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  1. The Dagor Dagorath (Sindarin; "Battle of all Battles"), otherwise known as the Last Battle or the War[1], is a battle or a war taking place at the End of Arda[1] described and alluded to in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The published Silmarillion ends with the recounting of the voyage of Eärendil the Mariner, but this is due to an editorial decision by Christopher Tolkien. The Silmarillion as ...

  2. Durin I of Khazad-dûm, known also as Durin the Deathless, was the oldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, first created by Aulë the Vala. Durin was set to sleep alone beneath Mount Gundabad by Aulë, until the Elves awoke, for Ilúvatar ordained that Elves would be the firstborn.[1] Upon his awakening at Mount Gundabad in the Years of the Trees of the First Age, Durin traveled until he ...

  3. Turin is brought to the Elves and through Morgoths curse gains a name, not a good one though. Turambar means master of doom. Which he skillfully brings to his friend and the city of Nargothrond. Where Beren and Luthien is a story of hope and love. The Children of Hurin is a story of doom and tragedy.

  4. May 13, 2018 · Túrin Turambar. Adan. Other names Neithan, Gorthol, Agarwaen, Thurin, Adanedhel, Mormegil; Turindo; Bane of Glaurung, Wildman of the Woods, Dagnir Glaurunga, Woodwose

  5. Glaurung (Sindarin: "Gold-worm") was the first terrestrial, fire-breathing dragon in Middle-earth, bred by Morgoth himself in the depths of Angband. He was known as the Father of Dragons and so was possibly the progenitor of the dragons. After suffering several defeats at the hands of the Ñoldor in Beleriand, Morgoth realized that his Orcs were no match for the Ñoldor unaided. As such, he ...

  6. Hurin was captured specifically because Morgoth knew Hurin was once in Gondolin or at least was friends with Gondolin's king, where the foe he feared most at that point, Turgon, still hid. From the Silmarillion: "most of all his kin Morgoth feared Turgon".

  7. I read LotR every year for almost 2 decades before there was any access to The Silmarillion. Turin isn't the central hero to me because he simply didn't exist for me until long after LotR was part of my personal mythology. He's just history, a footnote, to me - important because he informs the story I love, but not really part of it.

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