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  1. Fiscal policy is one of two policy tools for fine tuning the economy (the other is monetary policy). While policymakers at the Federal Reserve make monetary policy, Congress and the President make fiscal policy. The discussion of fiscal policy focuses on how federal government taxing and spending affects aggregate demand.

  2. Fiscal policy refers to the budgetary policy of the government, which involves the government controlling its level of spending and tax rates within the economy. The government uses these two tools to influence the economy. It is the sister strategy to monetary policy. Although both fiscal policy and monetary policy are related to government ...

  3. Apr 1, 2024 · Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the overall functioning of the economy. Macroeconomic policies have a critical influence on the decisions of households and firms to spend, save, hire and invest. And the conditions they foster set the stage for economic growth and development. The World Bank Group’s macroeconomists work toward the institution's primary goals of ...

  4. What is 'Fiscal policy'. Fiscal policy is defined as the policy under which the government uses the instrument of taxation, public spending and public borrowing to achieve various objectives of economic policy. Simply put, it is the policy of government spending and taxation to achieve sustainable growth. Fiscal policy is often contrasted with ...

  5. Fiscal policy is the government’s policy on the generation of its resources through taxation and/or borrowing, as well as the setting of the level and allocation of expenditures. It is the objective of the government to pursue and maintain sound fiscal policy. This is possible through the establishment of an efficient, equitable and ...

  6. Nov 27, 2015 · The recent scholarship has made distinction between two generations of literature in fiscal federalism. The study has critically analysed the first generation theory and second generation theory of fiscal federalism. Though the latter approaches the problem of fiscal federalism from different perspectives, it does not challenge but complements the former. The paper argues that the second ...

  7. The answers to these questions are to be found in the policy objectives of the government. The fiscal policy is concerned with the raising of government revenue and Government Budget increasing expenditure. To generate revenue and to increase expenditures, the government finance or policy called Budgeting policy or fiscal policy.

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