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  1. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was an unsuccessful attempted regicide against King James I by a group of English Catholics led by Robert Catesby who considered their actions attempted tyrannicide and who sought regime change in England after decades of religious ...

  2. May 20, 2024 · The Gunpowder Plot was the conspiracy of a group of English Roman Catholics to blow up Parliament and King James I, his queen, and his eldest son on November 5, 1605. Why did the Gunpowder Plot take place?

  3. Nov 9, 2009 · The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt by Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby and others to blow up England’s King James I and the British Parliament on November 5, 1605.

  4. In 1605 a group of Catholics plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London with King James I inside and take control of the country. The leader of the Plot was Robert Catesby. The man in...

  5. Gunpowder Plot, (1605)Conspiracy by English Roman Catholic zealots to blow up Parliament and kill James I. Angered by James’s refusal to grant more religious toleration to Catholics, a group of conspirators led by Robert Catesby (1573–1605) recruited Guy Fawkes to their plot.

  6. May 20, 2024 · Listen to the first installment of a series recounting the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy of English Roman Catholics led by Robert Catesby to blow up Parliament and King James I, his queen, and his oldest son on November 5, 1605.

  7. Apr 29, 2021 · The Gunpowder Plot was a plan by pro-Catholic conspirators to blow up the English Parliament in 1605 and kill King James I of England. Guy Fawkes was caught guarding the gunpowder under Parliament and so the plot failed.

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