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  1. Jul 18, 2021 · You can use Alpha Strike as a gap closer; You can also use Alpha Strike to dodge incoming attacks as you become untargetable when using it; Use Meditate to sustain your HP in jungling or in lanes; Use Highlander to chase or escape from enemies; Master Yi is immune to slow when he is using Highlander; The passive of Highlander makes it possible ...

  2. However Aphelios' slow definitely keeps the buff around, and will slow you once the immunity ends. Weirly enough, Garen's Q can cleanse the whole thing, including the mark. I haven't run through the numbers or anything in this Yi example, so what exactly happens here I don't know either yet.

  3. Pause Highlander when Master Yi is in stasis (Stopwatch, Guardian Angel). Give Highlander more time or MS if Meditate is used beforehand. 175 attack range. Have Wuju Style apply a minor slow on the 3rd hit, make his early ganks more effective. While Meditating, have Alpha Strike cool down 3x faster.

  4. Mar 11, 2024 · The resets and bonus attack speed from Highlander make Master Yi a formidable force in team fights and skirmishes. Remember that Master Yi's kit revolves around his auto-attacks and resets. Properly timing Alpha Strike resets and maximizing the benefits from Wuju Style and Highlander are crucial for optimizing his damage output and survivability.

  5. Sep 26, 2023 · Master Yi is very vulnerable to CC, as it can prevent him from using his abilities and dealing damage. Champions like Amumu, Malphite, Rammus, and Wukong all have powerful CC abilities that can be used to lock down Master Yi and make him easy to kill. Tanks. Master Yi is a melee champion, so he needs to get close to his enemies to deal damage.

  6. If Master Yi tries to farm with Alpha Strike, hit him a few times so he has to use mana with Meditate to heal. Although Master Yi cannot be slowed while using Highlander, other disables can stop him in his tracks. Meditate is an effective method of healing damage over time, but Master Yi is susceptible to coordinated team ganks early in the game.

  7. Yi needs to pick off weak people and go straight back to bd/towers. Things to note is that even if you are fast you should never initiate. A bad alpha strike will get you killed and potentially lose your team that team fight. Phantom dancer is the core item of yi though there are many ways to build him, ex: ap tank.

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