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  1. The Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) program was a program administered by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

  2. Sep 10, 2004 · Comprehensive school reform, or CSR, is among the waves of improvement efforts that radiated from the 1983 report A Nation at Risk, a landmark indictment of U.S. public schools. CSR focuses on...

  3. Comprehensive school reform occupies a middle position in the spectrum of reforms proposed for schools, between teacher-by-teacher change strategies and systemic district, state, and national strategies.

  4. Comprehensive school reform, or CSR, a currently a popular approach to school improvement, is intended to foster schoolwide change that affects all aspects of schooling (e.g., curriculum, instruction, organization, professional development, and parent involvement).

  5. Jul 29, 2015 · Despite this, the SPD managed to push through an important comprehensive school reform in 1920, which instituted the four-year comprehensive primary school. Implementation of this reform was hampered by conservatives’ resistance, but was finally achieved (Wiborg, 2009: 157).

  6. Based on RAND analysis of the New American Schools initiative, this paper discusses aspects of comprehensive school reform-specifically, allocation of such resources as teacher time, personnel, design services, and material and conferences.

  7. the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) Program aims to raise student achievement by helping public schools across the United States successfully implement comprehensive school reform strategies.

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