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  1. Boa noite, Estou organizando um passeio de bicicleta pela via Claudia Augusta em setembro 2018. Iremos eu e meu marido. Alguém pode indicar uma agência que faz o serviço de transportar as malas de uma cidade para outra. Não precisamos de guia, queremos apenas um transporte para as malas. Obrigada

  2. Via Claudia Augusta. Via Claudia Augusta var en romersk väg som ledde från Poslätten över Alperna till Raetien och sedan vidare till Bayern . År 15 f.Kr. fick Nero Claudius Drusus order av sin styvfar Augustus att av militära skäl förbättra vägen över Alperna för att öka romarnas kontroll av Raetien och kungariket Noricum.

  3. The Via Claudia Augusta is an ancient Roman road, which linked the valley of the Po River with Rhaetia (modern Southern Germany) across the Alps.The route still exists, and since the 1990s increased interest in long-distance hiking and cycling have made the German and Austrian stretches of the Via Claudia Augusta popular among tourists, with ...

  4. Almost 2,000 years ago, Emperor Claudius built the Via Claudia Augusta as the first proper road through the Alps. Until today, this route remains an important transit route from north to south. The Via Claudia Augusta hiking trail is 600 kilometres long from start to finish, with 30 stages between Donauwörth in Austria and Venice in Italy.

  5. 2 versions: in Trento, the road forks. The Via Claudia Augusta ‘Altinate’ branch runs to Feltre and terminates in Altino near Venice; the Via Claudia Augusta ‘Padana’ branch runs to Verona and terminates in Ostiglia on the Po river. Route: ap­prox­i­mately 700 km from Donauwörth on the Bavarian Danube across the Alps to Altino near ...

  6. David Tomasi. 2006, Giontech - CRAM. La Via Claudia Augusta, l’antica strada romana che dalle pianure del Po e dall’Adriatico portava fino al Danubio, rivive ora, dopo 2000 anni di storia, una nuova, fresca stagione. Con la fine dei conflitti e l’Europa finalmente unita, la Via Claudia Augusta è diventata un ponte che unisce e mescola ...

  7. The Via Claudia Augusta can be described as the easiest Alpine crossing for cyclists. It owes its name to Emperor Claudius, who had the Via Claudia Augusta developed into the first real road across the Alps, linking the Adriatic port of Altinum with the Danube. Following in the footsteps of the Romans, bicycle travelers experience places of ...

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