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  1. Snatch Pull is a variation, or more accurately, a piece of the more standard Snatch. Like other Snatch variations, this exercise is a compound, explosive movement. While this exercise is most often used to help improve your Snatch, it’s a perfectly valid exercise, even if you aren’t looking to train with the full movement.

  2. Mar 13, 2022 · This is a great exercise to still work on triple extension, but without the need for a barbell or dumbbell. Muscles Worked in a Hang Snatch High Pull. A Hang Snatch High Pull is a true total body exercise. The legs, posterior chain, upper back and shoulders are all highly involved.

  3. Jun 6, 2023 · The Snatch Deadlift, Snatch Pull, and Snatch High Pull are often used interchangeably, more so between the latter two exercises, however each lift has its benefits and uses. In this article, I’ll break down the main differences in execution as well as provide some basic rules for programming these exercises in your training.

  4. The clean and snatch pull variations are weight training exercises that can be used in most blocks. The priority of the block will determine the sets and reps scheme. For instance, during a strength endurance block, a sport performance professional may use the clean or snatch pull at a higher repetition range (3 × 10) coinciding with lighter ...

  5. How to do Snatch-Grip High Pull: Step 1: Grab the bar 4-6 inches wider then shoulder width apart and stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Step 2: Bend at the knees and squat down like you are sitting in a chair. Step 3: Keep the bar in tight to your body. Step 4: Stand up and pull the bar up with you.

  6. How to do Snatch Pull from Floor: Step 1: Place the barbell on the floor and stand with your feet just under the bar. Step 2: Bend at the knees and waist and squat down. Step 3: Grab the bar with a wide grip 4-6 inches outside your shoulder width. Step 4: Using your legs to lift the bar stand straight up. Step 5: As you stand up straight you ...

  7. Snatch Pull On Riser - Exercise demonstration video and information for Olympic weightlifting - The snatch pull on riser is simply a snatch pull performed while standing on an elevated platform. Set the snatch starting position tightly—it should be the same as from the floor, but with more knee and hip flexion.

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