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  1. This is a timeline of Italian history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Italy and its predecessor states, including Ancient Rome and Prehistoric Italy. Date of the prehistoric era are approximate.

  2. Timeline. Beginning of the Etruscan civilization in Italy . The legendary founding date of Rome . The (semi-mythological) seven kings of Rome: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tulus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus .

  3. Dec 9, 2022 · 1871 - Unification is completed by the capture of Rome and its designation as the capital of the modern state of Italy. 1915 - Italy enters World War One on side of Allies.

  4. Italy was the birthplace and centre of the ancient Roman civilisation. Rome was founded as a kingdom in 753 BC and became a republic in 509 BC. The Roman Republic then unified Italy forming a confederation of the Italic peoples and rose to dominate Western Europe, Northern Africa, and the Near East.

  5. Nov 27, 2018 · Emergence of the Great Cities 1213th Centuries. As Imperial dominance of north Italy declined and rights and powers trickled down to the cities, a number of great city-states emerged, some with powerful fleets, their fortunes made in trade or manufacturing, and only nominal imperial control.

  6. History of Italy. The history of Italy covers the ancient period, the Middle Ages, and the modern era. Since classical antiquity, ancient Etruscans, various Italic peoples (such as the Latins, Samnites, and Umbri), Celts, Magna Graecia colonists, and other ancient peoples have inhabited the Italian Peninsula.

  7. Kids learn about the history and timeline of the country of Italy including the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Renaissance, Catholicism, World War II, and current events.

  8. Mar 31, 2024 · Discover 10 defining moments in the Italian history timeline, from the birth of the Roman Empire to modern times. We'll explore events like the fall of Rome, medieval powers, unification, and more.

  9. While the Germanic king Odoacer ruled Italy after 476, the peninsula was not conquered by a Germanic tribe until the Ostrogothic invasion in 489–493. Although the peninsula had faced invasions, such as those of Alaric the Visigoth in 401–410, Italian politics continued during the 5th century to be those of the Roman Empire.

  10. Apr 28, 2011 · Ancient Rome was at first a small agricultural community founded circa the 8th century BCE that grew over the course of the centuries into a colossal empire encompassing the whole Mediterranean Sea, in which Ancient Greek and Roman cultures merged into one civilization.

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