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  1. The principal divisions of the Book of Wisdom are: I. The Reward of Righteousness . II. Praise of Wisdom by Solomon (6:22–11:1). III. Special Providence of God During the Exodus (11:2–16; 12:23–27; 15:18–19:22) with digressions on God’s mercy (11:17–12:22) and on the folly and shame of idolatry (13:1–15:17).

  2. Wisdom is the way of the moral and spiritual man while folly is the way of a man with twisted values. One other association of siklût (foolish behavior) with madness (Eccl 7:25ff) is pictured by the sinner who allows himself to be entrapped by an immoral woman.

  3. Proverbs 9 presents us with the powerful contrast between Wisdom and Folly, each personified as a woman inviting the simple and uninstructed to their respective feasts. As one offers the path of life, understanding, and the fear of the Lord, the other brings forth death and ignorance.

  4. The Wisdom of Solomon, or The Book of Wisdom. By Mary Jane Chaignot. Authorship and Date. Purpose. Structure and Summary of Contents. Audience. Influence on Theology. Authorship and Date. In the OT, Solomon is known as a most esteemed man of wisdom.

  5. Feb 28, 2016 · But what Proverbs does is to show us that this attraction is a mirage. The young man is enticed by something imaginary, by an empty promise, a fantasy that is ultimately hollow. That is why it is folly. The path of wisdom, on the other hand, lies in disciplined faithfulness to one’s own wife.

  6. Jun 2, 2004 · Dame Wisdom and Madam Folly are literary tools to teach the young man a lesson on two levels, the literal and the metaphorical. Let us first contrast the character of these two women. Madam Folly is not a prostitute, but an adulteress (2:16, NASB).

  7. Jun 2, 2004 · Notice that in Proverbs wisdom offers herself to all men; and specifically the fool is urged to turn from his folly. “How long, 0 naive ones, will you love simplicity? And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing, And fools hate knowledge?

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