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  1. Sep 3, 2004 · Overview. Humble Maria, who outfits top London theater star Ned Kynaston, takes none of the credit for the male actor's success at playing women. And because this is the 17th century, Maria, like other females, is prohibited from pursuing her dream of acting. But when powerful people support her, King Charles II lifts the ban on female stage ...

  2. It is the 1660s, women are forbidden from the stage and their roles are played by men. Edward 'Ned' Kynaston (Billy Crudup) is England's most celebrated leading lady. But then King Charles II (Rupert Everett), tired of seeing the same performers, allows real women to tread the board and rules that men may no longer play women's parts. Overnight, Ned is cast out of the spotlight and to his ...

  3. Stage Beauty awards & nominations. Stage Beauty was mostly bypassed during the 2004–2005 awards season. A couple of mentions: Stage Beauty was one of the ten titles in the National Board of Review’s Special Recognition for Excellence in Filmmaking category and it was the Phoenix Film Critics Society’s Overlooked Film of the Year.

  4. It's London in the 1660s, and a declaration from Charles II (Rupert Everett in full sail) legalising woman actors puts the girl-boy specialist Ned Kynaston (Billy Crudup) out of a job. His former ...

  5. Brief Synopsis. It's the 1660s, and Edward 'Ned' Kynaston is England's most celebrated leading lady. Women are forbidden to appear on stage and Ned profits, using his beauty and skill to make the great female roles his own. But King Charles II is tired of seeing the same old performers in the same old tragedies.

  6. Noch bis ins 17.Jahrhundert ist das Auftreten von Frauen auf britischen Bühnen per Gesetz verboten. Das führt dazu, daß Männer in Frauenrollen durchaus wahre Triumphe feiern können. Der Gefeiertste von ihnen ist Ned Kynaston (Billy Crudup), dessen Desdemona sogar den König zu Begeisterungsstürmen hinreißt. Was Ned nicht weiß, ist, daß seine Garderobiere Maria (Claire Danes) ihn nicht ...

  7. Comparisons between "Stage Beauty" and "Shakespeare in Love" are inevitable, but this 2004 film does not suffer much by the contrast to that Oscar winner for Best Picture. Both films deal with the conventions of the English stage that dictated the roles of women be played by men and while both have a woman who wants to play a woman's role, this ...

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