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  2. Biblical Sermon Calendar. Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching

  3. Find resources for sharing the Gospel, including videos, printable tracts, advice on sharing your testimony and articles about sharing your faith. 5 Things to Remember. Gary Cobb, a BGEA staff member who helps train others to share their faith, shares five things to remember. 1. Understand that your own life is a great part of your witness.

  4. Jan 23, 2022 · When we invite people to church and share our testimony, we help them move one step closer to Jesus. Sometimes you'll plant seeds, and other times you'll be the one to water the seeds… Sharing your faith can be intimidating, but it's one way we help others go ALL IN.

  5. Sep 7, 2018 · During your sermon, share your gospel story. That is, tell your listeners how you came to be saved. Tell them what you were told, talk about your journey to Jesus, and share how your walk with him has gone since accepting Christ – even the struggles.

  6. Jan 31, 2021 · A disciple guided by Christ’s love is aware of the needs of the saints—those doing God’s work, Paul says, and extends hospitality toward strangers. Furthermore, the transformed person does not curse anyone who persecutes them, but instead blesses them—prays for goodness to come to them.

  7. Oct 11, 2022 · Share meaningful content by repurposing your sermons (or other content). If you prepared a sermon, put together a Bible study, wrote a devotional, or created any other type of content this week or last week, you can share all that throughout the week.

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