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  1. Jul 19, 2023 · Existentialism is a controversial philosophical tradition that begins with the premise that there is no pre-defined meaning of life. This opens up a range of questions about how to live a good life, freewill, and

  2. I. Definition Existentialism is a European philosophy that started in the mid-1800s and hit its stride in the years around World War II. It has two parts: Life has no inherent meaning. Nothing we do matters in an absolute sense. There is no God, no objective morality, and no cosmic “purpose” in life. That’s OK. Or even better than okay, because it means that life can have the meaning ...

  3. 存在主义的代表人物,从左至右,从上至下:克尔凯郭尔、陀思妥耶夫斯基、尼采、萨特 存在主义(英語: Existentialism ,德語: Existentialismus ),又可翻译為實存主義、我存主义,指的是研究生命能意識到自己的存在,并且以“我”為中心去探索、追求、解决和改善其生命一切的一門哲学。

  4. Jun 26, 2009 · 1. Metaphysical foundations of existentialist aesthetics. The term “aesthetics” as it first emerged in modern philosophy (in A. G. Baumgarten’s 1750 Aesthetica) encompassed the theory of perception, the theory of beauty and the theory of art.

  5. › wiki › 実存主義実存主義 - Wikipedia

    実存主義(じつぞんしゅぎ、英: existentialism 、仏: existentialisme )とは、人間の実存を哲学の中心におく思想的立場、或いは本質存在(essentia)に対する現実存在(existentia)の優位を説く思想的立場である。

  6. Aug 16, 2022 · Existentialism is a philosophical movement that first emerged during the mid-20th century, in the wake of World War II.The existentialists argued that our purpose and meaning in life came not from external forces such as God, government or teachers, but instead is entirely determined by ourselves.

  7. Philosophy: Metaphysics > Existentialism. Herbert Marcuse (1898 - 1979) has criticized Existentialism, especially Sartre's "Being and Nothingness", for projecting some features of living in a modern oppressive society (features such as anxiety and meaninglessness) onto the nature of existence itself.

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