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    • January 25, 2016

      • Lucifer is an American fantasy police procedural comedy-drama television series developed by Tom Kapinos that premiered on Fox on January 25, 2016. › wiki › List_of_Lucifer_episodes
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  3. Lucifer is an American fantasy police procedural comedy-drama television series developed by Tom Kapinos that premiered on Fox on January 25, 2016.

    No. Overall
    No. In Season
    Directed By
    "Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil."
    "The Would-Be Prince of Darkness"
    Louis Milito
    "Manly Whatnots"
  4. Sep 20, 2021 · All six seasons of Lucifer are streaming on Netflix. With Lucifer coming to an end, we spoke with Tom Ellis, who answered our burning questions regarding the final season, including whether or not he’d ever return.

    • Overview
    • Ancient Times
    • 20th Century
    • 2000s
    • 2010-2015
    • 2014
    • 2016
    • 2017
    • 2018
    • 2019

    This page contains the timeline which displays all events that happen on Lucifer in chronological order.

    •Delilah started working at Lux. Lucifer would occasionally accompany her while she sang and later did a favor for her. Pilot

    •Linda and Reese separated. Off the Record

    •Delilah almost married her producer Jimmy Barnes, but left him at the altar.

    •Jimmy later trapped Delilah in the bathroom at the Grammy's, saying he wanted to get back together.


    January 25 •Lucifer is pulled over by a police officer and later bribes him. The officer takes the bribe after Lucifer makes him confess to his deepest desire. •Amenadiel comes to Lux and asks Lucifer to return to the underworld and resume his role as the ruler of Hell. •Delilah is killed in a drive-by shooting just outside of Lucifer's club, Lux. Lucifer questions the killer. •Chloe meets Lucifer for the first time. January 26 •Lacking faith in the LAPD, Lucifer takes matters into his own hands and follows up on some leads of his own, which inevitably causes him to cross paths with detective Chloe Decker, who had previously interviewed Lucifer about the shooting. Lucifer convinces her to allow him to accompany her on the investigation through the use of his powers, though she remains oblivious to his true identity. •Lucifer meets 7 year old Trixie at her school, whilst following a hot teacher and ends up waiting by the principal's office. •Lucifer and Chloe meet Linda, Delilah's therapist. •The culprit, Delilah's manager, Jimmy, intended to create a spike in music sales with the untimely demise of the singer. •In a fit of rage, Jimmy shoots both Chloe and Lucifer, the bullets have no effect on Lucifer and Lucifer makes sure to give Jimmy his punishment before rushing Chloe to the hospital. Pilot January 27 •Chloe wakes up in hospital •While Chloe recovers, Lucifer decides that it would be fun to punish criminals in L.A. •Maze is unimpressed by Lucifer's newest fascination with humanity, and Chloe's resistance to his charm. Pilot January 29 •While walking down the street, Lucifer comes across a con man dressed as a priest, and replies back when the con man mentions the Devil. •Soon, the con man gets tired of Lucifer and asks him to leave. •When Lucifer suggests that the problem is that he is not a believer, he says that he will make him a believer and changes into his demonic form. The con man runs away in fear. •Lucifer attends his first therapy session with Linda Martin, where he tells her that he is the devil but she takes it as a metaphor. Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.


    February 1 •Later, Chloe is at Lux, observing Lucifer. She approaches him after Maze gives her a drink, informing her that Lucifer knows she is there. Chloe tries to discover what Lucifer's "secret" is, wondering how he could have survived being shot by Jimmy Barnes. A phone call interrupts their conversation and Chloe answers it. She is obviously affected by the call, making Lucifer intrigued. •Chloe meets Dan at a crime scene; the son of a celebrity has been run off the road by a paparazzo whom Chloe is familiar with. •Lucifer shows up at the crime scene and, ignoring Chloe initial protests, questions the paparazzo, Nick Hofmeister. However, Dan interrupts them before they can get any clear answers. Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. February 2 •Lucifer visits Chloe at home and asks her about her history with Nick, but she kicks him out. •Lucifer visits Nick in his holding cell and learns that Nick had crashed Chloe's father's funeral in order to get a shot of Chloe grieving. Disappointing with the lack of "sexy salacious details", he returns to Lux. •After finding out about Lucifer's visit with Nick, Chloe goes to Lux and reprimands him on his behavior. •Lucifer tells her that he learned that Chloe is protecting someone and Chloe realizes that it is probably the same person who has been posting photos online from Nick's company. She realizes that the latest photo was from a party that is still happening and she and Lucifer leave to investigate. •There are numerous paparazzi at the party but Lucifer soon recognizes one who was taking pictures of the crime scene the day before. •Lucifer and Chloe try to approach the suspect but he draws attention to Chloe's fame, causing all the other paparazzi to surround them. In all the commotion, the suspect escapes. Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. February 3 •Dan runs the number plate of the suspect's car and gives Chloe his details location. •Chloe and Lucifer find the suspect, whose name is Josh Bryant, and Lucifer asks him what he desires. Josh replies that he want to "always be first". •Chloe and Lucifer return to Lux, where they look through Josh's past photographs, which include gruesome depiction of celebrity deaths. Chloe speculates that Josh may have caused these deaths to be able to reap the rewards of having the first photos of them. •Lucifer wants to punish Josh but Chloe insists that they need more than just circumstantial evidence and leaves. Annoyed, Lucifer decides to deliver some punishment with Maze instead. •Chloe visits Nick and tells him that she knows about Josh. Nick admits that it was Josh who had been chasing the victim and that he had called him after the "accident", asking for help. •Chloe leaves to take a call and when she returns, Nick is gone. She learns from the desk sergeant that it was Lucifer who took him. •Lucifer takes Nick to a deserted street, where they meet Maze who has kidnapped Josh. He then reveals the betrayal of each man and Maze gives them each a gun to see who will shoot who first. •Josh tries to shoot Nick, but his gun is empty. Shocked and hurt, Nick picks up his own gun and points it at Josh. •Chloe arrives and tries to convince Nick not to shoot, reminding him that he tried to change and that it is a good thing. •Realizing that this punishment was a mistake, Lucifer prays to Amenadiel, who slows time just as Nick fires his gun. Lucifer plucks the bullet out of the air, saving Nick from becoming a murderer. When Amenadiel leaves and time resumes its normal speed, Chloe is shocked to find that Josh has not been shot and Lucifer has moved. •Chloe visits Jimmy Barnes, who is in a mental hospital. She tries to ask him about Lucifer, but Barnes becomes frightened and starts banging his head against the wall, drawing blood. The orderlies arrive and restrain him but he continues to struggle, screaming, "He's the Devil!" Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. February 8 •A distraught woman steps over a ledge before Lucifer appears behind her and eggs her on, saying that it would be a warm welcome. When asking whether or not it would hurt, he says that there is only one way to find out. She jumps and it is revealed that they are at a party and the girl has leapt from the height into a pool. •Wine glass in hand, Lucifer strolls through the crowd and expresses surprise when a dour-looking man refuses to join in the merrymaking despite at a charming young woman's request. She leaves and Lucifer introduced himself to the man, Ty, who recognizes him as the favor-granting nightclub owner but declines his help. •Lucifer reveals that he is fascinated with Ty's virginity despite the latter's status as a star quarterback. Ty replies by saying that his agent wanted him to throw the party and "loosen up". Lucifer is tempted him to reveal his deep desires. Ty finally admits his wish to have sex which he wants to hold off until marriage and that his girlfriend broke up with him. Lucifer points out the woman from the scene earlier, but Ty refuses yet again, bringing up his mother's teachings, which disgusts Lucifer. The devil eventually manages to convince Ty to have sex with Ally. •Lucifer meets the woman from the pool and introduced himself. She refused to believe him to be the famous club owner, saying she saw him in a "Rap Battle" before, which Lucifer found horrifying. She added even his accent was fake and left him staring after her in disbelief, but he perked up at the prospect of preying on other pretty girls. The Would-Be Prince of Darkness February 9 •Ty frantically woke up Lucifer sleeping in a mostly naked pile of those three girls he spotted the night before and said something really bad happened in a panic. •At first, Lucifer thought he scored with the girl, but he begged for a favor, prompting Lucifer to leave with him. •Chloe Decker searches for "debunking hypnotism". Trixie asked whether Dan forgot to pick her up, but Chloe said he's probably only stuck in traffic. Trixie asked what she's doing, and she told her she wanted to figure out how Lucifer's doing things she couldn't explain. Trixie thought Dan may be able to help, but Chloe didn't think so. When Trixie proposed to just ask Lucifer, Chloe said he won't reveal his secrets and that she had to find out on her own as her phone rang. •Chloe is shocked that Lucifer knew her phone number. •Lucifer brought Chloe to Ty's mansion and cheerfully pointed out the mysterious woman's dead body floating in the swimming pool. •The police began investigating the murder. Ty was not able to be of much help, claiming he didn't remember much other than that her name may be "Ali". Chloe was displeased that Lucifer used her as his personal police contact, and his interference in the forensics. •Lucifer gestured to the girls he slept with when asked for an alibi, but Chloe said she would leave it to someone else. •Ty, Chloe and Lucifer look over some photos from the party, while Lucifer flung random accusations in a generally unhelpful manner. •Chloe became fed up and dragged him out of the mansion to the rest of the witnesses, telling him to stay until he had better to offer. •As Chloe sorted through possible evidence with no success so far, Dan arrived and apologized for his no-show. •Chloe found a purse with a car key that led to a car with a matching ID. •Chloe heard some weird noises and found Lucifer leaning outside, watching what turned out to be a sex tape of Ty and Ali on what's assumed to be her phone. Chloe stopped him from deleting the video and reached the point where Ty found out Ali was recording. •Ignoring Lucifer's protests, Chloe accused Ty of murdering Ali and ordered him to be arrested. Ty angrily blamed Lucifer. •Lucifer was adamant that Ty did not kill Ali, while Chloe insisted maintaining his reputation was motivation enough, especially since he lied about his relationship with Ali. Lucifer tried to investigate further, but Chloe forcefully dismissed him. •Back at Lux, Maze told Lucifer she received calls from Financial Investigations Unit about acts of destruction and dine-and-dashing (which greatly amused her) in his name that Lucifer indignantly claimed were beneath him. Lucifer told Maze to find and punish the impostor, but Maze countered that she found this human interesting and was eager to see what he would do next, and left still giggling at the thought of Lucifer eating Zany Wings while he fumed. •Lucifer ranted about his impostor to Linda, but she said she handled a similar problem with not much issue and that his overreaction may have something to do with his frustration over Ty's case, and he said he punishes the guilty, but Ty wasn't. •Chloe tried to reach Ty's agent but the receptionist said she needed an appointment. She was distracted by Lucifer nearby making fun of some suits. They both knew she called the agency a few hours before her death and it was transferred to Ty's agent, Joe Hanson. Chloe attempted to make him leave but he refused, so she reluctantly allowed him to come along. •Joe Hanson said Ty wouldn't kill, but refused to answer Chloe's further questions before his attorney arrives. Lucifer used his powers on him while Chloe watched, as the agent said he wanted to be the greatest and he had to protect his clients. Joe tried to strike a deal, saying he would tell them everything as long as they help look into something, but Chloe threatened to arrest him, accusing him for exploiting her sexually with his clients in return for promoting her. He admits to hiring her to have sex with Ty, not to change his image but to help him get over his ex, a secret crazy fan. He refused to break up with her despite Joe's requests after she became possessive, and Joe got him to file a restraining order after she turned violent, which Lucifer noted. •While staking out Debra, Lucifer denied that God would be inclined to make it rain in this particular case. They briefly talked about Lucifer's intent to find the real killer. They accosted Debra who didn't want anything to do with them. Suddenly, Debra's car blew up. •They found out it was a remote detonation, and Lucifer accused Debra of guilt suicide. Chloe said it was a scare rather than an attempt to kill her. •Debra admitted she went to Ty's party or rather, looked in from outside, and was upset to see him kissing another girl, but this led to her alibi: she was gorging at a frozen yogurt place for three hours, including the time of Ali's murder. •Dan said Ronnie Hillman a long-time shady Hollywood personality spotted on the scene may have rigged the car, but she would never talk to cops. •They arranged for Lucifer to vouch for Dan to get an opportunity to arrest her. •Lucifer met her at Lux and told her someone else needed her assistance, but she assumed it was his issue with the impostor. Lucifer ran with it and she left. •Ronnie got hold of "The Would-Be Prince of Darkness" and brought him in blindfolded. While suited in the same way, it was revealed that the impostor did not look much like Lucifer, to the Lucifer's surprise. The impostor boldly claimed he was Lucifer. •Lucifer and Maze pondered what punishment would be appropriate, and the impostor admitted he only pretended to be him to get women and free drinks, and that his name was Justin. •Lucifer became more incensed and vowed to destroy him, but Maze saying that it's almost like he's punishing himself prompted him to let Justin leave, which disappointed Maze. •The cops came in and arrested Ronnie, who was at first smug but denied killing Ali, accusing Debra instead. •Chloe theorized that she tried to make Debra kill Ali but she couldn't do it. Ronnie said she had been working with Ali and told her to sleep with Ty. •Ronnie claimed Ty's agent Joe hired her to blackmail Ty, which Lucifer found odd. He realized Chloe thought Joe killed Ali, but she said they didn't have any proof. Chloe reasoned that he painted Debra as the killer and must know she went to the party. The Would-Be Prince of Darkness February 10 •At a meeting, Joe boasted to Ty and some other people about their agency protecting him from bad publicity. •Chloe and Lucifer entered and Chloe took Ty for more questioning, promoting Joe to admit he was at the party. Ty was confused that his own agent would plan to blackmail him with the sex tape, but realized it was because he had one meeting with another agency. •Joe ranted that Ty was too important to him, and Lucifer said Ali didn't want to give him the video. Joe admitted she said Ty was a good guy and didn't want to go through with Joe's plan. He claimed to only want her phone but "squeezed too hard". When he tried to flee the scene, Lucifer threw him through a window, to everyone's shock, but Chloe managed to calm him down and arrest Joe. •Ty said he wasn't planning to leave Joe before, and thanked Lucifer for staying good to the deal. •Debra came running out of the crowd and they reconciled. •Lucifer tried to take credit for solving the case, but Chloe thought he jeopardized the mission. •Lucifer told Linda he decided not to punish Justin, as his rage towards him was displaced from somewhere else. •Linda asked him why did he came to Los Angeles, and said that she thought he did like everyone else, to reinvent themselves. Lucifer said he liked to punish bad people, but Linda pointed out he was starting to like getting justice for good people as well. •Chloe repeatedly looked at a recording of Lucifer throwing Joe through the window. The Would-Be Prince of Darkness February 15 •Chloe heard some strange noises and grabbed her gun, and found Lucifer in her house. Surprised, she accidentally dropped the towel wrapped around herself. Lucifer pleasantly announced he was setting the table as she hastily grabbed the towel and was outraged that he broke into her house, telling him to leave. •Dan and Trixie came in, the latter made a beeline for Lucifer and Dan demanded to know what he's doing here. •Chloe denied to Trixie that they were having a "sleepover". •Dan said Trixie left something at home. Trixie dragged Lucifer off the scene, despite his attempt to distract her with snacks. After comically missing the point about Chloe throwing him out again, Lucifer left the house and Dan voiced his disappointment. •Lucifer visits Linda, frustrated by Chloe's rejections. When Linda interrupted him, he thought she's asking for "payment", but she stopped him and introduced him to "George". •Dan came back and said there was a case. They watch a tape of a young woman and her brother (who is driving) and Dan said the woman, Lindsay, was missing, and she was last known with a sleazy man called Carver Cruz. Dan said Cruz's organization will have an event soon and she had to infiltrate it, and that Lucifer was invited to her disbelief. Dan admitted he didn't like the idea of Chloe and Lucifer spending more time together, but he thought if it was their daughter who went missing, and concluded solving the case was more important. •Linda and Lucifer further discussed his problems with Chloe. Linda told him it is not that Chloe had power over him, but instead he gave power to her. Lucifer deduced he needed to take back control by having sex with Chloe, despite Linda's protests that it wasn't what she meant. •Chloe told Lucifer about the case and he flirted aggressively, but she firmly stated she would never sleep with him. •At the event, a young man, the missing girl's brother, demanded to see Cruz. Lucifer distracted the bouncer by asking which of the scantily clad women nearby he desired, but he revealed he was gay and interested in Lucifer himself, but he managed to make him leave. The brother accused Cruz of killing his sister. They assured him they will handle the situation and dismissed him. •Cruz appeared on stage and gave a speech, which Lucifer was decidedly unimpressed with. He stood up and brazenly asked what if he already had everything Cruz said was essential to getting women, since Chloe was still not receptive, to their embarrassment. Lucifer accidentally revealed she's a cop and got them kicked out. •Chloe blamed Lucifer, but said they could get into the after-party. •Maze is alone at Lux when she was surprised by Amenadiel, who dodged the knife she threw casually. They fought briefly but Amenadiel overpowered her and said they both wanted the same thing, even though Maze won't admit it, but she refused to cooperate. •Chloe looked for Lucifer at Lux and was surprised by him naked. She made him get dressed, but noticed his wing scars on his back. She tried to touch them but he grabbed her hand and asked her not to. •At the after-party, which was arranged at Lux, a man hit on Chloe with lame pickup lines, but she responded positively, ignoring Lucifer's protests. She ditched him when she found out he wasn't at the previous party. Lucifer realized the red dress he provided her with was attracting too much attention, including Carver Cruz's, who pulled out a gun and demanded to leave. Chloe overpowered him and in a panic he said "they" are going to kill Lindsay. •Carver admitted despite his appearance and hypocrisy as a "player", he loved Lindsay and has been in a committed relationship with her, which amazed Lucifer. He revealed they said they're going to kill her if cops were involved. Lucifer picked up the phone and called the kidnappers and arranged a meeting, but they hung up before Chloe prompted Lucifer to make sure Lindsay was still alive. They received a video of Lindsay begging him to rescue her. Lucifer intended to go alone, but Chloe insisted to come along while forbidding Carver from coming. •Curious, Chloe asked a bit about Lucifer's supposed powers. Chloe claimed to not believe in the brimstone hell and that he didn't scare her. •Chloe spotted Carver, who apparently didn't follow them but found the address somehow. Lucifer followed him in, but locked Chloe out because he promised "no police". Chloe called the SWAT. •Carver told Lucifer the kidnappers demanded that he came. One of them showed up and tried to grab the money bag. Lucifer held firm but relented at Carver's request. The kidnapper refused to bring Lindsay to them, and Carver pulled a gun on him. •In the distance, Chloe heard a gunshot, which turned out to be Lindsay who shot Carver from behind. •The kidnapper was revealed to be her brother. •Lindsay said she met Carver and had a relationship with him, losing her virginity to him two years ago, and when he met her more recently he didn't remember her at all, while Lucifer dryly commented he situation was getting from bad to worse. Lucifer objected to her desire to shoot Carver, and her brother told her to shoot Lucifer. He advanced towards Lindsay, casually backhanding her brother on the way, and briefly flashes his demonic face. •Chloe came in and saw a flash on a reflection and asked, "What are you?" •With all three of the others cowering on the ground, Lucifer once again asserted that he was, in fact, the Devil, and goaded her into shooting him in the leg. To his immense shock, however, Lucifer found that he was both in pain and bleeding from the shot. •The cavalry arrived and cleaned up the mess. Chloe thanked Lucifer and offered to drive him home. •At home, Chloe was greeted by Trixie, who threw her off-guard with her slap-slap-kiss theory about her and Lucifer. •At Lux, Maze was upset at whatever was changing Lucifer, and demanded to go home, but Lucifer stated the fun had just begun. Manly Whatnots February 22 •Lucifer and Maze attend a fashion show from a shoe designer named Benny Choi. •Lucifer is excited about his apparent mortality while Maze is worried. •Lucifer is making out with a model backstage when shots ring out, panic ensues, and a woman gets trampled to death.Sweet Kicks February 23 •At the police department, Lucifer cheerily pretends to be there to blackmail Chloe about her shooting him. At the lieutenant's office, he bargains to be on the case. •Lucifer turns out has helped Choi get his first show. He admitted he was involved in a recent gang-related conflict. •Chloe reluctantly brings Lucifer to a cop bar to get Lucifer to shut up about his leg. Lucifer observes she wasn't popular. She comes across a cop she thinks is corrupt, and Lucifer punches him before Chloe drags him out of there. •Amenadiel finds Maze in a coffee shop. She admits she wants to go back to Hell, and that Lucifer doesn't confide in her anymore but rather in a doctor. •At Lux, Maze told Lucifer his behaviour is foolish, but he thinks she's just jealous of Chloe. She scoffs at this notion and says she won't be able to protect him, but he says that's what she does. •Dan shows up and told Lucifer he convinces the cop at the bar to not press charges and that he better take care of Chloe if he wants to be on the case, to Lucifer's slight confusion. •Amenadiel finds Linda and introduces himself as a doctor. Sweet Kicks February 24 •Chloe and Lucifer drives to investigate the suspects, Dani and Diego Ramirez, but Chloe locks Lucifer in the car. •Chloe knocks the door to no response, but heard a scream inside seconds later. She kicks in the door and finds Lucifer inside. The couple says they didn't do it, the victim was Diego's cousin and offered a possible suspect, "Yellow Viper". Chloe gets a message about another victim. •It turned out to be Benny's pet pig. Benny said he tried to support Viper when he was in jail, and didn't know he got out. •Amenadiel invites Linda for a drink, attempting to get more information on Lucifer. •They find Viper teaching a bunch of people spray painting, and Lucifer is once again disappointed that the bad guys are so lame. He was uncooperative, and the Ramirezs show up with backup - and lots of guns. Lucifer distracts them while Viper and his kids escape. •Lights go off, and Maze comes to their rescue, quickly taking down the thugs. •Chloe was not pleased, stating that whenever Lucifer offers his favors, bad things would happen. •In the car, Viper admits to Lucifer that he only wanted to teach his art and he didn't shoot Benny, saying he won't miss. This makes Chloe realize that with Benny on stage being such an easy target, and so many people in the crowd, it is suspicious no one was shot dead. •Benny offers Lucifer a Hell-themed art piece as thanks, but they're onto him. His bodyguard admits to framing Viper under Benny's orders. •Lucifer smashes Benny through the art piece and terrorizes him with his demonic form. •Lucifer smugly informs Chloe he's now an official civilian consultant. She once again rejects him and drives away. •At Lux, Maze reaffirms that she would protect him, no matter what. •Maze creeps up to and observes Chloe in her sleep, revealing the horribly-disfigured half side of her face in the mirror. Sweet Kicks February 29 •A security guard at a warehouse is murdered. •Lucifer sings Sinnerman in Lux. Favorite Son


    March 1 •Trixie celebrates her 8th birthday. •Chloe demands Trixie to come clean with eating her birthday cake. Dan thinks it's no big deal and convinces Trixie to admit it, and she says Lucifer said it was okay. •Dan is not impressed that Lucifer is having an influence over Trixie. •Lucifer has his first case as an official consultant for the police. Little did he know this case would become more personal than he anticipated. •He seemed very bored by the case until he realizes that the missing shipping container was his own. He tries to play it cool, but the missing container is clearly a big deal. •Lucifer is completely disrespectful to the dead man. Chloe is upset, but Lucifer doesn't understand why. He says that there's no reason to be respectful to rotting flesh; the deceased is either already in hell or heaven listening to Uriel's welcome speech. Lucifer finds himself bored and goes back to his club. •At Lux, Maze tells Lucifer that the missing container was not only Lucifer's, but it was "The Container". He goes back to the crime scene with much more interest. •Lucifer starts out the investigation by attacking a man in a truck selling snow cones. The snow cone man says that the biker club, Los Diablos, has eyes on the dock and would know who stole Lucifer's container. •When Chloe was worried that Lucifer was into criminal activities, she enlisted Dan's help. •Dan went to Lux and spoke with Maze about seeing their books. Maze is about to oblige and leads Dan "to the back" where she knocks him out. •Dan wakes up naked in Chloe's bed. Maze was just trying to get Chloe and Dan back together so that Lucifer wouldn't be interested in Chloe anymore. •Dan acts like he will turn Maze in for assaulting him, but she knows that he can't tell them that a small female bartender knocked him out. Who would believe his story? So he tells Chloe that Lux's books are clean. •Lucifer and Chloe go to see the men of Los Diablos, and Lucifer stands on the bar asking who took his property. Before Lucifer can get into a fight, Chloe takes down the first biker to throw a punch. The president of the club, Hank Cutter, invites Chloe and Lucifer into his office. •Lucifer says that Hank likes being considered a criminal, but what else does he want? He wants to go legit and own a clothing line. Clearly, that was not what Chloe and Lucifer were expecting, but he claims to know nothing about the murder. •Lucifer and Chloe stake him out assuming that he will take them straight to the murderer. Chloe admits that she's upset that Lucifer is not being honest with her, and she wants to know what's in the container. •She's worried that she would have to arrest him if he had black market items in his container. Lucifer reveals that he only has Russian dolls in the container. Chloe admits that she actually likes working with Lucifer, and he thinks that's cause for celebration •Although Lucifer thinks it's ludicrous to sit back and wait, Hank does exactly what Chloe expected. Unfortunately, when he confronted the murderer, Renny, he gets shot. •While Chloe tends to him, Lucifer commandeers her car to chase after the shooter. Lucifer follows him to the rooftop. •Renny is afraid to give up the person who hired him to steal Lucifer's container. Lucifer says, "Give me what is mine." Renny said that he looked in the container, and he saw "them". Lucifer shows his true face, and he jumps off of the roof. •Thankfully, the police have recovered Lucifer's sacred container. •Lucifer opens it up and shows Chloe the Russian dolls. Chloe is surprised but satisfied that Lucifer told the truth. •Once she leaves, Lucifer opens the secret compartment in the back of the container, but it's empty. •Not only does someone have his wings, but Dan and Chloe aren't completely charmed by Lucifer. •When Lucifer returns to see Linda, she attacks him with biblical passages. She calls Lucifer Samael, his given name, and says he used to be called the "Lightbringer". Lucifer is visibly uncomfortable. Linda says that God didn't cast him out of heaven because he was angry with Lucifer; God cast him out because he needed Lucifer to do the most difficult of jobs. Lucifer gets upset saying that God made him a torturer. •As much as Lucifer appears to love being the devil, it's clearly a burden on him as well. Linda says that he has to embrace all that he is. Lucifer says that he can't and punches a hole through her wall. He leaves a very shaken Linda behind. •Lucifer tells Mazikeen, "Someone's got my wings." Favorite Son March 7 •At Lux, Maze beckons a man to come upstairs and join her in the private pool and unexpectedly keeps his head underwater for a while before Lucifer arrives, called him Sergei Bok and interrogates him about his stolen wings, he says he knows nothing about them, and Lucifer ponders whether they are going at it wrong as he is the fifth person they've interrogated. Wingman March 8 •At the precinct, Dan tries to convince Chloe Decker to close her investigation on Malcolm, as his wife is about to pull the plug. •Lucifer sneaks up on Chloe while she's studying the case at home. They swap simple advice on what to do regarding their cases. •Lucifer takes Chloe's advice on getting a fresh pair of eyes working his case, which comes in the form of his brother Amenadiel. Unfortunately Lucifer's brother, despite being shocked his wings are lost somewhere amount the humans, wasn't exactly looking to help the man who left him in control of Hell. •This pushes Lucifer to return to Chloe for her help, even though she laughs at the notion of his missing wings which turns into him helping her with case alongside Dan. •Chloe reconstructs the scene of the shooting but couldn't make a breakthrough. •Dan was surprised when he was notified that Chloe did, indeed, put out an APB for angel wings. •The FBI got a hit; the wings are to be auctioned, along with some other Christianity-related "antiques". •Lucifer, joined by Amenadiel, gets into the auction after Lucifer flaunts his mysterious coin. •Dan brings Chloe to see Malcolm and his family. His wife is very upset to see her there and tells her to leave. •The auction host, Carmen Grant, is excited at the prospect of auctioning the coin after an expert's report, but Lucifer told him it is not for sale. His goons draw their guns at the duo, and Amenadiel dares them to shoot. Lucifer smooths it over, saying he'll bid for the wings. •Amenadiel asks why Lucifer is afraid of guns, and Lucifer admits he's became mortal. Amenadiel relishes in the prospect of some thug sending him back to Hell. •The first item is chain links that supposedly held St. Paul. Amenadiel notes that his wrists are too thick to fit into them, and Lucifer jokes about him being the saint of honey cakes, which amuses Amenadiel. •Chloe appears just in time to warn Lucifer about the FBI raid that will happen in five minutes, and is distracted as she is apparently smitten with Amenadiel. •Carmen reveals Lucifer's wings, and Chloe breathlessly says they are gorgeous. •FBI storms the place. •Chloe spots a couple of suspicious personalities slipping away, but find that they seem to have vanished into a brick wall. •Amenadiel slows down time at Lucifer's request so that his brother could get his wings before the FBI takes everyone away. However, Lucifer realizes the wings are fake. •Chloe finds a secret passage and the feds go into it. •Lucifer is frustrated and refuses to help Chloe further on her case, and tells Amenadiel he has to work on finding his wings alone. •Lucifer tracks down Carmen calls him out on finding his wings and being so affected that he lied about them so that he could keep the real ones in his possession. This revelation ends in a terrifying confrontation where Lucifer forces Carmen to tell who tipped him off about the wings. •Amenadiel then finds Lucifer on the beach. •Amenadiel tries to convince Lucifer to return to Hell, only to watch as Lucifer burns his wings. •It is revealed that Amenadiel was the one to tip Carmen off about the whereabouts of the wings, hoping the reminder of the wings would convince Lucifer to return to Hell. •With Lucifer's wings destroyed, he can't return to Hell, forcing Amenadiel to take over. •Lucifer is going to release Mazikeen from her vow to serve him, but she reaffirms her loyalty. She watches as Chloe comes in and they talk enigmatically about their cases; she reveals a small case which holds a single feather from Lucifer's wings. •After several months in a coma, Malcolm's wife decided to take him off of life support. Malcolm was sent to Hell, where he was starved of food, entertainment, and people as punishment. While Malcolm's first death lasted less than a minute, the perceived experiment was decades. In an effort to return Lucifer to hell, Amenadiel resurrected Malcolm, instructing him to kill Lucifer in return. Wingman March 9 •Reese Getty, wakes up in a hospital. He asks a nurse if his wife has visited but is informed that she hasn't. •Nevertheless, Reese remains optimistic that he can fix things with his wife. March 11 •Once Reese is recovered, he goes to give her flowers only to hear her having sex with another man. •Reese waits and hides and sees Lucifer leave the motel. •Enraged, Reese tails him to Lux where he is confronted by Lucifer. •Reese mentions that he wants to get revenge on the man who's sleeping with his wife, and is egged on by Lucifer, who does not realize that this man is, indeed, himself. March 12 •Reese digs up dirt on Lucifer and begins a story focusing on Lucifer, at the LA Telegraph, where he is a Pulitzer-prize winning reporter. •He tails Lucifer and Chloe on their investigations, claiming that he is writing a story on their partnership when he is in fact planning an expose of Lucifer. •He discovers more than he bargained for, however, namely, that Lucifer is not just a shady character or involved in illegal dealings but the actual devil. •He rushes this information to Linda, who does not believe him, as she does not yet know the truth. •Reese and Linda get a devoiced. March 14 •With Lucifer's wings burned the Lord of Hell has the unprecedented opportunity to reinvent himself. With a glitzy party underway at Lux, to celebrate his recently severed ties to all things heavenly and below, his indulgent nature is still front and centre. •Chloe and Dan arrives and brings a gift of an unusual drink, but had to leave to attend Malcolm Graham's welcome back party. •At the party, Malcolm confronts Chloe and Dan. At first, it appears he's giving her grief while everyone else looks on before he reveals he's just messing with them. He could even stand up from his wheelchair with some difficulty. Paolucci comments how heaven doesn't want him and hell couldn't keep him, and Malcolm says "You've got no idea" and winks at the pair. Et Tu, Doctor? March 15 •At Linda's, Lucifer is displeased with his recent emotions, but Linda is pleased he's letting his guard down. Lucifer asks her to help to get Chloe past her ex, but she refuses. •Chloe and Lucifer investigate a therapist's murder. He may have attracted enemies as he encouraged people to cheat. Lucifer briefly talks to his wife but is entirely callous and is told off by a man comforting her and offering her tissues. Lucifer is excited at the prospect of reading his patient files but is told that they are required to have a psychologist, and when he suggests Linda, Chloe says it needs to be court-approved. •Lucifer promptly seduces a Judge to achieve that end. Et Tu, Doctor? March 16 •Chloe and Lucifer argue about Linda's involvement. Linda notifies them about a patient named Richard Kester who sent him a death threat, but otherwise, his patients seem happy with him. •Chloe tells Lucifer she and Dan separated because he focused too much on his job but lately he's making time for her and Trixie. •Linda calls to warn that Kester may be a danger to himself, and Chloe finds him standing near the edge of a building, joined by Lucifer after a moment. Lucifer wants him to help him understand jealousy, but Kester says he didn't kill Shaw and shows he's just sad instead of jealous. Lucifer's callous attitude accidentally convinces him not to kill himself. •Kester reveals he knows Shaw's wife and he met her two days ago when Chloe through she's in Phoenix due to her plane tickets. •Linda goes and meets Maze at Lux, who dismisses her relationship with Lucifer. Linda thinks her rudeness comes from a feeling of powerlessness. Chloe arrives and figured out Sandy Shaw may have been stalking one of her husband's female patients. Dan calls and Chloe had to leave, much to Lucifer's chagrin. •At her apartment, Chloe discovers finds Malcolm waiting for her. He says he's also looking into the Palmetto case and he was buying information from Nikolas Aoudi and he thinks a cop shot both of them. Chloe's still doesn't believe him. He reports that he is dropping the case and suggests she does as well because whoever did it is willing to kill cops. •They get a call that Sandy is sitting in a parking garage and go to confront Sandy. •When they arrive they find Sandy with several bags of horse manure in her car that she was going to through on the patient that was sleeping with her husband. She had found out after Dr. Medina, her husband's colleague, asked if her husband would be up for a drink. Her husband had already told her he would be with him. •Lucifer is unhappy that Linda keeps agreeing with Chloe and goes to crash Dr. Shaw's patient support group looking for support. •Linda and Chloe discuss Lucifer and Linda's relationship and therapy work as well as Dr. Shaw. Chloe notes that it is unusual that the cheater therapist was so bad at cheating. He should have at least told his Colleague to have a better alibi. Chloe then realizes that it placed Dr. Medina in a role where he could let Sandy know her husband was cheating. And he had been very attentively comforting her. •Lucifer meanwhile in the support group is relating his trouble with Chloe and Dr. Linda until Dr. Medina stops him and says that the meeting can't be about him. Lucifer thinks about it then agree then asking Dr. Medina what he desires. When he says Sandy, Lucifer recognizes him from the beginning as Tissue Lad. •Dr. Medina shoves Lucifer against the wall and holds a knife to his throat confessing that he set everything up for her to find out, but no matter what he did Sandy still loved Dr. Shaw. Lucifer reflects on his jealousy reporting he thinks he understands now, but his case is different. •Chloe shows up to arrest Dr. Medina, flipping him on to the ground where he bites her before she punches him and cuffs him. •Later, Chloe has a concern about Pallmeto and how the other shooter knew where Malcolm was. •Chloe and Lucifer went to the pub from the party, where they discover that Tony has been killed. Et Tu, Doctor? March 17 •The following day Lucifer goes to Linda, where she was to pay her, but Linda has decided to have a professional relationship. •Lucifer asks Linda about the doctor next door which Linda reveals without knowing is Amenadiel. •At Chloe's apartment, Chloe thanks Dan about everything and they kissed. •Dan arrives in a car and meets Malcolm there; he congratulates him on finding the killer. •It is revealed that Malcolm shot Paolucci and faked the suicide note, and that it was Dan shot Malcolm at Pallmeto. Malcolm reveals that he plans to blackmail Dan with this. •Back at Lux, Lucifer knows that Maze betrayed him. He is angry about this and says that he is done with Maze. Et Tu, Doctor? March 21 •A pizza delivery man arrives at Lucifer's party and Lucifer invites him in, introducing him to a trio of scantily clad girls. One invites him to join them, and he says he will, but he doesn't. A Priest Walks Into a Bar March 22 •Lucifer is confused that he did not join in with the hot girls at the party, but Linda says he is struggling with an emotional void with his lack of genuine friends. Linda tells Lucifer that he feels lonely. He says that he always have people around him. Linda tells him that being alone and being lonely are two different things. You can be surrounded by people but they're not your friends. •A priest, Frank Lawrence, comes to Lux and asks Lucifer to intervene in a drug operation targeting kids (particularly one named Connor) at a youth centre, headed by the director Lenny Arietta himself, but he refuses. •Lucifer talks to Chloe about it and he is convinced her that the priest is hiding something. •They arrive at Arietta's office but finds him dead. They question the kids, and one of them mentions Father Frank is obsessed with Connor. •Chloe finds his criminal records, all over 10 years ago, and a restraining order by Arietta. •Chloe talks to Dan and mentions the kiss they had and agree to have dinner together and leaves. •Malcolm finds Dan and tells him he chose him as his partner, as he suspects Dan shot him and wants to keep an eye on Dan. He asks Dan to get him something from evidence. •Chloe and Lucifer visits Father Frank's church, and Lucifer dispenses his own brand of advice to a woman contemplating cheating. •Amenadiel meets Malcolm and urges him to get the job done. •Father Frank admits to having a fight with Arietta, however, the previous woman proves that he was listening to her confessions when Arietta was killed. •As the three exit the church, a car appears and a gunman open fires on them, without hitting anyone. •Father Frank reveals a voice messaging threatening him not to interfere, and that he knows there is another drug dealer, The Spider, involved, and Connor is already part of the drug business. •Lucifer brings Father Frank to Lux for protection, but not without mocking him with nun-themed strippers. •Father Frank confesses a car crash killed his daughter along with Connor's parents, and plays piano with Lucifer •Chloe gets a lead on The Spider and spots the girl who was with Conner at the place and suspects she is involved in drug dealing. Conner appears and sees Chloe, and he pulls out a gun and fires at the ceiling, causing panic, and escaping in the chaos. •Traffic cam shows him as the car shooter. Father Frank states he still have faith in him. •Dan gives Malcolm the evidence gun, but Malcolm says he isn't finished with him yet. •Maze tells Lucifer that Father Frank was talking to Conner on the phone before leaving. •Chloe and Lucifer finds Connor at his sanctuary with the gun. Eric Doyle, the counsellor they interrogated before at the youth centre, appears to tells Connor to shoot, revealing himself as The Spider. Connor refuses to shoot Frank, so Eric does, and Chloe shoots him. •Frank tells Lucifer that God has a plan for him too, before dying. •At his balcony, Lucifer rages against the heavens as a good man like Father Frank "loses" in God's game. •Chloe and Dan meet but think they have too much on their minds to discuss their issues. •Chloe goes to check on Lucifer. She confesses she doesn't remember much from her piano lessons, but start playing "Heart and Soul" with him on the piano. •At a diner, Amenadiel threatens to send Malcolm back to hell, and tells him to use the gun that Dan stole for him to kill Lucifer. A Priest Walks Into a Bar March 28 •When a prominent restaurateur named Javier is killed, Chloe and Lucifer investigate his murder. •Lucifer becomes emotionally involved as he learns that Javier was a hard taskmaster, known to his staff as Pops, and is convinced that Junior, Pops' estranged son, had returned in order to kill his controlling, overbearing father. •Chloe's mother comes into town and visit Chloe at work. •Lucifer meets Penelope Decker. •Penelope tries to get Trixie to have her first audition, creating a row with Chloe. •Trixie runs away to find Lucifer, who always cheers her up, but bumps into Maze in the bar instead. •Trixie becomes Maze's first human friend. •Amenadiel gives Malcolm his assignment for saving his life and Malcolm comes clean to Dan who he is after, blackmailing him in the process. •Lucifer has a chat to Junior, asking him how it feels to be finally free of his domineering father, but learns that Junior had wanted to prove himself to his father and didn't kill him. •Maze sees Dr. Linda Martin for the first time, asking her for advice on how to fit in. •Lucifer is invited to dinner with Penelope Decker and Chloe invites Dan along as a buffer. •Dan turns up with chocolate cake for Trixie, but all are upset to learn that Lucifer has brought Junior along to cook the meal. •Lucifer causes upset through the meal, telling Penelope that she upsets Chloe, but it doesn't mean Chloe wants to kill her. •Dan takes Junior to the station to make a statement, telling Lucifer "I wanted one reason to stick up for you. Just one." •Chloe and Lucifer talk about the case and go back to the restaurant, where the woman Pops was grooming to take over starts a grease fire. •While saving Chloe from the burning restaurant, Lucifer is burned by the fire, much to his disgust. •Chloe has managed to save some of the evidence that will tie the guilty party to the crime, and all is well. •Dan goes back to Malcolm and tells him that Lucifer deserves everything he gets, but he's not prepared to kill him. •Malcolm attacks Dan and ties him up, taking the gun. He also sees a text from Chloe on Dan's phone and sends her a break-up text. •Chloe turns up at the penthouse late that evening, drunk, after fighting with her mother and receiving the text from Dan. •She throws herself at Lucifer, but he rejects her advances, much to the surprise of both of them. •He starts to talk to her about not everyone growing up like their parents, but she falls asleep in his arms. Pops March 29 •Chloe wakes up to find herself naked in Lucifer's bed. She is horrified, and he winds her up before admitting that they didn't have sex and that Chloe took her own clothes off while drunk. Chloe slinks out, leaving Lucifer feeling on a strange high. He decides it must be a buzz from doing good and decides to explore this further. •Called to a case, Lucifer discovers the victim is well-regarded philanthropist Tim Dunlear, who was a bad guy turned good. •Malcolm ties Dan up and leaves him. •Hell-bent on demonstrating his own newfound altruism, Lucifer takes it upon himself to host the foundation's charity gala at Lux, causing Chloe to tease him about becoming Saint Lucifer. •Lucifer likes the idea of being Saint Lucifer and tells Dr. Linda about it. She agrees that good deeds can make you feel good but warns him it's not something to just play with. He ignores her, of course. •When they trace the homeless man who had stolen the victim's wallet and watch, Lucifer proves he's as generous as Dunlear by handing him the clothes off his back, leaving himself naked again, but finds that the buzz isn't nearly as noticeable as before. •Lucifer and Chloe interview key people in the case, leading to them attending a lunch with donors for the foundation. •Lucifer refuses to use his mojo on the women, as it doesn't fit with his new image, but does start singing, leading a young man (Kyle) to burst into tears. It turns out he was Dunlear's lover. Vanessa, his wife, had gone along with the affair to keep up his image. •Kyle shows them a photo of a bare field that Dunlear had sent him as proof, but of what he doesn't know. •Malcolm returns to Dan, gloating over his plan to kill Lucifer and frame Dan for it. •Chloe talks to Will Flemming, the lawyer for the Dunlear Foundation, who is upset that Chloe has been questioning Vanessa. She points out that he now has control of the estate, and he threatens her to back off. •Lucifer has prepared Lux for the gala event for the Dunlear Foundation. •He again refuses to agree to work his mojo, intent on protecting his new-found saintliness. He heads upstairs to get changed. •Chloe is upset and tells him she misses the old Lucifer - at least he had her back. •Amenadiel is enjoying a steak dinner. Maze turns up to taunt and annoy him. To convince her that he can be fun and spontaneous, he tells her he is the one who started the rumors that connected Lucifer with a goat. •Chloe visits Kyle, and they work on the case, investigating Dunlear's last movements he had visited Haiti. They realize that the Foundation was supposed to be building a school there, but the photo showed that the school was not being built. •Chloe visits Flemming again and talks to him about the discovery. They look into Vanessa. •Dan manages to break free from where he has been tied up and breaks out of the room. He heads out to save Lucifer from Malcolm. •In the penthouse, Lucifer is getting ready for the gala when Malcolm turns up and points a gun at him. •Mindful of his new ability to be injured, Lucifer sweet-talks him into not shooting, pointing out that Amenadiel doesn't have the power to kill him, and trading him his Pentecostal coin, a subway ticket out of Hell. •Vanessa turns up at the penthouse, to find a shaken Lucifer. •She tells him she's leaving tomorrow, after the gala. Lucifer chats with her and realizes that she was the one who murdered her husband. He tells her that the detective will figure out her motives. •She pulls out a gun and shoots Lucifer several times, then leaves. •Dan makes it to Lux and frantically searches for Lucifer. He enters the penthouse, to find Lucifer lying on the floor. •Lucifer sits up with a start and is surprised to find himself still alive. •He leaves Dan to get a drink, telling him he looks terrible and heads downstairs. •Vanessa is about to start her speech, apologizing for the absence of Lucifer, but he turns up, to her shock, and announces that the best way to honor Dunlear's memory is to unmask his killer. •He is about to turn his mojo on Vanessa, but Chloe turns up and says she already knows. Vanessa declares that she deserved the money and her husband was going to ruin everything. •Vanessa is arrested, and again Lucifer feels that rush, as Chloe takes her away. •Maze tells Lucifer that she has slept with Amenadiel and will now be working on Lucifer's side rather than Amenadiel's. •Lucifer tells her of his adventures and muses on how he is still alive despite being shot. •A thought occurs in Lucifer head and Lucifer heads off, a knife in his hand. •Lucifer visits Chloe, who tells him that she feels comfortable with him and able to open up to him in a way she can't with anyone else. He runs the knife blade over his hand behind his back, sees that it makes him bleed, and tells her that she appears to make him vulnerable too. St. Lucifer


    January 16 •Lucifer carting around a disgruntled Amenadiel to show him around the city of Los Angeles saying "now that we're making Los Angeles our home, the city of Angels can finally earn its name". Amenadiel however walks away halfway through the tour, leaving a confused Lucifer behind. •In a session with Dr. Linda, Lucifer expresses his concerns on why Amenadiel refuses to accept the city like him, to which Dr. Linda replies that people need time to change. This leads to Lucifer revealing that LA feels like home for him, especially when compared to Heaven and Hell. Dr. Linda asks the question of whether Lucifer moved to LA to run away from something, or to look for something, which leaves him puzzled. Homewrecker January 17 •Dean Cooper, a Los Angeles real estate tycoon is murder. •Lucifer is faced with a possible eviction. Eric Cooper, Dean Cooper's son, who has now assumed all of Cooper's holding and assets (among which is Lux), threatens to have Lucifer removed from the premises if he does not vacate them immediately. •While Lucifer tries to figure out a way to keep Lux, Maze tries to convince him that this is all his mother's doing since he revealed his attachment to Lux to her. •Maze goes to Amenadiel to inform him of her suspicions when Lucifer's mom walks in. •Maze confronts her about killing the owner of Lux so as to get Lucifer evicted which she denies. •As Maze leaves, Charlotte tells Amenadiel that she wasn't involved in the killing but might be able to use the situation to their advantage but Amenadial corrects her saying that Lucifer loves Lux, and no one will be able to make him give it up as long as it's still standing. •Since Dean Cooper had apparently been murdered by a shard of glass from a broken wine glass, Ella manages to reconstruct the glass with the broken pieces and glue. •Lucifer calls to share his suspicions on Eric Cooper, but as Chloe is about to dismiss it due to lack of evidence, Ella runs the fingerprint found on the glass for a match, and reveals it to be Eric Cooper's. •As Chloe and Lucifer go to confront Eric Cooper, Chloe makes Lucifer promise not to terrorize him, rip his arms off, or dangle him off a building as he has done to previous suspects, to which Lucifer exasperatedly promises that "the man's feet shall remain firmly on the ground". •A few seconds later, Eric Cooper lands on the car behind them, having jumped from a seventh floor balcony. •It is revealed that the Coopers were bankrupt, and Eric had tried to evict Lucifer in order to get rid of the debt by trying to sell it to a buyer who had been interested for years. However the money hadn't been enough, and he had tried to commit suicide to avoid disappointing his wife, Christi. •Lucifer and Chloe find it strange that a deal was closed mere hours after the death of Dean Cooper, and go to meet Eleanor Bloom, the buyer of the property. •Eleanor reveals that her rivalry with Dean Cooper has led to a sort of multi-million dollar prank war and that she desires everything that Dean Cooper had. She wishes to destroy all the properties, and rebuild them - especially Lux, which she plans on converting into a Mega Mall. •Lucifer has a sit in at Lux that night. •Linda meets Charlotte. •Charlotte tells Linda "Lucifer really loves this place". Linda points out to her it's actually Chloe he loves. Homewrecker January 18 •The developer is about to get her wish until Chloe manages to get the building that houses Lux declared a historic landmark. •Charlotte becomes intimately friendly with Dan and starts to strongly believe that Chloe is the reason Lucifer wants to stay on Earth. •Lucifer ask Chloe out on a date but at the last minute stood her up. •Charlotte meets with a bomb maker and plans to blow up Chloe when she steps into her car. Homewrecker •Charlotte's attempt to kill Chloe but is stopped by Amenadiel, who convinces her that eliminating Chloe would only cause Lucifer to be relentless in finding her killer. •Charlotte realize their need to find another way to end Lucifer's little crush on Chloe. Quid Pro Ho January 19 •Lucifer goes to counselling. He tells Linda that he stood Chloe up. Linda says Lucifer chickened out. Lucifer is avoiding the truth — he is lying to himself about the reason that he did not go on the date with Chloe. •Lucifer shows up at Chloe's house to explain why he was not at the restaurant. Chloe does not hear him out. She thinks he was with another woman and accuses him of being selfish and thoughtless. •Before Lucifer can explain what really happened, Chloe's mom, Penelope Decker, enters the scene and is overjoyed to see Lucifer, calling him thoughtful for being there on such a difficult day. •It turns out that today is the first day of the trial against the man that killed Chloe Decker's father. •Lucifer drops the subject of the failed date night and says he is there to support Chloe and her mom: he says he will be "an emotional jockstrap for the Decker family jewels". •Ella and Dan walk into the police station together. Dan is whistling. Ella deduces that he got laid over the weekend. •Dan calls the woman he slept with "goddess-like". Ella says that maybe it was that woman who sent Dan a mystery package. •Upon opening the package, Ella and Dan discover the severed head of Boris Sokolov, the key witness for the prosecution's case against the man that killed John Decker. Without Boris, the entire case against Perry Smith, the corrupt deputy prison warden that killed John Decker. •It turns out that Charlotte Richards is the defendant's attorney. •The judge suggests that the defense might want to move for a dismissal of the case since the state (prosecution) lost its key witness. •At first, Charlotte is confused. The state lawyer (bluffing) says that the prosecution has enough evidence to incriminate Perry Smith. •The case is not dismissed. The prosecution then asks for a continuance for more time to build up their case since they'd lost their key witness. The judge denies the request because, as Charlotte Richards points out, the prosecution had said their case was strong despite losing Boris. A lunch break is called. •During the break, Lucifer confronts Charlotte. It becomes clear that she is going to use this case to show Lucifer that Chloe is not deserving of his affections. Charlotte believes that if she can show Lucifer that Lucifer has sacrificed more for Chloe than Chloe ever would for Lucifer, then Lucifer would decide to come home with her and Amenadiel instead of staying in L.A. Charlotte says that Chloe does not deserve Lucifer because Chloe does not care about Lucifer the way Lucifer cares about Chloe. •Charlotte tells Lucifer that she did not have Boris killed but that she almost blew Chloe up but that Amenadiel convinced her not to. Lucifer is extremely angry and begins to threaten her. •Chloe comes over after the tense exchange and says she hopes that whatever "that" was does not affect the trial. Lucifer assures her that it will not and he leaves to speak with the prosecution attorney. •Lucifer takes the stand as a witness and testifies that Chloe was first on the scene, putting a conviction at risk because Chloe provides reasonable doubt. •Charlotte tries to convince Chloe to lie on the stand and paint Lucifer's testimony as false, which is the only way the warden could be convicted, but Chloe instead says Lucifer told the truth. •Amenadiel later meets Chloe's mother Penelope, who is distraught over her husband's killer being set free. Amenadiel remembers meeting Penelope and John Decker from 35 years ago, when he was sent by God to assist in a miracle, allowing Penelope to get pregnant. •Amenadiel later sees Charlotte that night. He tells her the story and stating that Lucifer's coming to Earth and meeting Chloe was predestined. •Maze and Dan had Perry killed. •Chloe and Lucifer have dinner in Lucifer's penthouse but then Jana a flight attendant show up and Chloe leaves upset. January 20 •The next morning Jana is found dead. •Another guy Lucifer had sex with is also found dead. •Chloe interviews all of Lucifer's lovers (male and female) from the past two months to try and find the culprit. •Lucifer comes to the uncomfortable realization that he was never more to them than they were to him, in the process derailing his confidence in pursuing his burgeoning affections towards Chloe. •Meanwhile, the actual connection in the murders is a mysterious figure for whom the victims were smuggling an unknown but deadly substance, which goes undiscovered by the police. •Amenadiel tries to manipulate Lucifer towards Chloe at their mother's behest. •Chloe finds out Dan and Charlotte had sex while on a stake out with Lucifer. January 21 •Lucifer decides to stop pursuing Chloe, telling her that she is special and he is not worthy of her. His extolling of the things that make her special makes Chloe see that he has come to care for her as more than just a conquest and she kisses him. January 22 •The next day Lucifer and Chloe investigate a murder of a college student who died from poisoning. Lucifer and Chloe keep trying to track down the owner of the mysterious package after a college student is found dead due to an unknown poison. •Lucifer is a bit confused when Chloe acts more carefree and relaxed in his presence, exchanging barbs with him. Lucifer thinks because of this she is not immune to him anymore and tries his mojo on her but it doesn't work. •Clues lead them to Professor Carlisle, who had been chastised for saving himself and his dissertation from a burning vehicle, leaving the driver to die. •Carlisle is conducting morbid "experiments" to prove all humans would make the choice he did. •Meanwhile, Maze hears about Chloe's birth story from Charlotte. •Carlisle kill himself while Chloe is chasing him. Meanwhile Lucifer saves the two college students from the poison. •Chloe returns to find Lucifer fearing the worst. Once she realize Lucifer is Ok they hug and Lucifer response this is real isn't it (talking about him and Chloe. •Later that night Lucifer meets up with Charlotte and Maze in the same bar where Amenadiel met Penelope 35 years ago. Charlotte wants Maze to tell Lucifer the truth about Chloe. •As Maze changes her mind, Lucifer sees a photo of Amenadiel and a younger Penelope on the bar wall, and Charlotte confirms that Chloe is a miracle ordered by God. •Lucifer goes to confront Chloe in her apartment, and sees she has the symptoms of Carlisle's poison. •Lucifer and Chloe desperately search for an antidote to save her, learning that the Professor sourced the ingredients for his poisons from an amateur artist. •Chloe collapses and Lucifer took her to the hospital. January 23 •Dan and Lucifer learn that the formula for the antidote was known only to Carlisle. •With no other options, Lucifer has Maze and Linda stop his heart, allowing him to enter Hell and find Carlisle's soul. Meanwhile Amenadiel watches over Chloe. •Meanwhile Dan and Ella get all the ingredients for the cure including an ingredient from Ella's younger brother. •Lucifer offers him a chance at absolution in exchange for the formula, but Carlisle fails to assuage his guilt sufficiently. •While waiting to be revived, however, Lucifer stumbles upon an illusion of Uriel, who forces Lucifer to kill him again and again. •Charlotte sends herself to Hell to free him, but ends up succumbing into her own guilt, forcing Lucifer to drag her away. •Upon being revived, Lucifer meets up with Dan and Ella, who have retrieved the ingredients, and creates the antidote for Chloe. •Charlotte tries to reconnect with her son, but he disowns her for deceiving him. January 25 •Chloe visits Lucifer penthouse and realize he has gone. January 26 •Lucifer meets Candy while she was trying to stole his ring from him. •Lucifer tells Candy about Chloe and she decides to help him.


    February 14 (2 weeks later) •Lucifer returns to Los Angeles after two weeks and introduces his wife Candy to Chloe and Dan. •Chloe becomes upset, both with Lucifer's cavalier attitude and his decision to marry. •Ash Corrigan, a musician in a local band, turns up dead. •Lucifer tries to help Chloe, but she pushes him away. •Amenadiel and Charlotte also discover that Lucifer is married and Charlotte suspects that Lucifer is planning some sort of revenge. •When Maze suggests that Chloe needs a mediator, Chloe impersonates Candy as a means of getting an appointment with the mediator Ash saw for his divorce. •Amenadiel confronts Lucifer for hurting Chloe's feelings. Lucifer tells him he is not trying to hurt her; rather, he is protecting her. •The two discover that Doug, the drummer of Ash's band, is the murderer and take him into custody. •Lucifer and Chloe agree to become partners again. •It is revealed that Lucifer never married Candy, who turns out to be an actress who helped Lucifer in return for his saving her life in Las Vegas.


    May 8 •Lucifer retrieves Azrael's blade, which turns out to be the Flaming Sword that once guarded Eden and can cut through the Gates of Heaven, allowing Charlotte to return home. •As the Lightbringer, Lucifer is the only one who can reignite the blade, but fails to do so as it can only be triggered by extreme emotion. May 9 •Chloe and Dan investigate the murder of an admissions officer at a prestigious elementary school; despite uncovering embezzlement by the assistant dean, they are unable to find any leads. May 10 •Lucifer takes Trixie to the private school so he can learn how to control his emotions. •Trixie reveals she is scare for her mom because she as a scary job. •Chloe lets Lucifer drive Trixie back to her real school. May 13 •Chloe and Maze pose as a married couple and attend a party in honor of the deceased, where the real murderer, a teacher whose affair was discovered by the victim, is caught and subdued by Maze. •Linda suggests to Lucifer that his inability to use the blade may be because he suppresses all of the pain and heartbreak in his life and, by channeling pain instead of anger, he is able to briefly ignite the Sword. •It is revealed then that Charlotte is desperate to return to Heaven because her human form is weakening. May 15 •Lucifer and Chloe investigate the murder of an orderly at a mental institution. •The suspect is a patient calling himself "God Johnson" who proves to be immune to Lucifer's powers and knows to call him Samael. •Ella identifies the man as Earl Johnson, a businessman who was committed after giving away all his wealth. •Lucifer feigns insanity to get himself committed. May 16 •Upon seeing Johnson heal a woman that would have been the killer's second victim, Lucifer believes that he is God. •Amenadiel reveals to Maze that Lucifer is returning to Heaven, leaving her behind. •Learning that Johnson has no knowledge of Charlotte escaping Hell, Lucifer and Linda break him out and set up a surprise date between the two. •Johnson and Charlotte begin to reconcile, but Chloe takes him and Lucifer back to the hospital. •Lucifer and Johnson are then abducted by the real killer, one of the nurses, and make peace with one another. •After being rescued, Lucifer discovers that Johnson's belt buckle was part of Azrael's Blade and that Johnson was filled with the knowledge and power of God while wearing it. Realizing that his real Father would never reconcile with him, his hatred becomes even stronger. May 29 •After a man is found dead, it is determined that he is a soldier for the Ruiz family, run by Bianca Ruiz, a gang leader who uses her tequila business as a front. •Due to the phone found at the scene, there are suspicions that the killer is Chet, Bianca's son. •Bianca is discovered to be Charlotte Richards' client, and Charlotte tells Chloe about a party thrown by the tequila business, and Chloe goes posing as a fan of Chet's, in order to get more information. •After Chloe nearly gets caught at the party after hearing that Bianca and Chet discuss what is on his phone that is in the hands of the police, they work to try and get the phone open with little success. •Linda is stripped of her medical license for ethics violations and Lucifer unintentionally botches her appeal by revealing his sexual arrangement with her. •Maze attacks Lucifer for manipulating her during their time on Earth. •Linda helps Lucifer and Maze resolve their issues. •On the back end, Charlotte is approached by Bianca, telling her that in exchange for her son's phone, she will give her what Zeke Moore has smuggled for Charlotte, but not until the exchange is made. •It is revealed, however, that Charlotte is indeed still on Chloe and the police's side, as she wears a wire to the exchange. •She gives Bianca the phone, and in exchange Charlotte receives a key to a safety deposit box. •However, after Bianca pours her a glass of tequila she spills it on herself to short out the wire, and Chloe and the police enter the room to intervene, getting the phone back and arresting Bianca. •Charlotte goes to the safety deposit box, and finds a bronze plated book, written in Samarian, containing the instructions to reassemble the flaming sword. •Charlotte brings Lucifer and Amenadiel to try to sort it out. •Amenadiel, the only one out of the three of them that can read it, explains that there is a key that binds the blade and medallion together, and it was given to God's favorite son. •Amenadiel assumes that Lucifer is the one that has the key, but after seeing how Amenadiel's necklace seems attracted to the sword, it's clear that Amenadiel is the favorite son, and his necklace is the key. •Charlotte having left before this revelation, goes to Chet Ruiz to demand the supposed other item that Zeke smuggled for her, but Chet doesn't have it, and instead produces a knife to stab her with. •Charlotte removes the blade from her stomach, and the wound expels an obliterating beam of light, which fries Chet's head. •Charlotte calls in a favor to dispose of Chet's body. •Amenadiel insists that he be given some time to find himself before reassembling the Blade. May 30 •Charlotte goes to Linda for help with her light. •Linda uses duct tape to hide Charlotte's wound but, when Lucifer arrives, he recognizes that his mother does not have much time before her human body "bursts." •Lucifer hires Maze to find Amenadiel while he works to cover up the murder. •Ella finds the cleaning company Charlotte hired and Chloe confronts Lucifer about letting his personal problems interfere with work. •Amenadiel refuses to reassemble the Blade, citing renewed loyalty to his Father. •Charlotte escapes, apparently kills one of the cleaners, and forces Linda to reveal Lucifer's plan. •Charlotte then threatens to kill Chloe unless the last piece of the Blade is delivered to her, which turns out to be in Dan's possession. •Charlotte attacks Linda almost killing her. •Maze and Amenadiel find Linda bleeding out. •Amenadiel uses his renewed angelic powers to stop time, allowing Linda to be hospitalized. •At the same time, the cleaner's real killer (Chet's brother) attempts to shoot Lucifer and Charlotte. •With time stopped, Lucifer ignites the Blade and opens a rift leading outside the universe, where his mother the Goddess can create her own world, free from God's influence (throwing the Blade through with her). •Later, the old Charlotte is revived, having no memory of the time her body was inhabited. •Lucifer visit Linda in hospital. •Linda encourages Lucifer to reveal his true nature to Chloe. •Later that night Lucifer calls Chloe leaving her a message to meet him so he can tell her to truth. But however when he ends up the phone he is knocked out cold. May 31 •Lucifer wakes up to find himself in the desert with his wings restored. •Lucifer encounters a fleeing criminal (Lee aka Mr. Said Out Bitch) and steals his clothes before getting the police to return him to Los Angeles.


    January 29 •Pierce loses faith in Lucifer's lack of progress. January 30 •Maze theorizes that he must have an exploitable weakness. •Murdered woman June Lee turns out to be a criminal named Sandra Jiang, whose death is found to be connected to her role cooking ecstasy. •Lucifer collects the mobster who once employed Sandra. He agrees to cooperate with the investigation in return for Sandra's recipe. •To prove that Sandra was selling her product independently, Chloe decides to have Lucifer and Pierce pose as a married couple in order to infiltrate her neighborhood. •Dan and Charlotte go on their first date, but Maze crashes it due to her attraction to Charlotte. •The cops learn that a "watchdog" who has been terrorizing the neighborhood is connected to Sandra's death. •Lucifer lures him out, but he turns out to be innocent. January 31 •The Watchdogs wife is revealed to be the killer, having mistakenly believed Sandra to be having an affair with her husband. •Charlotte decides that she needs some time away from relationships in order to refocus. •Pierce notes that, as much as Lucifer wants to help him, he is more interested in using him to get revenge on his father.


    February 26 •Lucifer, realizing that he understands nothing about Cain's mark, decides to ask Amenadiel for help, but he refuses. •Ella's older brother, Jay Lopez, disappears after a man he was meeting with is murdered. February 27 •Ella, worried about her brother goes to Maze and ask her for her help in finding her brother. •Instead they found a guy murdered. •Ella calls the cops. •Chloe asks Ella to recuse herself from the investigation, but she and Maze go off to find Ella's brother anyway. •Charlotte is turned down by Linda when she asks for a consultation, as she still fears her. •The murder victim is tied to a jewelry store heist, and Lucifer and Chloe check with the owner, who reveals that the "robbery" was actually insurance fraud. •Pierce tracks down Amenadiel, who he knows gave him the mark, and assaults him in anger. •Ella and Maze finds Jay. •Chloe and Dan confirm that Jay was, in fact, hired to "clean" the stolen diamonds. •Jay flees, and goes after the real killer, the store's investigator, but gets captured. •Pierce points out that he and Amenadiel both tried to kill their brothers, but that Amenadiel's failure makes him worse. •Maze eliminates the killer and saves Jay and Ella. •Linda decides to treat Charlotte realizing Goddess is gone. •Lucifer catches Jay stealing the diamonds, and vows to punish him if he ever commits a crime and disappoint Ella again. •Amenadiel decides that he will do whatever it takes to protect his brother from Pierce.


    March 5 •Lucifer has a dream about Chloe dying, and doubles down on his quest to help Pierce. March 6 •When young adult author Kathleen Pike is murdered, Lucifer learns that her latest work may help him overcome his lack of ideas. •Against Maze's wishes, Linda and Amenadiel continue their romance in secret (Maze is aware, however). •With no leads, Chloe learns that the characters in Kathleen's books are based on people from her high school days, and Lucifer agrees to go undercover with her at an upcoming reunion to find the killer. •Maze intentionally sets up Linda and Amenadiel on blind dates with herself and Todd, the man Lucifer impersonated, as revenge for their deception. •It turns out that all of the party attendees have an alibi except for Todd. •Maze angrily storms out after Linda defends her actions. •Todd explains that Kathleen had a different ending for her book from what her editor wanted, and Chloe uses that information to set a trap for him. •Lucifer has a breakdown when he realizes that Kathleen's work was destroyed, and leaves. March 7 •Linda breaks up with Amenadiel for Maze's sake. •Lucifer throws Chloe her own "prom" so that she can move on from her nostalgia, and in the middle of it, he has an epiphany: to break Pierce's curse, he has to prevent the circumstances that caused it. March 12 •To help Pierce break his curse, Lucifer proposes resurrecting Abel, who he reveals has been trapped in Hell since his murder. •The plan goes awry when Abel is revived in the body of Bree Garland, the assistant to B movie producer Alexa Lee, whose office was recently blown up by a bomb. •Based on information provided by Maze, Lucifer and Pierce track Bree to a pool party, where she is blissfully unaware of her situation until Amenadiel arrives and tries to persuade her to commit suicide by claiming she's still in Hell. •Chloe's investigation uncovers links between Alexa's film studio and a Bolivian drug cartel, and she realizes that Bree, who had been aware of her employer's crimes, was trying to expose her. •Charlotte makes some strong progress in therapy with Linda. •Bree encounters Pierce and shoots him, but he still does not die. March 13 •Amenadiel, after fighting with Maze, calls her childish for ruining his chance at romance. •Chloe takes Bree and Lucifer to Alexa's office for evidence, where they narrowly manage to defuse another bomb. •Using a recovered fingerprint, Chloe has Alexa arrested for money laundering. •Bree, having somewhat reconciled with her brother, asks for some space to figure herself out. •Lucifer, concerned about Chloe's safety, informs Pierce that he is ending their partnership when Bree is suddenly run over by an ambulance. March 19 •Pop singer Axara sees her life threatened when one of her backup dancers (wearing a mask and the same outfit as Axara) gets killed by a high-powered firework. March 20 •Chloe investigates without much help from Lucifer, who is still worried about putting Chloe in danger and tries to avoid her. •Lucifer does offer to quarantine Axara at Lux until the killer is found, though. •Suspicion falls on a crazed fan, who is soon found dead himself, then to Axara's manager, before evidence ultimately leads Chloe to Axara's former high school friend and current tour manager, Cece. •Pierce is dejected over Lucifer backing off on helping him die and the fact that Abel couldn't kill him either. •Ella convinces him to talk to Dan, which does no good, and Pierce also has a conversation with Amenadiel that seems to help. •After Lucifer is stab with a knife and Chloe stops the bleeding Pierce starts to believe again that Chloe is the key. •Pierce asks Chloe out on a date in full view of Lucifer. •Linda tries to reconcile her friendship with Maze, even getting Charlotte to mediate their dispute, but Maze won't budge off her high horse. March 26 •Two new victims are found that match the killer's MO. •Lucifer tries to get between what he suspects is a growing romance between Chloe and Pierce. •Dan tells a drunken Maze to pull herself together for Chloe's sake. •More victims turn up, validating Pierce's belief that a copycat Broken Hearts Killer is responsible. •Amenadiel runs into Charlotte, and Linda advises him to keep his distance. •Pierce visits the granddaughter of his partner in 1958, getting back his files on the case. •Maze and Dan argue, and Maze ends up insulting Trixie unaware that she's behind her. •Using a radio call-in show to set up a sting, Chloe and Pierce pose as a cheating couple and lure out the killer, who turns out to be a man who found the original killer's journals and became obsessed with them. •Charlotte persuades Amenadiel to reveal the truth to her. •Pierce decides to pursue a relationship with Chloe.


    February 20 Orgy Pants to Work takes place 6 months after Expire Erect •Eve befriends Maze, but is dismayed by Lucifer's duties with the LAPD. •Chloe disapproves of Lucifer's new unsavory behavior after he wears his orgy pants to work (entirely by accident). •Linda is also worried as Lucifer is burning the candle at both ends, and even he can't hold out forever; the best sign is Lucifer mixing up gift deliveries for Eve and Chloe. •Remiel arrives having sensed the baby angel, to take and raise it in Heaven. •Lucifer and Chloe go on a stake out and while Lucifer is asleep Chloe admits that his and Eve relationship makes her jealous and unhappy. •Investigating the murder of Gary Van Brunt, Lucifer and Chloe are lead to Vincent Walker, a Kidnap/Ransom specialist, who Gary audited. •Vincent fought with Gary over the bribes to border guards to ensue client safety, but was on a plane during the murder. February 21 •Ella finds Gary was wearing too expensive clothing, Lucifer concludes he was attacked at a nudist colony in Malibu Canyon. •The owner, Julian McCafferry, is the prime suspect, but his father, shipping tycoon Jacob Tierning, has his lawyers free Julian •While staking out one of Tierning's ships, they discover Julian is involved with human trafficking. •Lucifer confronts him, but Julian escapes by dropping barrels on him and kills Officer Joan- one of Lucifer's LAPD acquaintances. •Eve urges Lucifer give punishment, leading to him brutally crippling Julian by breaking his back. •Maze takes Amenadiel's place at Lamaze class and builds a maternal bond with Linda. •Amenadiel defends his baby and Linda from Remiel.


    March 11 •Amenadiel defeats Remiel, forcing her to leave the child alone. However, she warns Amenadiel will regret his choice. •Julian fearfully confesses to all charges, Dan believes Lucifer crippled him, but Chloe knows Dan is still bitter over Charlotte's death. •Finding the body of Sam Zofrelli, evidence points to Greg "Pony Boy" Grabowski, but Chloe finds 'Pony Boy' works for Tierning through a shell company. •Lucifer realizes Tierning killed Sam thinking he crippled Julian. •In Tierning's office, Lucifer acts aggressive until Chloe calms him. •At the precinct, Lucifer admits to breaking Julian's back, but he didn't tell Chloe due to her morals and his distrust after Kinley. •Dan, wanting Lucifer gone, informs Tierning Lucifer is responsible. •Chloe asks Ella about faith, but finds Ella has gone atheist. •Trixie visits Lucifer out of concern and is suspicious of Eve. •Dan and Chloe find Trixie is missing and race to Lucifer's penthouse. •Pony Boy attacks, but Lucifer subdues him so he won't hurt Trixie and Eve. •Chloe thanks Eve for protecting Trixie. •Lucifer tells Chloe he will never hurt Trixie and Chloe tells him that he might be the devil but he is also an angel and Chloe tells Lucifer she should check if he still has his angel wings. •Lucifer goes to confront Tierning. •With proof of Tierning's guilt, Lucifer brings him into the precinct. He did so remembering how Chloe would act, wanting her trust again. •Ella and Dan kiss. •Chloe meets Kinley in jail, and learns about a prophecy where Lucifer and his "First Love" unleash evil. •Lucifer calls Linda for help, as his Angel wings have become Demon wings. March 18 •Investigating the death of High School teacher Sandra Baez, Chloe talks with Lucifer about the prophecy. •Understanding his changes, he concludes the best action is to break up with Eve; but she refuses. March 19 •Lucifer and Chloe went to speak with students Lexy Shaw and Nate Benedict. They found out Nate's father was sleeping with Sandra after his divorce, but mutually broke up a week ago. •Lucifer takes Eve to his sessions, which backfires. Then plays the "cliché bad husband" which also backfires. •At Lux, Caleb Mayfield, a student needing Lucifer's favor, meets Amenadiel; Caleb wants out from selling drugs for Tahir, the dealer. •Later, two officers arrive to arrest Caleb for murder, as the murder weapon was in Caleb's locker, with a building hostility until Dan arrives and orders a stand down. •Ella informs Dan a cop may have told Tierning about Lucifer. •Nate reveals Sandra found out they stole the SAT answers, so Lexy killed her with Caleb's golf club. •Nate kept her bloody clothes, which is evidence. •Released from custody, Amenadiel paid off Tahir and invites Caleb to a 1-on-1 game between friends. •Maze has trouble on the dating scene and when hanging out with Eve, a drunk Dan antagonizes Maze to punish him, but is instead escorted out. •Lucifer later directly breaks up with Eve as he doesn't like who he is around her. •After Caleb was shot dead by Tahir's men, the brothers raid Tahir's home and brutalize him. •Amenadiel decides to raise his son in Heaven. •When seeing Linda, Lucifer reveals he feels a tremendous amount of self-hatred. March 25 •Realtor Beth Murphy finds her sister Moira having seemingly killed her twin Megan. •Lucifer finds his hand deformed, hiding it as best he can. •A deluded Eve wants him back, so Maze takes her as a bounty hunter partner, while in private Lucifer shows Chloe he's changing into his other form. •Moira's accountant reveals a missing thumb drive with sensitive information was taken. •Megan is proven innocent from the TOD, so Eve suggests a sting operation with false news of a copy of the missing thumb drive. •Chloe provides a masquerade party to help conceal Lucifer's change, but people start revealing their desires left and right. •Beth admits to the crime. Megan had trusted Beth with helping the finances, but a bad investment lost all their money; Beth lost her mind when Megan berated her and killed her. •After Beth leaves, Lucifer becomes trapped him in his Full Devil Form. Thinking it's because he ruins everything around him, Chloe argues he blames himself for humanity's sins and tells him to forgive himself. •The moment Lucifer chooses to want to forgive himself, he slowly reverts back to normal, joyous he won't be the evil of prophesy. •Ella confronts Dan about him being the cop who told Tierning about Lucifer, but she covers for him and urges he get help for the emotional pain he is in. •Dan seeks help from Linda, admitting he blamed Lucifer but he feels at fault; as there was nothing to save her. •As Dan and Linda talk Linda's water breaks. •Eve kidnaps Kinley to dispel the prophesy, but Maze in realization, tells Eve to accept that Lucifer doesn't love her. •Maze gets a text from Dan telling her Linda is having the baby. Maze leaves to go see Linda have her baby, who is named Charlie in honor of Charlotte. •Kinley suggests Eve take Lucifer back to Hell so the two of them can rule together. •Kinley tries to kill her, but Eve finds one of Maze's hidden knives and kills him. Using him as a messenger, Eve releases the prophesied evil in Kinley's corpse. March 26 •Maze searches for Kinley. •Amenadiel tries to bring Charlie to Heaven, but the baby monitor will alarm if he does. •Lucifer tells Linda he's cured, but she isn't sure. March 27 •Looking into the murder of DJ 'Holla Bae' the only clue is a livestream of him being stabbed, the main suspect is rapper 'Monopolize'. •The demon Dromos in Kinley's body, killed Holla so another demon could use his body. •After interviewing 'Monopolize', Chloe finds a social media post of Kinley and Holla entering a church. •That night Chloe went to the church looking for Kinley but finds Maze tracking Kinley; she realizes the situation and updates Chloe. •At Lux, demons Dromos and Squee greet Lucifer, telling Lucifer they came to bring him back to Hell. •Lucifer refuses to go, and angry Dromos already broke his order of no possessions, tells him to go back. •After mentioning Charlie, Dromos has another demon kidnap the baby to be the new King of Hell under their tutelage. •Lucifer and company pull together to find Charlie, and after some reflection, Ella regains her faith and convinces Dan to let go of his anger. March 28 •Finding Dromos, Eve is appalled by his change of plan. •Eve goes to Lucifer; confessing her fault in all this. •With the help of Eve and Chloe guiding them, Lucifer, Amenadiel and Maze launch a rescue mission for Charlie. •Chloe enters the church to see if Lucifer is Ok but Lucifer tell her to leave. •Chloe admits that she isn't afraid of him anymore but more afraid of losing him. •As Chloe was about to tell Lucifer she loves him demons attack her. •After Chloe falls into trouble, Lucifer is forced to assume his full demonic form to order the demons back to Hell. •Having recovered his son, Amenadiel decides to raise him on Earth with Linda. •Eve subsequently departs to find herself. •Chloe finally accepts Lucifer fully even after seeing Lucifer at his most monstrous and the two admit their love for each other. •Lucifer realizes that Kinley's prophecy was right and that Chloe was always his true first love, not Eve. •To protect everyone, Lucifer chooses to return to Hell. •After sharing a kiss with Chloe, Lucifer, who has regained his original Angel Wings, flies back to his throne in Hell, leaving Chloe heartbroken.


    June 3 Really Sad Devil Guy is based 2 months after the events of Who's da New King of Hell? •Lucifer has been in Hell for two months (even though it has been much longer for him since time moves slower. •Lucifer visits one of the new arrivals in Hell, explaining that he is in Hell, and has been murdered numerous times already whilst being stuck within an endless loop in which he re-lives his death as punishment for his crimes. •In Los Angeles, Chloe, Ella and Maze work to solve the murder of Lee. •Ella explains that she is angry that Lucifer ghosted her to "see family", whilst both Maze and Chloe attempt to deal with the pain all whilst keeping his true location a secret. •Lucifer takes a keen interest in the case when he realizes that Lee died in Los Angeles, and it is highly likely that Chloe will be on the case. •Lucifer explains that as the ruler of Hell, he is in a unique position to help him solve the murder. The two set out to solve the murder. •Amenadiel, has taken up Lucifer's job at the helm of Lux, and is keen to change the reputation. •Amenadiel notices a drug deal taking place in the distance and rushes to end it. Really Sad Devil Guy June 4 •The following morning, Amenadiel reports the drug deal to Dan, citing that there is a real crime taking place that the two of them could end. •Simultaneously, Lucifer begins working on the case at the same time as Chloe and Maze. •Chloe and Maze attend an elite poker game hosted by "Dirty Doug", in which they question Doug over the loans he hands out and what they often mean for the recipients. •When people at the game begin realizing that they are with the LAPD, one of Doug's men begins running, causing both Chloe and Maze to chase him. •Eventually, he is hit by a car and killed, allowing Lucifer to send a message to the surface, citing that "it's safe where you stored it". Chloe is confused by this but is warmed by the sign from Lucifer. •Lucifer quickly grows tired of helping solve the murder and, believing to have done his part, announces that he is to go back to rule Hell and end the charade of solving the murder. Really Sad Devil Guy June 5 •Chloe finally figures out the message from Lucifer, and explains to Maze that they need to visit a storage locker owned by Lee. •When Chloe and Maze arrive they find Lee's sister, Meg, waiting for them. •Meg explains about the safe, and further explains that she misses Lee; a sentiment that both Chloe and Maze relate to Lucifer. •Maze kisses Chloe on a misread signal, and Chloe realizes that they've been using the partnership to fill the void left by Lucifer. •Lucifer takes pity on Lee and decides to help him, taking him back to the root of his Hell loop: his sister's baby shower. It was the last family gathering before his parents died. •Lee never joined the party because he didn't want to disappoint them by being close due to his criminal life. •Chloe takes Meg back to her house where there find Doug's men waiting for them. •Doug's men attack Chloe and Meg, thinking they have the money Lee owed; the safe was empty. •Meg laughs at their idiocy; they knew Doug couldn't hold onto his money. •A shootout ensues, which sends a shooter to hell. •While Lucifer is snapping at Lee for comparing their lives, a demon brings the shooter; Lucifer learns of Chloe's plight. •Michael comes to Earth and helps Chloe take care of Doug's men •Chloe thinks Michael is Lucifer but can sense something was off. She asks him if everything is ok. Michael explains to her that things are different now and that time isn't linear in Hell; he isn't the same old devil she knew. Really Sad Devil Guy June 10 •Chloe receives a new case: a murder in the "Red 2 Mars Project". •Chloe surmises that due to the nature of the project, the killer must have been one of the five people inside given nobody is able to come or go, from the project. •A quick conversation between Lucifer and Ella raises concerns in Chloe, who is confused about why Lucifer is suddenly willing to lie. •Lucifer tells her that the thousands of years in Hell have changed him, perhaps for the better. •Chloe is ecstatic to reveal the return of Lucifer to Linda, however, it is no surprise as she reveals that Lucifer has already visited her. •Chloe raises her concerns with Linda and realizes that she must get Lucifer to remember his life on Earth before he returned to Hell. •In the interrogation room, Chloe tries numerous times to convince Lucifer to return to his usual self. •Initially, Chloe tries to play to "bad cop", but after "Lucifer" doesn't follow along, she turns to subtle reminders about his previous self, such as the flask he drank from regularly despite the time; nevertheless, the "new Lucifer" cites that it is too early and opts that they return to the case. •Ella interrupts after the interrogation to reveal someone must've entered the facility where the "Red 2 Mars Project" was taking place given they found hair in the facility that did not belong to any of those involved. •Lucifer and Chloe talk with those in charge of the project. They raise the concern that someone must've had access to the lab, however, they are assured that the project is completely sealed, and the only communication is with mission control; Chloe surmises that the killer could well be someone at mission control. •At the penthouse, Lucifer pours himself a drink but is interrupted when he is tackled by Maze. •He quickly explains that he is not Lucifer, but his twin brother, Michael, and has come to Earth to right a wrong. •Michael explains that Lucifer returning to Hell willingly has caused quite the stir in Heaven, and he has come to return him to Earth. •Maze questions if Michael knows how to pretend to be Lucifer, but that she will help him nonetheless. Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!. June 11 •Now comfortable posing as Lucifer, Michael sets out to find Donovan — a bitter rival of the recently deceased Judy — with Chloe and question him. A car chase ensues, leading to Michael using his wings to protect a vulnerable Chloe. •He assures her that things will be back to normal soon, but he needs time. •Back in the interrogation room, Donovan denies having killed Judy, but cites that Brody, their manager, was having an affair with Judy; this allowed her to get the promotion over him. •Lucifer explains that he is still adjusting to the changes between Hell and Earth, but things should be back to normal soon. •Chloe tries to seduce "Lucifer" after finally deciding that it is time to take their relationship to the next level, but he doesn't reciprocate the feelings. Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! June 12 •Chloe and Michael are able to eventually solve the murder when Chloe realizes that they should check the reflection of the security cameras in the Mars Project. •Chloe and Michael are able to pinpoint a specific piece of equipment to Sam Chavez, a Red 1 employee whom they initially suspected was involved. •When questioned about it, Sam believes Brody to be the killer, however, he is surprised when Mandy — his co-worker — confesses that she is the killer. She explains that she is in love with Sam and killed Judy out of jealousy that he didn't love her anymore. •After solving the murder, Michael decides that he is finally going to embrace his facade and become Lucifer. •When Chloe arrives at the penthouse, he decides that he is finally ready to take their relationship to the next level, but is shocked when she shoots him, revealing that he isn't Lucifer, but an impersonator. •Michael is shocked by the ordeal but explains that Chloe shouldn't exist, but was a gift created by God specifically for Lucifer. •Whilst Chloe is reluctant to believe him at first, she seems shaken by the revelation. •Shaken by the events, Michael heads downstairs to drink in Lux. He is approached by Amenadiel, however, who orders he returns back to Heaven. Michael, however, has other plans and threatens to tell Remiel about Charlie. •Amenadiel is furious with Michael and, in an effort to annoy Michael, remarks that Lucifer has always been the better brother. •Amenadiel begins a descent to Hell in an effort to return Lucifer to Earth and solve the identity crisis. Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! •Amenadiel tells Lucifer that Michael has come to Earth, assumed his identity, and is now wreaking havoc with his life. •Amenadiel is especially concerned since Michael has also threatened Charlie's safety. •Lucifer brushes Amenadiel off by telling him that Michael was just playing with his fears like he always did. •Amenadiel informs Lucifer that the last time he went to the Silver City, Michael had managed to seat himself at God's right hand, and ensure that he was the only one talking to Him. •Lucifer agrees to go back to Earth. ¡Diablo! June 13 •Chloe and Lucifer reunite after 2 months. Lucifer, however, explains that he cannot stay long, but will do what he can to stop Michael and protect his identity. •Clearly worried about Michael's remark previously, Chloe raises the remark with Lucifer, who remarks that he doesn't care whether she was made for him or not. •Chloe is perplexed by this response and leaves to continue with her work, but feels as though her entire life has been a pre-determined lie. •Returning to work, Lucifer arrives at a crime scene alongside Chloe: at a film studio, a man has been stabbed to death. •Lucifer questions if Chloe is all right, but she mocks him, continually making jokes about being a "gift from god"; Lucifer finds this uncanny, but quickly realizes that he knows the man who has been stabbed to death. The man, he explains, works on a show called Diablo that canters around Lucifer's life. •Lucifer and Chloe watch the television show being filmed, and whilst Lucifer is happy with the show, Chloe is horrified by the way she is portrayed. •Chloe questions if the actress minds the passive behavior associated with the role, however the actress remarks that she doesn't. •Chloe visits Matt's second in command, Keri, who remarks that Matt is the worst manager — both lazy and a control freak. She remarks that her scripts were often changed without warning, which annoyed the majority of the writers. Chloe suspects that one of the writers could be responsible. •At his penthouse, Maze encounters Lucifer for the first time since he returned from Hell. She is furious, and the two begin fighting vigorously, but Lucifer is able to get the upper hand. Maze berates Lucifer for returning to Hell without her, however he remarks that she isn't his servant anymore and is free to go to and from Hell as she pleases. •At the motel where Diablo is written, Chloe and Lucifer find Diablo and Dancer, who enter believing they have cracked the case. •When Diablo shows Lucifer and Chloe a matchbook, remarking that they believe it links Matt to the case, however they soon surmise that Matt found inspiration at the motel earlier in his career. •Chloe and Lucifer do, however, find a vape cartridge that points them in the direction of Diablo, however when they arrive at his trailer they find he has been murdered. •Ella quickly connects the murder weapon to a prop used on the show. •Maze and Linda talk, and Maze expresses her concerns that Linda will not be around for much longer, however Linda sarcastically remarks that she isn't dying anytime soon. •Linda suggests that Maze is suffering with the fear of abandonment, and remarks that it is pretty normal, however Maze rebukes her diagnosis. •Lucifer, Dan, and Chloe realize that Keri Balewood, the second on the show, is more than likely responsible for Diablo's death, or has some connection. •Chloe and Lucifer question Keri over removing the PA from Diablo's trailer, however she denies having done so. •Tensions increase when Lucifer finds the murder weapon in Keri's wardrobe, however she continues to deny having murdered Diablo. •Back at the precinct, Dan tries to alleviate the tensions experienced between him and Lucifer. •Lucifer finally agrees to patch the holes in his and Dan's relationship, and they begin to act out scenes of Diablo. •Shortly after, Lucifer quickly realize that the "number two" they think is the killer is in fact, not. •Chloe visits Dancer's trailer to break the news that they caught the killer. •Dancer takes Chloe to Diablo's club — a fake replica of Lux — and the two drink to the arrest. •Chloe is able to draw similarities between Dancer and Diablo's relationship and the relationship between her and Lucifer, and the two begin talking. •When Chloe realizes that Dancer's impression of Keri is almost perfect, it becomes clear that telling the difference between Keri and Dancer over the phone would be difficult — this points Dancer as the one who ordered the removal of the PA. •Chloe and Dancer begin fighting, and Chloe questions why she killed Diablo, and Dancer reveals that she was fearful of losing the career she had built for herself. •Lucifer returns to the penthouse to find Michael waiting for him. •Michael tries to goad Lucifer, remarking that all of Lucifer's decisions have been influenced by himself. •Lucifer is unwilling to believe it and becomes increasingly annoyed with Michael referring to him as Samael. •Lucifer and Michael begin to fight, and Lucifer is able to get the upper hand, slicing Michael with the demon blade. •Lucifer arrives at Chloe's house, and she expresses difficulties in getting around the fact that she was created especially for him by God. •Lucifer apologizes, but this isn't enough, and Chloe leaves abruptly. •Later, Maze arrives at Decker's house but quickly finds that she is speaking with Michael not Lucifer. •Michael tells her that there is a secret that Lucifer is keeping from her, but is reluctant to reveal it, instead, citing that he can point her in the right direction to find out. ¡Diablo!

  5. Sep 2, 2021 · Here is everything we know about Lucifer Season 6 so far including the best prediction for a premiere date and what to expect in the dramedy's final episodes.

    • Destiny Jackson
  6. Jul 31, 2021 · Lucifer Season 5 and Season 6 were filmed back to back with production on Season 6 starting in October 2020. Co-showrunner Joe Henderson announced the start of filming on the new season on...

  7. Sep 12, 2021 · When Lucifer survives past midnight, the couple thinks they have thwarted the future, until Lucifer receives a call from Le Mec (Rob Benedict), the mercenary who killed Dan (Kevin Alejandro).

  8. Lucifer: Created by Tom Kapinos. With Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, D.B. Woodside. Lucifer Morningstar has decided he's had enough of being the dutiful servant in Hell and decides to spend some time on Earth to better understand humanity. He settles in Los Angeles - the City of Angels.

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