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  1. Jian Bing Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Jian Bing, Beijing Style  (Chinese Breakfast Burrito)
    Videos of street venders making this are on YouTube, search for Jian Bing Beijing. This recipe makes a Jian Bing that is about one third the size the street venders make so that you can make it using a large skillet or hot plate. The Beijing style of Jian Bing uses flat, square shaped You Tiao (Chinese Crullers) instead of the round, long shaped You Tiao favored in other Chinese cities, although these can also be found in Beijing. I was in Beijing in the summer of 1993 when I first tasted this dish.
    Jian Bing (Chinese Crepes)
    Quick and Easy! There are many variations of Jian Bing, a.k.a. Chinese Crepe; this is only one. I use scallions and cilantro in this recipe, but others use different ingredients, such as sunflower seeds. Instead of crackers one can also use Chinese fried dough (You Tiao). Enjoy!