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  1. Mar 18, 2024 · Summary. Little is still known about Supreme Leader Snoke, despite being a major villain in Star Wars, but there's still quite a bit about his origins and backstory. Palpatine made Snoke his puppet, not apprentice, to expand the First Order; Snoke knew the dark side but denied Sith ties. Snoke acted as the mental core of the First Order, valued ...

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    "You think you can turn him? Pathetic child, I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see his every intent! Yes, I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child, he ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"

    ―Snoke's final words, to Rey and Kylo Ren

    Snoke was a Force-sensitive humanoid genetic strandcast male who ruled the First Order as Supreme Leader during the New Republic Era. Possibly unaware of his true nature, Snoke was an artificial genetic construct created on the planet Exegol by the Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious and his Sith Eternal cult during the reign of the Galactic Empire. After Sidious' resurrection, Snoke's body held no use in the Sith Lord's goal for restoration, so was instead utilized by Sidious for his natural Force-sensitivity as a proxy he could manipulate for his Contingency. Though Snoke possessed an independent mind, he was obliviously influenced by his creator from afar.

    With his powerful abilities and immense foresight, Snoke eventually gained control of the First Order, a hermit state in the Unknown Regions formed from a remnant of the Galactic Empire. Despite holding absolute power as Supreme Leader, Snoke allowed General Armitage Hux to lead the First Order military in his name, preferring to concentrate on spiritual matters of the Force. With the turning of Padawan Ben Solo—grandson of the Chosen One Anakin Skywalker—to the dark side, Snoke gained the heir to the powerful Skywalker bloodline as his student. Solo adopted the persona of Kylo Ren after renouncing the Jedi Order.

    During the last days of the Cold War, Snoke directed his apprentice to hunt and destroy Luke Skywalker, Ren's uncle and former Jedi Master, determined to complete the Great Jedi Purge with Skywalker's death as the last Jedi. Additionally, Snoke authorized a preemptive strike with Starkiller Base against the New Republic that destroyed the Galactic Senate and launched the First Order-Resistance War in 34 ABY. While pursuing his objectives to destroy both the Resistance and Skywalker, however, Snoke was assassinated by Ren, who sought to rule the galaxy as the new Supreme Leader.

    By dying at the hands of his apprentice, Snoke's purpose for existence was fulfilled; Kylo Ren murdering Snoke and seizing power over the First Order as Supreme Leader was an act of ascension worthy of the Rule of Two, completing the final test laid out for him by the Sith Eternal. They had designed Snoke to mold and groom his student into a master of attack and cunning, testing his worthiness as an heir worthy of the Sith. In addition, such an event allowed Sidious to sidestep the Rule of Two, in which a dark apprentice slayed their master to obtain ultimate power and ascension within the dark side of the Force.


    "Pain. 'The Scalpel of Creation.' I used it to make all these things. I can use it to make anything." ―Darth Sidious, to Darth Vader Snoke's creator was the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, publicly known as Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Sidious and his cult of Sith loyalists, the Sith Eternal, experimented with cloning on the planet Exegol for several years prior to his demise at the Battle of Endor. Secure in power as Emperor, Sidious withdrew from the public eye and began to probe the secrets of the dark side. In his quest for immortality, the Sith Lord and his followers experimented with cloning technology to extend his lifespan and sustain it indefinitely. While he sought immortality through science with his followers, Exegol became the home to the most promising of Sidious' experimentations. The Emperor believing that he could create anything, utilizing pain as "The Scalpel of Creation." Darth Sidious had long sensed that Vader could turn back to the light side of the Force and betray him. As a result, prior to his death, Sidious took precautions and had a clone of his original body created with modified Kaminoan cloning technology in his Sith Citadel on Exegol.

    Fall of the Empire

    "The gullible prattle on about the triumph of truth and justice, of individualism and free will. As if such things were solid and real instead of simple subjective judgments. The historians have it all wrong. It was neither poor strategy nor arrogance that brought down the Empire. You know too well what did." "Sentiment." "Yes. Such a simple thing. Such a foolish error of judgment. A momentary lapse in an otherwise exemplary life. Had Lord Vader not succumbed to emotion at the crucial moment – had the father killed the son – the Empire would have prevailed." ―Snoke and Kylo Ren From the shadows, Snoke eventually witnessed the fall of the Galactic Empire and the pivotal saga of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. In these events, Anakin Skywalker was redeemed by his son and betrayed Snoke's creator, Sidious, which led to his demise, and ultimately led to the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Chosen One, for the foretold destruction of the Sith Order was complete and balance was restored to the Force. By extension, with the deaths of the Emperor and his right hand man, this had set in motion the downfall of the Galactic Empire, and the faction's ultimate collapse a year later at the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY. As observed by Snoke, it was not the pursuit of truth, justice, or free will that had destroyed the Galactic Empire, but the "sentiment" of Darth Vader, in his failure to kill his son. The events of Vader betraying his master also impacted how the Emperor handled Snoke; Vader's betrayal was a learning moment for Palpatine, who used Snoke as a puppet instead of an apprentice.

    Strings pulled

    "Through my manipulation of Snoke, I began gathering forces, building an army capable of opposing the New Republic that had arisen in my absence. Through Snoke, I would make certain that the First Order would be mine to control." ―Darth Sidious However, when Sidious died above Endor, he transferred his spirit into his new clone body. But the transfer was imperfect, and the flesh of the cloned vessel designed to house Sidious' essence, despite years of research, was inadequate, and began to fail sometime later. The body was now rotting and racked with rapid degeneration in consequence to Sidious' immense power within the dark side of the Force, and the Sith Lord was left on borrowed time to find a new vessel or he would face death permanently. Because of his body having already being rejected as a potential vessel for his spirit, Darth Sidious would have Snoke become his stand-in for power, while he recovered and researched a solution for his rejuvenation and the Sith Eternal conducted further experimentation to produce a new strandcast body for his spirit. Unable to leave Exegol, Sidious began secretly guiding Snoke's actions and goals from afar to his creation's obliviousness, imposing him with a singular focus, to spread his influence across the galaxy. Snoke remained unaware of his status as a puppet in Sidious's larger game for his entire life, with it even being possible the Emperor had arranged for his pawn's vanity and self-assuredness to ensure Snoke never arose to be a threat to his designs. As such, the dark-side adept would serve as a puppet and oblivious pawn of the former Emperor as part of his plan to regain power, take revenge on the Skywalker family and halt the restoration of the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic. By using Snoke as his proxy, Sidious gathered forces that would eventually form the armies of the First Order, which would oppose the New Republic under his control, albeit indirectly.

    "And now, you will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke."

    ―Snoke, to Rey

    Snoke only possessed a limited will of his own; as a genetic creation of Emperor Palpatine, the humanoid was secretly manipulated by the Sith Lord from afar, oblivious to the fact he was having actions and goals orchestrated for him. With a singular focus imposed upon him by his creator, Snoke was oblivious to his own origins and true nature as a genetic being, and had memories that predated his creation, believing he lived through the rise of the Galactic Empire, despite only actually being created by the Sith Eternal in time to witness the faction's destruction. Snoke's belief in himself being the most powerful and wisest Force user in the galaxy may have been implanted into the Supreme Leader by Palpatine as a way to make sure his servant was never able to betray his master. Snoke was unable to even fathom the idea that there could be a Force user greater than himself.

    In spiritual matters, Snoke adhered to the dark side and viewed the light as the weak and pathetic side of the Force. Additionally, while Snoke denied any connection to the Sith lineage, he still followed ancient Sith traditions when he chose Kylo Ren as his student. Snoke respected Darth Vader, considering him a legendary figure who lived a "truly exemplary life," and that the Sith Lord's bloodline had potential for power within the Force like no other. This was another factor that influenced his decision to claim Kylo Ren, Vader's grandson, as a student. However, he credited Vader's "sentiment," the inability to overcome the light within himself and kill his son, Luke Skywalker, as the error and true reason the Galactic Empire had fallen, rather than the Rebel Alliance's pursuit for justice, free will, and independence. To this end, he also believed this as the reason behind the man having been destroyed.

    Snoke was fascinated with Ren, not only for his apprentice's inherent potential for limitless power but also because he regarded him as the embodiment of the dark side and the light, and encouraged Ren to use the teachings of both. It was Ren's raw, untamed strength in the Force that led Snoke to believe his student could achieve a level of power comparable to that of Ren's late grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader. As such, Snoke believed that he had never had a student that showed more promise before Ren.

    He was a secretive, enigmatic figure who coveted arcane lore. Rather than establish a permanent base of operations, he preferred governing the First Order in a mobile command post from where he could contact his subordinates, though his exact location was unknown. He was known for his unwillingness to meet in person with his underlings and often communicated solely through his holographic project transmitted from his throne aboard the Supremacy, only interacting personally with specific targets. He was both wise and cunning, having risen to power by undermining the First Order's leading officials through guile. A master at manipulation, he lured Kylo Ren to the dark side of the Force by using the young Jedi's desperate need for a teacher to his advantage. Although he regarded Armitage Hux as a "rabid cur," Snoke recognized the general's usefulness and believed that even a person's weakness could serve a purpose if properly manipulated. Despite holding a low opinion of Hux's character, the Supreme Leader shared his underling's belief in the necessity of a powerful military force. In addition to overseeing a militarization program that violated treaties signed with the New Republic, Snoke often sanctioned Hux's military strategies and showed approval for his technological innovations.

    Force powers

    "There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?"

    ―Snoke, to Kylo Ren — Listen (file info)

    Although Snoke was not trained as a Sith, he was naturally Force-sensitive and highly attuned to the dark side, with Force powers equally as impressive and terrifying. While his abilities were not explicitly Sith in origin, like those of his creator, Sidious, Snoke possessed the knowledge and power to rule the First Order. Despite this, Snoke still learned about the lost truths of the Force waiting within the Unknown Regions and made them serve his will. While his physical strength atrophied along with his wounded body, Snoke remained tremendously strong in the Force until his death.

    His teachings blended traditions of both the light and the dark side; his mastery of the Force was so great that Snoke was capable of exerting his power with the barest minimum of gestures to devastating effect even from great distances. His abilities included Force sense, telepathy, Force choke, and telekinesis, all of which he possessed mastery over.

    Like his apprentice, Snoke possessed the power of mind probe, and his skills were far greater, being the one who taught the latter such an ability, easily successfully employing it on both Rey and Ren prior to his demise. Snoke's mastery of the Force and mind reading even made him telepathically cognizant of Ren's thoughts, emotions, and motives.

    Creation and development

    "He's aware of what's gone on, in the respect that he has been around and is aware of prior events. I think it'd be fair to say that he is aware of the past to a great degree." ―Andy Serkis on Snoke Snoke was portrayed by Andy Serkis via motion capture in the films Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the first two installments of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, released in 2015 and 2017 respectively. His name was officially unveiled on May 28, 2015, and his voice was first heard in the initial teaser trailer for The Force Awakens. According to Serkis, Snoke's mannerisms, in particular his gold bathrobe in The Last Jedi, was derived in part from attire worn by Hugh Hefner, the late founder of the Playboy adult magazine. From the beginning of the production, the character who would ultimately fill the role as main antagonist of the film was nicknamed "Uber," though no specific ideas were clearly defined by that point. Snoke's appearance underwent many changes throughout the development of The Force Awakens, with the character's final appearance not being decided on until October 2015, two months before the film's release. J.J. Abrams and Neal Scanlan didn't want the character to look old and decrepit like Darth Sidious, and even considered making him female. Ivan Manzella sculpted at least two busts to try to hone the look of the character. Snoke's final appearance was based in part of the horror movies of Hammer Films, the concept being that Snoke was handsome in his younger days but was consumed and twisted by the dark side as he became more powerful. Manzella's concepts for Snoke were specifically inspired by the Hammer Films star Peter Cushing, who portrayed Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. He also designed Snoke as having a breathing tube coming out of his nose that kept him alive. Snoke's physical appearance in The Last Jedi was first shown in a leaked image of an upcoming LEGO set, and was later officially revealed with the teaser image of the Star Wars Force Link BB-8 2-in-1 Mega Playset that was unveiled at Force Friday 2017. Andy Serkis wore artificial facial hair for this film. In November 2015, Serkis stated in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that while Snoke was a newly created character, he was "aware of the past to a great degree." In another interview with Entertainment Weekly in November 2017, Andy Serkis said that Snoke's injuries were inspired by injuries sustained by soldiers in the trenches of World War I. In addition, in an interview with Empire magazine, Serkis claimed that the disfigurements Snoke possessed were caused in part by osteoporosis that was severe enough that he appeared "as twisted as a corkscrew," and that this was part of what made Snoke in his opinion "darker than Palpatine." director Rian Johnson said he killed off Snoke to give Kylo Ren a compelling set-up for the 2019 sequel Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. When asked if he had planned to elaborate on Snoke's backstory in Episode VIII, Johnson replied, "It would have stopped any of these scenes dead cold if he had stopped and given a 30-second speech about how he's Darth Plagueis. It doesn't matter to Rey. If he had done that, Rey would have blinked and said, 'Who?' And the scene would have gone on. [pause] And I'm not saying he's Darth Plagueis!"

    Identity theories

    Upon the release of The Force Awakens, multiple fan theories about Snoke's identity emerged online. The most famous was, however, was that he was Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious' Sith Master, who was mentioned anecdotally in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Plagueis allegedly possessed the power to prevent death. Another popular fan theory was that Snoke was Star Wars Rebels protagonist Ezra Bridger. Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo dismissed the Darth Plagueis theory in May 2016. sculptor Ivan Manzella noted that amusing theories about Snoke being Grand Moff Tarkin inspired him to design Snoke after Peter Cushing. Upon returning to the franchise in 2022 as Kino Loy in the Disney+ television series Andor, Serkis acknowledged that by returning as a new Star Wars character after playing Snoke, fans would logically start theorizing again with Snoke's identity, now musing on whether Loy is Snoke or not.

    Non-canon appearances

    •Disney Infinity 3.0 (Indirect mention only) •LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Scouting for Leia/A Mission with Maz" (Mentioned only) •LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Appears in hologram) •LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Rolling with BB-8/Resistance on the Run" (Corpse) •The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (In flashback(s)) ••Maggie Simpson in "The Force Awakens From Its Nap" (Appears in hologram)

    •Supreme Leader Snoke on Wikipedia

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    • 3 min
  2. Even though Supreme Leader Snoke died in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, fans may still eventually learn the character's full backstory in the future.When Kylo Ren's dark master was introduced in The Force Awakens, many presumed he would be the sequel trilogy's big bad, but that was hardly the case.

  3. The Force Awakens (2015). Supreme Leader Snoke is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. He was created by J. J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, and Michael Arndt for the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens, in which he is introduced as the Supreme Leader of the First Order, a military junta formed from the fallen Galactic Empire.

  4. Mar 7, 2018 · Updated March 7, 2018. Supreme Leader Snoke might’ve been killed by Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but the towering space wizard still has a rich, untold backstory. The actor who plays ...

    • Corey Plante
  5. Oct 20, 2021 · Thanks to Jacob’s Quest (@JacobsQuest) on Twitter, who has shared excerpts of the new book Star Wars: Secrets of the Sith (2021), we now know the full origin story of Supreme Leader Snoke. Yo. # ...

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