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  1. City of Lies. City of Lies; Box Set (L-1) was an adventure book for the Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying game released in 1998.

  2. Ryokō Owari Toshi, also known as the City of Lies, [1] the City of Green Walls, for the color of the quarried limestone used to build the city's defenses, the City of Stories, for the cosmopolitan population, [2] and Journey's End City, was a city of the Scorpion Clan in the Ryokō Province, [3...

  3. Ryoko Owari Toshi (S3), or Journey's End City was possibly the second largest city in Rokugan after the capital. [1] It was located in the Ryoko province. [2] The city was alternately called City of Lies [1], City of Stories, [3] City of Green Walls, [4] City That Dung Built, [5] or the popular...

  4. What is City of Lies? It's a boxed set that details the city of Ryoko Owari Toshi, a major hub city in Scorpion Clan lands. There are 3 main books: a player's guide, a GM guide, and a location book.

  5. Mar 1, 2006 · City of Lies Box Set - Ryoko Owari, called the City of Stories by those that live there & the City of Lies by those who know it’s true nature. City of Lies is a complete campaign boxed set which allows GM’s to run city adventures in the world of Rokugan.

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  6. May 11, 2015 · L5R: City of Lies Game Master deusvult. Legend of the Five Rings campaign set in Ryoko Owari Toshi: The City of Lies.

  7. I’m considering running City of Lies and have a couple of questions for vets: is it recommended that the PCs all be from the same Clan? which book should I start reading?

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