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  1. Green Eggs And Ham Book - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Green Eggs & Ham
    When my kids were all little they loved Dr. Seuss, and his book Green Eggs and Ham was their favorite. In an effort to get them to eat eggs, I came up with the idea of making 'Green Eggs & Ham' for breakfast. They loved it and would often demand it for breakfast. Just multiple the ingredients by the number of small children you are serving. If the kids are a little older, then you can double serving sizes. This recipe also served as a good 'science experiment' when the kids were learning about primary and secondary colors...after-all, yellow and blue make green! :-) I look forward to the day when I'll be able to make 'Green Eggs & Ham' for my grandkids.
    Green Eggs and Ham
    I made these scrambled eggs for my kids when they were obsessed with Dr. Seuss's book 'Green Eggs and Ham,' and it became a family favorite.
    Green Eggs and Pancetta
    My daughter is in first grade and she is totally reading like a boss. We have broadened our horizon in literature as well (See ya later Dick and Jane, wouldn’t wanna be ya!) and we are having quite a fun time with Dr. Seuss lately, the first book I could read when I was little was “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish”, so of course she would have access to all the greats. My daughter told me the other day that she thought green eggs and ham would be “gross”. So in my usual style I put that to the test with this recipe…maybe not totally a “recipe” as it is more of a guideline to do your own thing, for example eggs can be replaced with tofu, and ham can be substituted with my mushroom bacon recipe here. Honestly I think we all need to add more vegetables to our meals, why not start with breakfast? This is easy, fun, and you don’t need any gross food color additives to create a bit of whimsy with your meals, I even served ours with star fruit slices to pay homage to “The Sneeches”.