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  1. Boris Godunov je opera v štirih dejanjih (osmih slikah) Modesta Petroviča Musorgskega z ljudskimi prizori. Libreto je napisan skladatelj sam po Puškinovem istoimenskem besedilu. Z uglasbitvijo je skladatelj začel septembra 1868. Naslednje leto v novembru je bilo delo dokončano, med zimo 1869/70. pa je opero inštrumentiral.

  2. Boris Godunov (opera) Fjodor Sjaljapin som Boris Godunov, målad av Aleksandr Golovin. Boris Godunov är en rysk opera (musikdrama) i fyra akter (sju scener), komponerad 1868–1869, med musik och text av Modest Musorgskij. Librettot är baserat på Pusjkins skådespel med samma titel. Andra versionen är i en prolog och fyra akter, komponerad ...

  3. Boris Godunov é uma ópera de Modest Mussorgsky, baseada no drama homônimo de Alexander Pushkin e na História do império russo de Nikolai Karamzin. Estreou em 8 de fevereiro de 1874 no Teatro Mariinsky, em São Petersburgo . Sob muitos aspectos, a mais "russa" de todas as óperas, é um espetáculo grandioso e sombrio em que, o povo russo ...

  4. Boris was the son of Feodor Ivanovich Godunov "Krivoy" ("the one-eyed") (died c. 1568–1570) and his wife Stepanida Ivanovna. [6] His older brother Vasily died young and without issue. The 1552 Kazan Campaign occurred over summer and autumn. Godunov's career began at the court of Ivan the Terrible.

  5. Synopsis. Mussorgsky’s vast opera Boris Godunov is centered on the historical figure who was tsar of Russia in the late 16th century, the mysteries surrounding his rise to the throne, and the uprising of the man who claimed to be Dmitry, the true heir to the throne. Responsible for ordering the assassination of the family of the previous tsar ...

  6. Oct 6, 2021 · Boris Godunov, de Modest Mussorgsky, retrata la vida del primer zar de Rusia elegido democráticamente, que se cuestiona la legitimidad de su mandato al apare...

    • 38 min
    • 1615
    • AuditorioMx
  7. Apr 18, 2016 · If only one opera were to symbolise Russia, it would surely be Boris Godunov.Not only does the score admirably summarise Modest Mussorgsky’s style, with his bells, his carillons, his orchestra with its wild variegations and his flamboyant choral scenes, it also draws its strength from the juxtaposition of two levels that masterfully respond to and penetrate one another:on the one hand, the ...

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