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  1. Jan 4, 2022 · As soon as Jesus died, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus in order to bury Him, and Pilate granted the request (John 19:38). The last glimpse we have of Pontius Pilate is when he assigns guards for Jesus’ tomb (Matthew 27:64-66). Pontius Pilate’s brief appearance in Scripture is full of tragedy.

  2. Feb 6, 2020 · Pilate Washing his Hands, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Musée du Louvre, Paris. Pontius Pilate was a key figure in the trial of Jesus Christ, ordering Roman troops to carry out Jesus' death sentence by crucifixion. As Roman governor of Judea and supreme judge in the province from 26-37 AD, Pilate had the sole authority to execute a criminal.

  3. Search the Bible. Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea (26-37 CE) during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius (14-37 CE). His claim to fame is his role in crucifying Jesus. We do not know many details about his life. Apart from the New Testament gospels, two first-century Jewish writers, Philo of Alexandria ( Embassy to Gaius 299-305 ...

  4. The shields were removed by a special order of Tiberius, to whom the Jews had protested. Pilate's last deed of cruelty, and the one which brought about his downfall, was the massacre of a number of Samaritans who had assembled on Mount Gerizim to dig for some sacred vessels which an impostor had led them to believe Moses had buried there ...

  5. Sep 24, 2020 · Pontius Pilate is best known for presiding over Jesus’ trial and ordering his crucifixion. He was an officer of the Roman empire, serving as procurator, or prefect, of Judea, managing the financial affairs and flexing administrative powers on behalf of the emperor. Pilate was the heir of the Roman family of Pontii.

  6. Pontius Pilate was a Roman prefect (governor) of Judaea who presided at the final trial of Jesus and gave the order for his crucifixion. Although Pilate is sometimes understood as having been weak or vacillating, an early church tradition that had a favorable opinion of him has persisted in some churches.

  7. Jan 14, 2020 · Pontius Pilate is known to have been a Roman governor of Judaea from about A.D. 26-36, which is a long tenure for a post that normally lasted only 1-3 years. Maier uses this observation to support his concept of Pilate as a less than awful prefect ( Praefectus Iudaeae ).

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