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  1. Oct 12, 2005 · The Visconti that I sent back was a wonderful and masculine “Musk Green” color. It looked very earthy and unusual, considering the color of pens that I usually buy. There has been several Visconti Van Gogh fountain pens sold on the Pentrace “Green Board” but only very few in the color I was looking for and most importantly the nib width.

  2. Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Like The Starry Night, van Gogh painted this landscape while staying in a mental asylum.If incredibly painful for him personally, the time he spent at Saint-Rémy proved to be one the most fruitful years of his career – he painted several of his most famous, mesmerizing landscapes within the walls of his room, most of which were symbolic of the turbulent ...

  3. Oct 14, 2015 · Brand overview/history. Founded in 1988 by Dante Del Vecchio. A lot of innovation, artistry, and design goes into Visconti pens. Crafted in a 15th-century villa in Florence, Italy. These pens were inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, post-impressionist Dutch painter (1853-1890) Focused on portraits, self-portraits, landscapes, still-life of flowers ...

  4. Van Gogh produced three almost identical paintings on the theme of his bedroom. The first, in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, was executed in October 1888, and damaged during a flood that occurred while the painter was in hospital in Arles. Almost a year later, Van Gogh made two copies: one, the same size, is now in the Art Institute in Chicago.

  5. Like Rembrandt and Goya, Vincent van Gogh often used himself as a model; he produced over forty-three self-portraits, paintings or drawings in ten years. Like the old masters, he observed himself critically in a mirror. Painting oneself is not an innocuous act: it is a questioning which often leads to an identity crisis. Thus he wrote to his sister: "I am looking for a deeper likeness than ...

  6. Here, he continued drawing and painting the town and those around him, capturing people, landscapes, houses, and flowers in his work until his untimely death. The Art Institute of Chicago has celebrated van Gogh’s path-breaking work in the exhibitions Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South (2001–2002) and Van Gogh’s Bedrooms (2016).

  7. 6 vincent van gogh the starry night 7 artistic, in both matters of taste— Gauguin admired Ingres and Edgar Degas, Van Gogh Delacroix and Adolphe Monticelli—and of prac-tice. For Gauguin favored painting with flat surfaces and woven textures, Van Gogh palpable facture and complementary colors; above all, Gauguin had recently

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