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  1. Aug 14, 2023 · Perinatal asphyxia is a lack of blood flow or gas exchange to or from the fetus in the period immediately before, during, or after the birth process. Perinatal asphyxia can result in profound systemic and neurologic sequelae due decreased blood flow and/or oxygen to a fetus or infant during the peripartum period. When placental (prenatal) or pulmonary (immediate post-natal) gas exchange is ...

  2. The adult and pediatric consensus definitions sepsis stipulate that evidence of SIRS be present as a prerequisite to meeting criteria for sepsis. SIRS requires either 1) abnormal WBC count [total WBC increased or decreased for age -or- >10% immature neutrophils] or 2) abnormal core temperature (>38.5° or <36°C) ( 41 ).

  3. Jan 1, 2015 · Introduction. Elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus is a key area in global public health policy. Although much progress has been made in reduction of the incidence of maternal and neonatal tetanus during the past two decades, it remains a leading cause of preventable neonatal mortality in some countries. 1, 2 Without medical care, mortality from neonatal tetanus is close to 100%, often ...

  4. May 5, 2023 · Sclerema neonatorum is an uncommon, severe panniculitis that manifests as diffuse skin hardening in critically ill, premature and low birth weight infants [ 1 ]. Skin and subcutaneous fat become bound down and adherent to underlying muscle and bone, such that critical functions of breathing, feeding, and movement can be impeded.

  5. May 1, 2023 · Subcutaneous fat necrosis (SCFN) of the newborn is a rare, self-limited panniculitis that typically occurs in full-term or post-term newborn infants within the first few weeks of life.[1] SCFN is clinically characterized by firm, red or purple subcutaneous nodules and plaques. SCFN usually has a favorable outcome with spontaneous resolution over several weeks or months. Nonetheless, it may be ...

  6. Nov 6, 2019 · Neonatal jaundice is a clinical manifestation of elevated total serum bilirubin (TSB), termed neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, which results from bilirubin that is deposited into an infant's skin. The characteristic features of neonatal jaundice include yellowish skin, sclerae, and mucous membranes. Jaundice derives from the French word jaune, meaning yellow. Neonatal jaundice is the most ...

  7. Sep 29, 2022 · Neonatal sepsis refers to an infection involving the bloodstream in newborn infants less than 28 days old. It remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among neonates, especially in middle and lower-income countries . Neonatal sepsis is divided into two groups based on the time of presentation after birth: early-onset sepsis (EOS) and ...

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