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  1. Jul 12, 2022 · How to Sell an Idea to a Company Without Them Stealing It. For many, coming up with an innovative idea leads to a desire to do something with it — and in the absence of knowing how to commercialize a great idea, many people jump to the conclusion that it can simply be sold to a big company.

  2. People also ask

    • Vitamin vs. Painkiller
    • Create A Persona
    • Know Thy Competition
    • Explain Like They’Re Five
    • Leverage Social Proof
    • Offer A Trial Or Pilot Program
    • Provide A Visual Prototype
    • Sealing The Deal

    Here is the first concept you need to know. The difference between a vitamin and a painkiller. Vitaminsare ideas or solutions that offer long-term benefits and are considered “nice to have” rather than urgent. They are preventive in nature, providing ongoing value and enhancing overall well-being. However, vitamins can be challenging to prioritize ...

    How well do you know the person or organization you’re selling to? An HBR studyfound 2 key factors to better selling: empathy and ego drive. Empathy is how well you can relate to someone, and ego drive is how much you want to succeed. Let’s cover empathy first in actionable tips. If you don’t know the person, ask yourself: 1. What is their name? 2....

    It’s important to know the market, competition, and customer before you even start thinking about how to sell an idea. You want to be able to make a strong argument for why your product is better than the others on the market—and, most importantly, you want to internalize why your product or service is GREAT and worth selling in the first place. Fo...

    A reviewof the language used by 19 presidential candidates found that simpler language resonates with voters—not complex language. So if you’re trying to get your product heard, use easier-to-understand language. For example, check out this technical description of a mindfulness app versus a more simple one: 1. Technical Explanation: Our mindfulnes...

    When it comes to selling ideas, understanding the principles of persuasion can make all the difference. One fascinating fact that can significantly enhance your persuasive abilities is the concept of social proof. Backed by research from esteemed psychology expert Robert Cialdini, social proof has proven to be a powerful tool in the art of persuasi...

    Imagine giving someone a taste of your idea without them having to commit to the full experience right away. Offering a trial or pilot program is like inviting them to dip their toes into the pool before taking a refreshing dive. By providing interested parties with a limited-time opportunity to test your idea’s benefits, you mitigate the perceived...

    Sometimes, words alone are not enough to convey the brilliance of your idea. That’s where a visual prototype comes to the rescue. Imagine having a sneak peek into the future by creating a visual representation or prototype of your idea. Whether it’s a captivating mock-up, an engaging demo video, or an interactive presentation, a visual prototype ma...

    Keep these ideas in mind when selling your own idea: 1. Offer a Trial or Pilot Program: Provide a limited-time opportunity for potential customers to experience your idea firsthand, building trust and providing real-world evidence of its value. 2. Showcase Data and Metrics: Support your idea with relevant data, metrics, and case studies to demonstr...

    • Paul Dughi
    • Make it personal. When you’re trying to sell an idea, the best way to position it is to focus on how your idea will impact the person you’re targeting.
    • Sell yourself. People buy from people they trust. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a product, service, or idea. If they don’t trust you, why would they accept your premise?
    • Tell stories. Stories are powerful. They can help you make a connection with a prospect and show how an idea becomes reality. Too many salespeople tend to load up their presentations with facts and figures.
    • Be transparent. Be transparent as possible when you are idea selling. For your prospect, it may be the first time they’ve heard your idea. All the work you’ve done to develop the idea and bring it to them is hidden from view.
  3. Apr 29, 2023 · Idea selling is the process of pitching, promoting, and ultimately selling a unique concept, invention, or business idea to potential buyers, investors, or partners. The goal of idea selling is to turn an innovative idea into a profitable venture or collaboration.

  4. Summary. You have a great idea—a product tweak that will save your company money, a process change to increase your team’s productivity, or a plan for heading off a looming crisis. There’s just...

  5. Apr 19, 2016 · It's time to embrace the persuasive skills of a salesperson. To get your clients to say "yes" more often, follow these tips to increase your persuasive powers. How to Sell Your Ideas. 1) Make the other person comfortable.

  6. If you’ve got a unique solution to a common problem, you may be wondering how to sell your idea for maximum benefit. To help you in that regard, we’ve created this complete guide that outlines how to sell an idea in seven key steps.

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