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  1. Meal Prep Near Me - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Meatless Taco Salad
    Simplicity. Sometimes it can be seriously overlooked. This refreshingly light salad is one of our favorite meals on a hot summer day. Ingredients are usually on hand... no trips to the store for unusual ingredients, a big plus for us since we are 30 miles from the nearest grocery store. We like this as a dinner salad or a side salad for a Mexican meal. Don't underestimate the dressing. It is a key to the overall success of this family favorite. 6 servings for a side salad or 2 very large servings as a dinner. As an interesting option, try roasting the garbanzos before adding to the salad. NOTE: The time estimate is for one person preparation. If I attempt to assist, my wife tells me prep takes much longer.