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    • Are You An Old Soul? What It Means & 50 Clear Signs
      • Technically, we are all old souls as we have all lived several lifetimes. However, some souls have lived more lifetimes than others. It’s not only about the amount of lifetimes though, it’s also about how much you have grown as a soul in these lifetimes. Many old souls are starseeds and have had lifetimes on other planets than Earth. › blog › old-soul
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    • You have an inquisitive, curious mind. Old souls very much prioritize truth and wisdom. As such, they often have curious minds about what's happening in the world and internally "but not in a superficial way," Brailsford notes.
    • You can see the big picture. If you're an old soul, you're likely able to see beyond appearances, Brailsford says. You're probably able to let things roll off your back easier, and you're less likely to be triggered by certain things.
    • You may feel like a bit of an outsider. According to Merzon, being an old soul can make it difficult to form meaningful connections, at least when you're young.
    • ... but you know your fellow old souls when you meet them. While it can be difficult to get along with everyone when you're an old soul, Brailsford is quick to note that in the long run, old souls are actually good at finding their fellow kindred spirits.
    • Overview
    • What is an old soul?
    • Signs You’re an Old Soul
    • Is having an old soul good or bad?
    • Where do old souls come from?
    • How to Live Well as an Old Soul

    Are old souls good or bad?

    People have said you’re an “old soul” before, but what did they really mean by that? What is an old soul, and what qualities define them? We’re here to explain everything. Being called an old soul could be considered quite the compliment! As an old soul, you have a unique and profound way of looking at the world, which likely tends to impress the people you meet. Keep reading to discover all the signs of an old soul so you can figure out if you truly are one, plus tips on how to flourish in life as an old soul.

    Old souls are people who feel wise beyond their years and mature for their age group. If you’re an old soul, you’re highly sensitive and insightful.

    As an old soul, you may be curious and thirsty for knowledge. You’re also likely introverted and enjoy lots of alone time to recharge your social battery.

    An old soul feels older and wiser than their age reflects.

    The concept of old souls originates in the spiritual idea that bodies are vessels for souls, and if you’re an old soul, your soul continues to reincarnate.

    However, today, old souls aren’t necessarily a spiritual thing. Rather, being an old soul can simply mean you have lots of empathy, mental acuity, intuition, and insight into yourself and the world around you.

    Generally, old souls are seen as understanding, thoughtful, patient, and extremely wise.

    You rarely find happiness in material possessions or money as an old soul. What you value most are the things that can’t be bought: friends, family, knowledge, peace, and security. You don’t feel the need to follow the latest trends, have a high social status, or boast about having the most expensive technology or fashion. You may be an old soul if you feel like there’s something more important than the material world around you.

    You’re an intellectual who loves knowledge and truth.

    Old souls are inquisitive and smart, which means you likely consider yourself a student of life, always curious about the world and how it works. You love discovering new facts, wisdom, and truths— to you, everything is a learning opportunity. You may be an old soul if you’re curious about everything, from history to the details of your best friend’s life.

    You’re wise beyond your years.

    Being called an “old soul” is typically a compliment.

    If you’re an old soul, your unique perspective on life likely makes you wise and more mature than other people your age. You’re thoughtful, considerate, give great advice, and approach life with more experience and understanding, giving you a leg up as you tackle challenges—and those are all good things! Thus, being an old soul is generally positive.

    Conversely, if you’re an old soul, you may have mixed feelings about it. Because old souls are so wise and often perceived as more old-fashioned, you may feel isolated from others.

    Ultimately, having an old soul is good—it’s all about your personal feelings. Luckily, even if you feel isolated, there are always ways to connect with people and build a stronger social circle.

    Your old soul may have awakened through reincarnation.

    The spiritual explanation for old souls is that you subconsciously carry memories from past lives that give you special insight into the world from a young age. That’s why you may enjoy retro pastimes popular among older generations and be naturally talented at certain things—it’s because of the memories from your past lives.

    Some theorize that everyone is born with a connection to their past selves, but as an old soul, you’re one of the few whose connection hasn’t been stifled throughout childhood by your parents, culture, or society.

    You may have undergone a spiritual awakening during your life.

    Do inner work to increase your self-awareness.

    As an old soul, you likely strive for self-awareness and fulfillment—and inner work may help you achieve those things. Inner work is the practice of using self-reflection to connect with your inner self and find a sense of purpose. It’s a combination of cultivating self-love, practicing mindfulness, and confronting issues that might be weighing on you. To do inner work:

    to be more present and ground yourself. While meditating, check in with yourself; ask yourself how you feel.

    Keep a journal and record your experiences and ideas there. Journaling can be a great way to gain clarity when your mind feels confused or clouded.

    Contemplate issues carefully. If you’re grappling with a problem, reflect on it and how it may connect to your values. Reflection might help you unlock new solutions!

    Surround yourself with like-minded people.

  2. What Does It Mean To Have An Old Soul? To have an old soul means that you are wise beyond your years and have lived many lifetimes. Technically, we are all old souls as we have all lived several lifetimes. However, some souls have lived more lifetimes than others.

    • Are We all Old Souls?1
    • Are We all Old Souls?2
    • Are We all Old Souls?3
    • Are We all Old Souls?4
    • Are We all Old Souls?5
    • You’ve been told you’re an old soul. Many times. If you’ve been told over and over again by multiple people that you’re an old soul, you likely are. The funny thing about this is – old souls recognize other old souls.
    • The old soul is drawn to decades and centuries past. This is a big sign you’re an old soul. If you’ve always found the distant past fascinating, it’s because you’ve lived in it.
    • You’re decidedly old fashioned in your morals and values. While you’re forward thinking in many ways, you might also feel traditional and old fashioned when it comes to solid morals and values.
    • That sense of longing to go home never subsides. Old souls have a longing in their hearts for home. A home we might never find here on this plane of existence.
  3. Nov 18, 2020 · Ever heard that you have an old soul but aren’t sure what that means? We break down the true meaning and explain why it’s more about your personality than your age.

  4. Nov 16, 2022 · Old Souls are people who are conscious of the Souls existence and actively work to reconnect with it again. In this sense, the term “Old Soul” is metaphorical rather than literal, indicating a matured and ripened relationship with the Soul or True Self.

  5. Mar 20, 2024 · Some say it’s because of how they were nurtured, others say they’re an incarnation of some universal force; in any case, here are 23 signs that you or someone you know has an old soul. 1. You’re More Intentional With Your Choices. You’ve already lived a life before, so you know what to do with yours now.

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