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  1. Sep 21, 2010 · A Mural in Central Sacramento of Israeli Basketball Player Omri Casspi Has Been Defaced Three Times in the Past Six Months.

  2. Police say after a swastika was found painted on the mural of Casspi on Sept. 8, the mural was found defaced again Thursday morning. Casspi, who is Jewish, is the only NBA player born in...

  3. A mural of famous Israeli basketball player Omri Casspi was defaced Thursday with a swastika for the second time in a little more than a week.

  4. Sep 13, 2010 · Apparently, on Erev Rosh Hashanah, someone defaced a large mural of Omri Casspi in downtown Sacramento with a swastika on his forehead. If we wrote about every time a swastika was graffiti-ed onto a synagogue or a Jewish tombstone in this country, we’d be a very different blog (and a much more depressing one).

    • Jeremy Moses
  5. Sep 9, 2010 · Police say they received a report of the backward swastika painted on a mural of Omri Casspi, the only NBA player born in Israel, in the midtown area about noon Wednesday. The incident comes just hours before the start of Rosh Hashanah, the observance of the Jewish new year.

  6. Sep 10, 2010 · Israeli basketball star Omri Casspi says he feels hurt that someone would paint a swastika on a mural featuring his likeness. Casspi told the Sacramento Bee on Thursday that it’s hurtful to think there are still people who do such a thing in 2010.

  7. Sep 9, 2010 · A swastika that had been painted on a mural of his face in midtown Sacramento was discovered on Wednesday, the act being deemed a hate crime by local authorities who are investigating the matter and looking for the moronic culprit. Read more on FanHouse. sports NBA. Suggest a correction. Popular in the Community. You May Like.

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