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  1. Thomas Hooker (July 5, 1586 – July 7, 1647) was a prominent English colonial leader and Congregational minister, who founded the Connecticut Colony after dissenting with Puritan leaders in Massachusetts.

  2. Thomas Hooker was a prominent British American colonial clergyman known as “the father of Connecticut.” Seeking independence from other Puritan sects in Massachusetts, Thomas Hooker and his followers established one of the first major colonies in Hartford, Connecticut.

  3. Sep 19, 2023 · Thomas Hooker was an English Puritan minister and colonist who played a key role in the early history of the English colonies in North America. Hooker was a leading figure in the Great Puritan Migration and was one of the founders of the Connecticut Colony.

  4. A powerful and popular preacher, Thomas Hooker led a group of Puritans out of Massachusetts in 1636 to settle new lands that eventually became the city of Hartford.

  5. Mar 30, 2018 · Thomas Hooker (July 5, 1586 – July 7, 1647) founded the Connecticut Colony after a disagreement with the church leadership in Massachusetts. He was key in the development of the new colony including inspiring the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

  6. Sep 20, 2021 · A powerful and popular preacher, Thomas Hooker led a group of Puritans out of Massachusetts in 1636 to settle new lands that eventually became the city of Hartford.

  7. After Puritan pastor Rev. Thomas Hooker and others founded the colony of Connecticut, Hooker delivered an influential sermon before the Connecticut General Court in 1638 in support of popular sovereignty (people’s rule). It was the first time in the colonies that an American explicitly asserted democratic ideas.

  8. May 31, 2020 · Thomas Hooker believed that in the Bible God granted the people the right to select those who would govern them and the power to establish limitations on those individuals. Page from Henry Wolcott Jr.’s shorthand notebook of sermons delivered in Hartford, Windsor, and New Haven between 1638 and 1641 – Connecticut Historical Society,

  9. May 29, 2018 · HOOKER, THOMAS (1586 – 1647), was an English and American Puritan minister. Born in Leicestershire, Hooker took his B.A. and M.A. at Cambridge, where he was variously Dixie fellow, catechist, and lecturer in Emmanuel College.

  10. hooker, thomas (15861647) To escape persecution for his Puritan beliefs, Thomas Hooker fled England in 1633 and settled in Newton, Massachusetts, as its Congregational minister. In 1636 he led most of his congregation to a new settlement at Hartford, thus becoming a founder of Connecticut.

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