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  1. Sep 2, 2009 · Sargon of Akkad (r. 2334 - 2279 BCE) was the king of the Akkadian Empire of Mesopotamia, the first multi-national empire in history, who united the disparate kingdoms of the region under a central authority. He is equally famous today as the father of the great poet-priestess Enheduanna (l. 2285-2250 BCE), the first author known by name in history.

  2. 2900 BC The Great Pyramids Built - The Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza was built around 2900 BC. It took 4,000 stonemasons and as many as 100,000 laborers to build the pyramid. The pyramid rose to a height of over 481 feet. 2900 BC Egypt's 4th Dynasty - The Fourth Dynasty was founded by the Pharaoh Snefru. He built the Pyramid at Dahshur.

  3. 2900 BC – 2334 BC: Mesopotamian wars of the Early Dynastic period. 2900 BC- First Mariote Kingdom founded. 2890 BC: Egypt: Pharaoh Qa'a died. End of First Dynasty, start of Second Dynasty. Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy started to rule. 2890 BC – Akkadian language names are recorded from about this time period.

  4. 1. Ancient Archives and Concepts of Record Keeping: An Introduction 2. Archival Record-keeping at Ebla 2400-2350 BC 3. Archival Practices in Third-millennium Babylonia 4. Private and Public: The Ur-Utu Archive at Sippar-Amnanum (Tell Ed-Der) 5. Archives of Old Assyrian Traders 6. Documents in Government Under the Middle Assyrian Kingdom 7. Local Differences in Arrangements of Ration Lists on ...

  5. May 20, 2019 · The Akkadians were a distinct cultural group from the Sumerians who inhabited the area to the north of Sumer. During 2350 BC, Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians, and Sumerian dominance in the region came to an end. The Akkadians would in turn be defeated by the Gutians around 2150 BC. After a century or so of Gutian rule, the Sumerians were ...

  6. The Biblical Timeline Confirmed by Secular History, Ancient Calendars and Modern Science. The Biblical date for Noah’s Flood is generally given as 2348 BC. A date that corresponds to the most widely accepted Genesis timeline established by Bishop Ussher, who set the birth of Adam at 4004 BC. Now despite the embellished Biblical account of the ...

  7. Jan 10, 2021 · The Akkadian Empire was an ancient empire that existed towards the end of the 3 rd millennium BC. This was the first empire in Mesopotamia, and some consider it to be the first true empire in world history. The Akkadian Empire was established by Sargon of Akkad, arguably its most famous ruler, and dominated Mesopotamia from its capital, Akkad.

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