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  1. 3 days ago · North Korea - Culture, Traditions, Religion: The compound religious strains of shamanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism have deep roots in Korean culture. Although the country has received continuous streams of foreign cultural influence mainly from China, Koreans have kept their identity and maintained and developed their unique language and customs. Westernization, begun in the late ...

  2. 3 days ago · The average elevation is about 985 feet, which makes it the flattest continent on earth. Australia has no navigable rivers of any commercial significance. Climate. Australia is a large, comparatively dry, and sparsely inhabited continent, almost as large as the 48 contiguous U.S. states.

  3. 4 days ago · Uzbekistan - Culture, Traditions, Cuisine: During the 1980s religious practice surged, transforming many aspects of Uzbek life, especially in the towns of the Fergana Valley and other concentrations of Muslim believers. This resurgence affected the republic’s cultural life through the increased activities of religious schools, neighbourhood mosques, religious orders, and religious publishing ...

  4. 3 days ago · Myanmar - Culture, Religion, Traditions: Buddhism has been a part of Myanmar’s culture since the 1st century ce and has blended with non-Buddhist beliefs. The most conspicuous manifestation of Buddhist culture is the magnificent architecture and sculpture of Myanmar’s many temples and monasteries, notably those at Yangon, Mandalay, and Pagan (Bagan), the site of the ancient kingdom of west ...

  5. 1 day ago · Russia - Culture, Traditions, Arts: Russia’s unique and vibrant culture developed, as did the country itself, from a complicated interplay of native Slavic cultural material and borrowings from a wide variety of foreign cultures. In the Kievan period (c. 10th–13th century), the borrowings were primarily from Eastern Orthodox Byzantine culture. During the Muscovite period (c. 14th–17th ...

  6. 3 days ago · Kazakhstan - Culture, Traditions, Cuisine: Kazakhs, probably more than any other Central Asian people, show the impact of nearly two centuries of close contact with Russians. Unlike Central Asians to the south of them, Kazakhs look more to Russia than to Islamic countries for inspiration in the post-Soviet period. At the same time, Kazakh scholars and other intellectuals actively work to ...

  7. 3 days ago · Nigeria - Culture, Traditions, Cuisine: Nigeria’s vibrant popular culture reflects great changes in inherited traditions and adaptations of imported ones. Establishments serving alcoholic beverages are found everywhere except where Islamic laws prohibit them. Hotels and nightclubs are part of the landscape of the larger cities. Movie theatres, showing mostly Indian and American films, are ...

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