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  1. Sep 28, 2016 · The collection includes these essays in the sections “Capitalist Society and Its Origin,” “Studies in the Development of the Theory of Action,” and “The Foundations of Analytical Sociology,” respectively. Parsons, Talcott. 1993. Talcott Parsons on National Socialism. Edited and with an introduction by Uta Gerhardt.

  2. In this work two novel CPPs, pepR and pepM, designed from two domains of the dengue virus (DENV) capsid protein, were studied for their ability to deliver nucleic acids into cells as non-covale … Nucleic acid delivery by cell penetrating peptides derived from dengue virus capsid protein: design and mechanism of action

  3. At the heart of Parsons’ theory is the idea that social systems are made up of interrelated parts, each with a function to maintain the system’s stability. Think of it like a social symphony, where each instrument plays a part in creating a harmonious whole. If one instrument is out of tune, the entire piece is affected.

  4. Oct 31, 2019 · On the other hand, in the dengue virus, NS1 anchors the replication complex to the host endoplasmic reticulum membrane, and interacts directly with NS4B, As a result, it plays an important role in the viral replication process. Furthermore, YFV and DENV are associated with hemorrhagic fever, this may be due to the increased vascular permeability.

  5. Social action theory in sociology is a critical theory that holds that society is a construction of interactions and meanings given to it by its members. It explains human behaviour at a microscopic, small-scale level. Social action is an action to which an individual attaches meaning.

  6. Aug 8, 2016 · Flaviviruses comprise major emerging pathogens such as dengue virus (DENV) or Zika virus (ZIKV). The flavivirus RNA genome is replicated by the RNA-dependent-RNA polymerase (RdRp) domain of non-structural protein 5 (NS5). This essential enzymatic activity renders the RdRp attractive for antiviral therapy.

  7. Dengue viruses (DENV), a group of four serologically distinct but related flaviviruses, are responsible for one of the most important emerging viral diseases. This mosquito-borne disease has a great impact in tropical and subtropical areas of the world in terms of illness, mortality and economic costs, mainly due to the lack of approved vaccine ...

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