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  1. Idősebb Marcus Ulpius Traianus Vespasianus főparancsnoksága alatt a Legio X Fretensist vezette a zsidó háborúban. [16] Traianusnak volt egy nővére is, Ulpia Marciana , akinek unokáját, Vibia Sabinát Hadrianus vette feleségül.

  2. Emperor 97-117. Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus (Caesar) was born in AD 53 and spent much of his early career in Syria, where his father was governor. He later served as governor of Germany under Nerva (q.v.), who also adopted him. After Nerva's death he entered Rome humbly, but soon began military campaigns.

  3. Marcus Ulpius Traianus the elder served Vespasian in the First Jewish-Roman War, commanding the Legio X Fretensis.[13] Trajan himself was just one of many well-known Ulpii in a line that continued long after his own death. His elder sister was Ulpia Marciana, and his niece was Salonina Matidia.

  4. Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus, 18 September 53 – 9 August 117) was Roman Emperor from 98 to 117. Born in the province of Hispania Baetica into an Italic family, Trajan rose to prominence during the reign of emperor Domitian . [ 1 ]

  5. Tatăl lui Traian, Marcus Ulpius Traianus, pare a fi primul din familie cu o carieră politică și militară importantă, devenind senator și comandant al legiunii a X-a Fretensis în Războiul Iudaic din 67-68 d.Hr., sub comanda viitorului împărat Vespasian, care îl recomandă apoi pentru funcția consulară și îl înscrie printre ...

  6. Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus Augustus hay còn gọi là Trajan (18 tháng 9 năm 53 – 9 tháng 8 năm 117), là vị Hoàng đế của Đế quốc La Mã, trị vì từ năm 98 tới khi qua đời năm 117.

  7. Aug 9, 2024 · Family. Traianus belonged to a family of the gens Ulpia, which originally came from the Umbrian city of Tuder, but he was born and raised in the Roman colony of Italica, north of modern Santiponce and northwest of Seville, in the Roman Province of Hispania Baetica.

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