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  1. Feb 21, 2021 · Thus, the Turkish culture is but a mixture of various elements inherited from the Oghuz of Anatolia and the Ottomans, and what they hold from the Greek and the Roman legacies. Modern Turkish culture is considered a self-combination, for an objective, necessary and inevitable mating between two cultures; the well-established traditional Islamic ...

  2. People are generally very proud of the Turkish country and culture, as well as its Ottoman history. Patriotism is visible on a day-to-day level. For example, one generally sees the Turkish flag displayed wherever they go in Turkey – hanging off houses, shops and highrise buildings.

  3. Apr 23, 2019 · We examined the combined effect of sex and gender socialization, place and political orientation, and culture (individualism-collectivism) on Turkish students’ attitudes toward women (ATW). A convenience sample of 3235 students from 16 universities in Turkey was presented with the Turkish versions of the ATW Scale, the Bem Sex Roles Inventory, and the Individualism-Collectivism scale. A ...

  4. Turkey - Marriage, Family, Customs: The traditional rural household consisted of a man, his wife, his adult sons and their wives, and his young children and grandchildren. On the death of the household head, this large household broke up into as many first-generation households as there were sons, each beginning the process again. The former high death rate among adult men, the lack of living ...

  5. The Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations is an umbrella organization representing 17 member associations from Victoria to Quebec, which include approximately 50,000 Canadians of Turkish origin. The federation was established in 1985 and is a non-profit organization with no political affiliations.

  6. The Turkish population refers to the number of ethnic Turkish people in the world. During the Seljuk (1037–1194) and Ottoman (1299–1923) eras, ethnic Turks were settled across the lands conquered by the two empires. In particular, the Turkification of Anatolia (modern Turkey) was the result of the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 and the ...

  7. Sep 7, 2021 · Variants were also classified according to their allele frequencies in public databases. Overall, we identified 9,999,451 novel variants of which 37,123 were HC-pLoF or deleterious missense. A total of 839,775 variants (2.55%) in the rare and novel categories had an allele frequency higher than 1% in the TR Variome.

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