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  1. Aubrey Beardsley, The Climax, 1893. [1] It was first published in 1894. Line block prints were produced by John Lane in 1907 on Japanese vellum [2] The Climax is an 1893 illustration by Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898), a leading artist of the Decadent (1880-1900) and Aesthetic movements. It depicts a scene from Oscar Wilde 's 1891 play Salome ...

  2. Jan 31, 2024 · Aubrey Vincent Beardsley was born in Sussex in England in 1872 to a Clerkenwell jeweler known as Vincent Paul Beardsley and the daughter of a Surgeon Major in the Indian Army, Ellen Agnus Pitt. Beardsley’s parents’ marriage was somewhat unconventional for the time following the class disparity between his mother and his father.

  3. Aubrey Beardsley a scris, în calitate de scriitor, o povestire erotică, rămasă neterminată, Under the Hill, bazată pe legenda poetului și cavalerului german Tannhäuser ⁠(d). El a fost, de asemenea, și un caricaturist , realizând chiar și câteva caricaturi politice asemănătoare ca manieră și ilustrând stilul umorului ireverent ...

  4. In 1907 John Lane issued a portfolio of designs that Aubrey Beardsley created in 1894 for the first British edition of "Salomé." Oscar Wilde's play had been written in French in 1891 then translated into English by Lord Alfred Douglas. Several of the images Beardsley submitted were judged to be too erotic to publish, and either altered or omitted.

  5. Mar 16, 2016 · The association of Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) and Oscar Wilde (1864-1900) on the English edition and drawings for Wilde’s play Salome was arguably the most significant art and literary collaboration of the last third of the nineteenth century. Written in French Salome had originally been published without illustrations in France and England ...

  6. ubrey Beardsley was born on 21 August, 1872, in Brighton, England. The family, of middle and upper middle class origins, was often nearly destitute. His father, Vincent, having lost his inherited fortune, worked irregularly at London breweries. Beardsley's mother, Ellen Pitt, provided a slender income by giving piano lessons.

  7. Apr 22, 2019 · Aubrey Beardsley was born to Vincent and Ellen Beardsley on Aug. 21, of 1872, a year after his elder sister Mabel. The senior Beardsley’s occupation was listed simply as “gentleman” on his son’s birth certificate, although he soon afterward lost the fortune he had inherited and moved the family to London where he found work as a clerk.

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