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  1. Apr 28, 2011 · Sumer était la région la plus méridionale de l'ancienne Mésopotamie (Irak et Koweït actuels), généralement considérée comme le berceau de la civilisation. Le nom vient de l'Akkadien, langue du nord de la Mésopotamie, et signifie "pays des rois civilisés". Les Sumériens s'appelaient eux-mêmes "le peuple à tête noire", et leur pays ...

  2. Oct 9, 2019 · Los sumerios eran un pueblo del sur de Mesopotamia cuya civilización floreció entre el 4100 y el 1750 a.C. Su nombre proviene de la región que, con frecuencia (e incorrectamente) se considera un país. Sumer nunca fue una entidad política cohesionada, sino una región de ciudades estado, cada cual con su propio rey.

  3. Mar 30, 2023 · Introduction The ancient civilization of Sumer, is one of the earliest civilizations in human history. The Sumerians were a people who lived in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, around 4000-2000 BCE. They achieved impressive technological advancement, including the development of writing, mathematics, and astronomy. Their social structure consisted of a ruling

  4. May 20, 2019 · The Sumerian civilization (known also as Sumer) was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. This ancient civilization emerged in the region of southern Mesopotamia (modern day southern Iraq), between the Tigris and Euphrates River. The Sumerian civilization began around the 4th millennium BC and ended around the 24th century BC, when ...

  5. Aug 24, 2023 · Cities of Sumer In the third millennium B.C. at least a dozen large independent city-states existed within the territory of Sumer. These included Kish, Uruk, Ur, Nippur, Umma, and Lagash.

  6. Apr 28, 2011 · Sumer, considerada la cuna de la civilización, ocupó la región meridional de la antigua Mesopotamia (actuales Irak y Kuwait). El nombre viene del acadio, la lengua hablada en el norte de Mesopotamia, y significa «el país de los reyes civilizados». Los sumerios se llamaban a sí mismos «las gentes de cabezas negras» y su país, en la ...

  7. Sumer and Akkad from 2350 to 2000. bce. Bronze head of a king, perhaps Sargon of Akkad, from Nineveh (now in Iraq), Akkadian period, c. 2300 bce; in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad. There are several reasons for taking the year 2350 as a turning point in the history of Mesopotamia. For the first time, an empire arose on Mesopotamian soil.

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