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  1. Pisces · February 19 - March 20

    • Today's horoscope for Pisces

      Are you feeling overly busy? It may be time to work longer hours or call for reinforcements, but it's a terrible time to slink away from responsibilities. You can get it all done!

    • This week's horoscope for Pisces

      This week, you gain something of value.  The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Pisces, a financial opportunity is close at hand. It requires some energy, courage, and focus, all of which you have now. Today, you have a chance to move forward on something that could bring you a...

    • This month's horoscope for Pisces

      A New Era  This is a very important month for you, Pisces, with so much happening on the axis of your chart that rules both you and your relationships. The sun spends most of its time in your 7th house of partnerships, highlighting the need to address how you're showing up in your personal relationships.  On September 1, Uranus goes retro...
