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  1. Aug 16, 2023 · Killer Instinct is similar to aura reading, but instead of seeing the exact position of a survivor, you see a thumping heartbeat thingy at the location in which Killer Instinct was triggered. Examples of Killer Instinct include survivors being located after one hit during Legion’s Feral Frenzy, survivors walking over Pyramid Head’s Trails ...

  2. Sep 21, 2022 · Generally killer instinct lasts for about 2-3 seconds, unless the killer has an addon that affects it. Most killers do have an addon that increases the time killer instinct is active, but not many killers run it, because 3 seconds is more than enough time to see where someone is and go after them.

  3. The Killer Instincts show up from specific perks / killer powers; you'll hear a heart beat and a red geometric design will show up in the direction of the thing that caused your instinct to go off for a couple seconds. Like a scream notification, except they'll update position if the triggering person runs.

  4. Dec 3, 2022 · Besides some interactions with Legion’s Power and Deep Wound, under normal circumstances it is impossible to block Killer Instinct. It can even detect you inside lockers. Generally no, but sometimes yes. Legion's can only be blocked if you're Oblivious or in deep wounds already.

  5. Dec 26, 2023 · Killer Instinct is a red, flashing symbol that shows survivor location, AND the heartbeat sound that goes off when it triggers. BBQ and Chili is aura-reading, which is when you actually see the red outline of a survivor/killer through objects.

  6. Survivors walking or running inside Victor's Shriek range trigger Killer Instinct. This effect lingers for 1.5 seconds after leaving the Shriek range. Crouching avoids triggering the effect altogether.

  7. Killer Instinct as a mechanic was created for the explicit purpose of giving killers a means of tracking with their power that cannot be countered. What you can do is avoid it's trigger conditions (be outside a Legion's TR, crouch near Victor, etc)

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