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  1. Nov 21, 2023 · Themistocles of Athens was a famous general and politician from ancient Greece who formed the city-state into a highly influential force in the Aegean Sea.Born in the late sixth century BC to a ...

  2. Nov 21, 2023 · Themistocles was a populist leader who made an effort to get to know all citizens by name. Most of his support came from the lower classes, and he was often at odds with the nobility.

  3. Aug 17, 2016 · By David Van Dyk “My boy, you will be nothing insignificant, but definitely something great, either for good or evil.” – School teacher of Themistocles. Since he was only a child, he knew he had always wanted the respect and recognition of his fellow citizens.

  4. Sep 29, 2015 · A strategos was not solely concerned with winning battles — the tactics. He was, in the later words of Clausewitz, concerned with the use of battle to further the political ends of his city. In other words, the strategos had to keep the long-term goal in mind and ensure that the tactics work to

  5. Decree of Themistocles, National Archaeological Museum of Athens, 13330 The Decree of Themistocles or Troezen Inscription is an ancient Greek inscription, found at Troezen, discussing Greek strategy in the Greco-Persian Wars, purported to have been issued by the Athenian assembly under the guidance of Themistocles.

  6. Mar 20, 2014 · The most striking weaknesses in Herodotus' story are the following: Athens which was a city of about 100,000 inhabitants was evacuated in just one week.; Similarly, the Peloponnesians were able to build a wall about 6km long along the Isthmus in just one month following the battle of Thermopylae.

  7. Themistocles (c. 524–459 bce), Athenian politician, was a member of the ancient Lycomid family but by a non-Athenian mother.Herodotus (1) 's informants accused him of corruption and said that in 480 he had ‘recently come to the fore’, though he was archon in 493 / 2; but Thucydides (2) admired him for his far-sightedness and considered him one of the greatest men of his generation.

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