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  1. › wiki › CanadaCanada - Wikipedia

    In 2021, the average age in Canada was 41.9 years. Life expectancy is 81.1 years. [393] A 2016 report by the chief public health officer found that 88 percent of Canadians, one of the highest proportions of the population among G7 countries, indicated that they "had good or very good health". [394]

  2. 加拿大 ( 英语 、 法语 :Canada,读音: /ˈkænədə/(英)/kanada/(法) )是一个位于 北美洲 北部的国家,属于 西半球 及 北半球 ,其领土西临 太平洋 ,东濒 大西洋 ,北接 北冰洋 ,有部分领土位于 北极圈 内。. 加拿大东北方与 丹麦 领地 格陵兰 相望,並以 ...

  3. Main article: Indigenous peoples in Canada. Further information: Technological and industrial history of Canada § The Stone Age: Fire (14,000 BC-AD 1600) The Great Lakes are estimated to have been formed at the end of the last glacial period (about 10,000 years ago), when the Laurentide Ice Sheet receded.

  4. 15–24.9 people/km 2. 10–14.9 people/km 2. 5–9.9 people/km 2. 1–4.9 people/km 2. <1 people/km 2. The 2021 Canadian census had a total population count of 36,991,981 individuals, making up approximately 0.5% of the world's total population. [5] [22] A population estimate for 2024 put the total number of people in Canada at 41,012,563.

  5. Just over 60 percent of Canadians live in just two provinces: Ontario and Quebec. Though Canada's overall population density is low, many regions in the south, such as the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, have population densities higher than several European countries.

  6. 加拿大 ( 粵拼 : gaa1 naa4 daai6 ;英文、法文: Canada ,英文發音: [ˈkænədə] ( 幫手 · 個快勞) ;法式法文發音: [kanada] ;魁北克法文發音: [kanadɔ] ( 幫手 · 個快勞) [1] ),簡稱 加國 ,俗稱 楓葉國 ,係世界上國土第二大國,佔咗 北美洲 北部嘅大部分,南部 ...

  7. People also ask

  8. 加拿大英語法語:Canada,讀音: /ˈkænədə/ (英) /kanada/ (法) )是一個位於北美洲北部的國家,屬於西半球及北半球,其領土西臨太平洋,東瀕大西洋,北接北冰洋,有部分領土位於北極圈內。