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  1. Aug 15, 2022 · For example, due to insufficient knowledge of Chinese language and culture, French Romantic poet Judith Gautier relied heavily on her Chinese tutor Ding Dunling (Ting Ton-Ling) to read and explain the original Chinese texts when she was translating classical Chinese poetry.

  2. Here we tell the story of a remarkable book L’Album de poèmes tirés du Livre de Jade, published in 1911 as the 30th production of Eragny Press.

  3. quality of the Chinese poems as represented by Judith Gautier embodied to a remarkable degree their ideals of a finely wrought and dispassionate aesthetic that both elevated the work of art and salutarily countered an ear lier, more declamatory style and the fetters of French meters.

  4. She and Boussac divorced on 27 June 1895, and she married Symbolist poet Catulle Mendès in Seine-et-Oise, July 8, 1897, who had separated from writer Judith Gautier in 1878 (divorced December 1896).

  5. Louise Charlotte Ernestine Gautier, poi detta Judith, fu la figlia dello scrittore Théophile Gautier e di Ernesta Grisi, sorella della nota ballerina Carlotta Grisi. Dopo gli anni dell'infanzia passati nel collegio Notre-Dame-de-la-Miséricorde, visse in famiglia, presso la quale poté conoscere diversi letterati, come i fratelli Goncourt ...

  6. Yet Bethge could not read Chinese, and so based his poems on existing translations by figures including Judith Gautier, whose Livre de Jade had appeared in 1867.

  7. Sep 10, 2023 · Judith Gautier Poems of the Libellule Gillott, 1884 Traduits du Japonais d'apres la versión literale de M. Saionzi, Conseiller d'Etat de H.M. The Emperor of Japan. Illustrious by Yamamoto 32x25cm frontispiece 60 leaves containing small poems printed on attractive color-illustrated backgrounds, using the technique made famous by Firmin Gillot (1820-72), followed by his son Charles Gillot ...

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