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  1. Józef Klemens Piłsudski ( 5. prosinca 1867., Zułów, Litva – 12. svibnja 1935., Varšava), poljski revolucionar, socijalist, državnik, šef države (1918. – 1922.), predsjednik vlade i diktator (1926. – 1935.) II. Poljske Republike te osnivač i vrhovni zapovjednik njenih oružanih snaga. Od 1. svjetskog rata pa sve do svoje smrti ...

  2. This well-researched and balanced biography of Józef Piłsudski seems destined to become the standard English-language work on the ‘father of modern Poland.’ It is a significant achievement and deserves a wide readership.

  3. 5. Dezember: Józef Pilsudski wird in Zulów (Litauen) als Kind einer verarmten polnisch-litauischen Kleinadelsfamilie geboren. Er studiert Medizin in Charkow (Ukraine). Pilsudski tritt für die Wiedererrichtung der Eigenstaatlichkeit Polens ein, welches seit dem Ende des 18.

  4. Józef Piłsudski, statue in Kraków, Poland. With few exceptions, Piłsudski’s former socialist friends abandoned him and joined a centre-left coalition, which in the summer of 1930 started a mass campaign to overthrow his “ dictatorship .”. Piłsudski’s reaction was ruthless; to “cleanse” political life, he had 18 party leaders ...

  5. Życiorys i biografia Józefa Piłsudskiego Józef Piłsudski przyszedł na świat 5 grudnia 1867 r. w Zułowie, zmarł 12 maja 1935 r. w Warszawie. Polski polityk, mąż stanu. Był działaczem niepodległościowym i społecznym. W 1904 r. założył Organizację Bojową PPS, a dziesięć lat później Polską Organizację Wojskową. Dzieciństwo i młodość Przyszedł na świat w rodzinie ...

  6. Pilsudski came, in fact, of an old Samogitian family of szlachta (country gentry), settled in Lithuania. They lived, when Pilsudski was born, on an estate called Zulów, which had been inherited ...

  7. Józef Piłsudski was born on December 5, 1867, in Zułów, the Vilnius region, in the lands of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, under the Russian partition. He grew up in the patriotic atmosphere of his family home. The greatest influence on the formation of Ziuk’s personality – that’s how Józef was called in the family – was his ...

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