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  1. To go to a certain place. 1. To make up, change or exaggerate a story to get out of trouble or improve your standing with others. 2. As above, but to get into a place or situation that the truth would not allow.

  2. Apr 12, 2005 · n. 1.a hiddious weave, similar to a wig that females wear. first the hair is wrapped and a wig cap is placed on the head, then the weave is glued on the cap in a ...

  3. Aug 4, 2017 · 1. A touchdown dance noteably used by the 1998-2000 St. Louis Rams NFL team that was greatly received as unsportsmanlike conduct. 2. A Barber Shop Beauty Parlor combination owned and created by the same name which also features styles/cuts by the same name.

  4. Apr 12, 2005 · replaces a swear word that can be used in any setting. with friends family or total stangers.

  5. Jul 14, 2018 · Usually in a girl fight. If someone tells you ,"Imma snatch your weave."They mean there gonna grab your weave or real hair and pull it till it comes of. You better run if they say this

  6. Feb 7, 2017 · pulling out someones weave ..... yeet bishhh. ... Urban Dictionary is written by you. Define a Word. Twitter; Facebook; Help;

  7. Background: Born from the sound effect used for the murloc creatures in the online game World of Warcraft which in writing resembles: guarnarnarnarnal. Definition: gurnarel - an expression of extreme frustation and need to kill something or someone due to that frustration Alternate Form: GUR_NAREL - implies a level of frustration exceeding regular gurnarel

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