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  1. Jul 10, 2015 · Olive Byrne's son Don married Margaret Sanger's granddaughter, whose name was also Margaret Sanger, in 1961. And she became Margaret Sanger Marston, and she's a pip. And she said OK, this family ...

  2. What’s more, she was cre­at­ed by a psy­chol­o­gist William Moul­ton Marston, who first pub­lished under a pseu­do­nym, due in part to his uncon­ven­tion­al per­son­al life. Marston, writes NPR, “had a wife—and a mis­tress. He fathered chil­dren with both of them, and they all secret­ly lived togeth­er in Rye, N.Y.”

  3. When Marston and Byrne fell in love, he gave Holloway a choice: either Byrne could live with them, or he would leave her. Byrne moved in. Between 1928 and 1933, each woman bore two children; they ...

  4. Jun 9, 2017 · The only reason they even figured anything out ever was long after Marston was dead, Olive Byrne's son Donn married Margaret Sanger's granddaughter, whose name was also Margaret Sanger, in 1961.

  5. byrne·dean blog. Media & events. Search. Contact us. Our people. We are a collective of emotionally intelligent experts. We're a highly specialised team with diverse ...

  6. The jewelry was similar to the thick bracelets worn by Olive Byrne, Marston’s lover and Margaret Sanger’s niece. Though Marston had married Elizabeth Holloway in 1915, by 1925 he was also ...