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  1. The Byzantine Empire was the direct legal continuation of the eastern half of the Roman Empire following the division of the Roman Empire in 395. Emperors listed below up to Theodosius I in 395 were sole or joint rulers of the entire Roman Empire.

    Name [a]
    Constantine I "the Great" Κωνσταντῖνος ὁ ...
    25 July 306 – 22 May 337 (30 years, 9 ...
    Born at Naissus c. 272 as the son of the ...
    Constantius II Κωνστάντιος Fl. Iulius ...
    22 May 337 – 3 November 361 (24 years, 1 ...
    Born on 7 August 317, as the second ...
    Julian "the Apostate" Ἰουλιανὸς ὁ ...
    3 November 361 – 26 June 363 (1 year, 7 ...
    Born in May 332, grandson of Constantius ...
    Jovian Ἰοβιανός Claudius ...
    27 June 363 – 17 February 364 (7 months ...
    Born c. 332. Captain of the guards under ...
  2. People also ask

    • Constantinian Dynasty
    • Valentinian-Theodosian Dynasty
    • Leonid Dynasty
    • Justinian Dynasty
    • Heraclian Dynasty
    • Isaurian Dynasty
    • Nikephoros' Dynasty
    • Phrygian Dynasty
    • Macedonian Dynasty
    • Doukid Dynasty
    1. St. Constantine I (Constantinus Pius Felix Invictus Augustus Pontifex Maximus Pater Patriae Proconsul; 272 - 337; ruled 306 - 337) – son of Constantius Chlorus
    2. Constantius II (Flavius Iulius Constantius; 317 - 361; ruled 337 - 361) – son of Constantine I
    3. Julian (Flavius Claudius Iulianus; 331 - 363; ruled 361 - 363) –son-in-law of Constantine I, brother-in-law and first cousin of Constantius II, grandson of Constantius I
    5. Valentinian I (Flavius Valentinianus; 321 - 375; ruled 364) – soldier
    6. Valens (Flavius Iulius Valens; 328 - 378; ruled 364 - 378) – brother of Valentinian I
    7. Gratian (Flavius Gratianus; 359 - 383; ruled 378 - 379) – son of Valentinian I
    8. Theodosius I (Flavius Gratianus; 346 - 395; ruled 379 - 395) – soldier
    9. Arcadius (Flavius Arcadius; 377 - 408; ruled 395 - 408) – son of Theodosius I, brother of Honorius
    10. Theodosius II (Flavius Theodosius; 401 - 450; ruled 408 - 450) – son of Arcadius
    13. Leo Ithe Thracian (Valerius Leo) (401-474, ruled 457 - 474) – soldier
    14. Leo II(467 - 474, ruled 474) – grandson of Leo I, son of Zeno
    15. Zeno(425 - 491, ruled 474 - 475) – son-in-law of Leo I
    16. Basiliscus ( ? - c. 477, ruled 475 - 476) – usurper; brother-in-law of Leo I
    17. Anastasius I(430 - 518, ruled 491 - 518) – son-in-law of Leo I
    18. Justin I (Flavius Iustinius; 450 - 527; ruled 518 - 527)
    19. Justinian I the Great (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus; 482 - 565; ruled 527 - 565) – nephew and adoptive son of Justin I
    20. Justin II (Flavius Iustinius Iunior; 520 - 578; ruled 565 - 578) – nephew of Justinian I
    21. Tiberius II Constantine (Flavius Tiberius Constantinus; 540 - 582, ruled 574, 578 - 582) – adopted by Justin II
    22. Maurice (Flavius Mauricius Tiberius; 539 - 602, ruled 582 - 602) – son-in-law of Tiberius II
    24. Heraclius(575 - 641, ruled 610 - 641)
    25. Constantine III(Heraclius Constantine) (612 - 641, ruled 641) – son of Heraclius; coemperor with Heraklonas
    26. Heraklonas(Constantine Heraclius)(626 - 641?, ruled 641) – son of Herakleios
    27. Constans II (Herakleios, later Constantine, called the Bearded) (630 - 668, ruled 641 - 668) – son of Constantine III
    28. Mezezius(668 - 669)
    29. Constantine IV(649 - 685, ruled 668 - 685) – son of Constans II
    36. Leo III the Isaurian(675 - 741, ruled 717 - 741)
    37. Constantine VKopronymos (the Dung-named) (718 - 775, ruled 741) – son of Leo III
    38. Artabasdus the Icon-lover (ruled 741 - 743) – Leo III's son-in-law
    39. Leo IV the Khazar(750 - 780, ruled 775 - 780) – son of Constantine V
    40. Constantine VIthe Blinded (771 - 797 or 805, ruled 780 - 797) – son of Leo IV
    41. Irenethe Athenian (755 - 803, ruled 797 - 802) – wife of Leo IV, mother of Constantine VI
    42. Nikephoros I( ? - 811, ruled 802 - 811)
    43. Staurakios( ? - 812, ruled 811) – son of Nikephoros I
    44. Michael I Rangabe(ruled 811 - 813) – son-in-law of Nikephoros I
    46. Michael IIthe Stammerer or the Amorian (770 - 829, ruled 820 - 829) – son-in-law of Constantine VI
    47. Theophilos(813 - 842, ruled 829 - 842) – son of Michael II
    48. Theodora(ruled 842 - 855) – wife of Theophilus
    49. Michael IIIthe Drunkard (840 - 867, ruled 842 - 867) – son of Theophilos
    50. Basil Ithe Macedonian (811 - 886, ruled 867 - 886) - married Michael III's widow
    51. Leo VI the Wise(866 - 912, ruled 886 - 912)
    52. Alexander(870 - 913, ruled 912 - 913) – son of Basil I
    53. Constantine VIIthe Purple-born (905-959, ruled 913 - 959) – son of Leo VI
    54. Romanos ILekapenos (870 - 948, ruled 919 - 944) – father-in-law of Constantine VII
    55. Romanos IIthe Purple-born (939 - 963, ruled 959 - 963) – son of Constantine VII
    68. Constantine XDoukas (1006 - 1067, ruled 1059 - 1067)
    69. Michael VIIDoukas Quarter-short (1050 - 1090, ruled 1067 - 1078) – son of Constantine X
    70. Romanos IVDiogenes (1032 - 1072, ruled 1068 - 1071) – married Constantine X's widow
    71. Nikephoros IIIBotaneiates (1001 - 1081, ruled 1078 - 1081)
  3. Nov 6, 2012 · This is a list of the Emperors of the late Eastern Roman Empire, called Byzantine by modern historians. This list does not include numerous coemperors who never attained sole or senior status as rulers.

  4. “A chronological list of the rulers of Byzantium—Emperors Constantine, Justinian, and others—that encompasses the first golden age of the empire, the Early Byzantine period, as well as Middle and Late Byzantium, and the Latin Occupation.”

  5. A list of Byzantine Emperors at

    379 - 395
    Theodosius I (the Great)
    Theodosian Dynasty
    395 - 408
    Theodosian Dynasty
    408 - 450
    Theodosius II
    Theodosian Dynasty
    450 - 457
    Theodosian Dynasty
  6. Feb 19, 2023 · Here is a complete list of the Byzantine emperors, from the founding of the Byzantine Empire in 324 AD until the fall of Constantinople in 1453: Constantine I the Great (324-337) Constantine II (337-340)

  7. This is a list of the Emperors of the late Eastern Roman Empire, called Byzantine by modern historians. This list does not include many of the emperors that ruled with someone else. The title of all Emperors before Heraclius was Augustus, but other titles such as Dominus were also used.

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