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  1. To quell a rising in Yemen, the Abbasid caliph al-Maʾmūn dispatched Ibn Ziyād, who refounded in 820 the southern city of Zabīd and became overlord of Yemen, Najrān, and Hadhramaut. About a century later the Najāḥids —Ethiopian slaves or local Afro-Asians—supplanted the Ziyādid s in Zabīd; however, though independent, neither ...

  2. Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah. Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah ( Arab: الخلافة العباسية, al-khilāfah al-‘abbāsīyyah) atau Bani Abbasiyah ( Arab: العباسيون, al-‘abbāsīyyūn) adalah kekhalifahan ketiga Islam yang berkuasa di Baghdad (sekarang ibu kota Irak) dan kemudian berpindah ke Kairo sejak tahun 1261.

  3. May 10, 2024 · Caliphate, the political and religious system that united the Muslim world after the death of Muhammad. Learn about the history, meaning, and definition of the caliphate, and how it expanded and declined over the centuries. Explore the achievements and challenges of the different dynasties and regions that formed part of the caliphate, such as the Abbasids and Arabia.

  4. Mar 28, 2008 · The ‘Abbasid dynasty, known to its supporters as the ‘blessed dynasty’, which imposed its authority on the Islamic empire in 132/750, claimed to inaugurate a new era of justice, piety and happiness. Its sovereigns, all members of Muhammad's family, proclaimed that they alone had been designated to lead the community; all of them ...

  5. The first caliph of the ʿAbbāsid dynasty, Abū al-ʿAbbās as-Saffāḥ (722–754), led a revolutionary movement against the rule of the Umayyad caliphate in the late 740s. As-Saffāḥ’s claim to the title of caliph was that he was descended from ʿAbbās ibn ʿAbd al-Muốốalib (566–c. 653), an uncle of the prophet Muḥammad.

  6. 9.9: The 'Abbasid Caliphate. For many Muslims, ‘Umar II’s reforms had come too late. The Umayyads had already managed to alienate three important groups of Muslims, Kharijis, the mawali, and the Shi‘a, whose combined power and influence were coopted by the ‘Abbasids and threatened the internal security of the caliphate.

  7. Feb 5, 2024 · The Abbasid Caliphate was an Arabic dynasty that ruled over much of the Muslim world for over 500 years. It rose from bloody beginnings to become the center of the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age under the legendary Harun al-Rashid. It was perhaps Islamic history’s grandest and most powerful Empire, but it ultimately fell like all ...

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