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  1. Jun 5, 2012 · This introduction explains the principles of the edition and the translation, particularly the constitution of the German text. In addition, the book contains a full bilingual index (which can also serve as an English–German glossary), a brief critical apparatus and editorial notes that explain matters of linguistic detail.

  2. Jun 9, 2013 · What was considerably more interesting, at least for me, were the three earliest translations, which differ quite markedly. Here, once again, are the first three translations of Kant’s opening sentence on my list: Enlightening is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage.

  3. With one qualification: Berkeley, of course, does believe that God is “transcendentally external” (in Kant’s sense) but would deny, arguably, that God is an object for us, for we do not have an idea of God.

  4. Kant in Translation. This bibliography of Kant’s writings in translation – in perpetual development – aims to include the first edition (and significantly revised editions) of each translation of Kant’s published writings, as well as of his Nachlaß, correspondence, and the student lecture notes. These are listed chronologically by date ...

    • 1 Kant’s Tone as “Mode of Expression”
    • 2 Circumlocution and The Language of Poetry
    • 3 Discursive Reasoning in Reflective-Teleological Judgments

    The aboutness of linguistic expressions is of course only one side of the discursive use of natural language. The other side is “the mode of expression of which individuals avail themselves in speech.” (CJ §51) Contrary to the pragmatic separation of this second aspect from the semantics of language in analytical language philosophy, Kant in the en...

    In the Critique of Judgment, Kant also lists a number of examples of “indirect presentations (Darstellungen) modelled upon an analogy enabling the expression in question to contain, not the deeper schema for the concept, but merely a symbol for reflection.” For example, “the words ground (support, basis), to depend (to be held up from above), to fl...

    In the strongest possible contrast with the first Critique, in Kant’s theorization of reflective-teleological reasoning in the Critique of Judgment, the appeal to truth is dropped. The chiastic structure of the gradual weakening of the subject-predicate relation in judgments in favour of the rising input by the community in moral reasoning and via ...

  5. May 27, 2020 · The most authoritative English translation of Kant’s works is: Guyer, Paul and Allen W. Wood (eds.), 1992–, The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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  7. This new philosophy came to be known as ‘critical’ or ‘transcendental’ philosophy. Of particular importance were the so called three Critiques: The Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787), Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and the Critique of Judgment (1790).

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