time is soaking time. Cooking time is estimated total time once in pressure cooker to come up to pressure and cook, but does not include natural release time.
    Dhan Dar Patia
    Food Network
    Dhan dar patia is the holy trinity of Parsi food. It’s served on all auspicious days, celebrations or special occasions, and especially for Nowruz, the Parsi new year, celebrated in India usually in mid-August. Dhan means rice and dar is a buttery, velvety lentil stew finished with a crispy tadka (oil and bloomed spices) of sizzled cumin seeds, shallots and garlic. Patia (pronounced PAH-ti-ya, or sometimes PAH-ti-yoh) is a finger-licking good seafood stew. The sauce is a perfect balance of salty, sweet, sour and spicy flavors. One bite of umami-rich patia and you’ll be hooked. The Parsis are an eclectic community in India. They emigrated from Iran (then Persia) around the 7th century AD in order to maintain their Zoroastrian religion after Arab Muslims conquered Persia. According to Parsi literature, they settled in the state of Gujarat after being given refuge by the Hindu king Jadi Rana. Over time their Persia dishes merged with Gujarati food and became an important contribution to the diversity of Indian cuisine. Parsis are a food-loving group; they famously barely finish eating one meal before they begin talking about the next.
    Murg Mussalam
    My grandmother left me all of her recipes when she passed on recently and I've been having a blast going through them. Most date from the 50's and '60s time period and she was fond of international cuisine when international cuisine was not really invogue. As I find recipes I think people would be interested in, I will post for all to use like this one from a newspaper clipping from Bombay (Mumbai), India.
    Spicy Curry Aioli
    This is another variation of my basic aioli recipe. While we enjoy this on just about everything, this aioli does well with kabobs and grilled foods... If you enjoy this, please also try my spicy chili and saffron aioli recipes for a different twist... A couple of notes with respect to ingredients. Please consider using Hellman's original mayonnaise when making this recipe - avoid using Kraft, Miracle Whip, and sweet mayonnaises at all costs. If you use a low fat mayo, I also recommend Hellman's. Another important note, this recipe is designed for asian-style madras curry powder. There are as many different types of curries as there are cuisines (maybe even more). My favorite is found at the asian market and is the staple ingredient for Vietnamese and some Thai yellow curries. Although Madras is a city in India and can lay claim to the name, even Indian Madras curry powder tastes very different than the one found in Viet/Thai markets. If you need a photo example of the madras curry powder (called Cari or Kari) that I use to assist you in your shopping adventures, z-mail me.