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  1. Robert Redfield was a U.S. cultural anthropologist who was the pioneer and, for a number of years, the principal ethnologist to focus on those processes of cultural and social change characterizing the relationship between folk and urban societies. A visit to Mexico in 1923 drew Redfield from law.

  2. May 23, 2018 · The American anthropologist Robert Redfield (1897-1958) specialized in Meso-American folk cultures. He was concerned with socially relevant applications of social-science skills and researches. Robert Redfield was born on Dec. 4, 1897, in Chicago, Ill., the son of an attorney.

  3. Leaving the more narrowly defined field of folk and peasant studies, Redfield sought to understand the implications of wider cultural change. Influenced by the work of Milton Singer, Redfield began to synthesize anthropological studies into an historical study of civilization.

  4. Dec 4, 2017 · Redfield ‘s ethnographic work in Tepoztlán, Mexico is considered a landmark Latin American ethnography. From his studies of Mexican communities, Redfield developed a theory ( 1956) of a folk-urban continuum, to account for the differences between folk society and urban society.

  5. In- deed, social anthropology, the sci- ence most identified with village studies, only began to explore peasant society 51 years ago. The pioneer was a young American, Robert Redfield. In 1926, at the age of 29, he spent 8 months in a village 50 miles south of Mexico City.

  6. Unhappy in his law career, Redfield contemplated becoming an anthropologist, and his father-in-law offered to fund a trip to Mexico so that Redfield could get a taste of field work before committing to an academic career.

  7. THE PRIMITIVE WORLD VIEW. ROBERT REDFIELD. Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago. (Read November 8, 1951) BY "world view" is here meant that outlook. upon the universe that is characteristic of a people. The phrase names one of a group of concepts which allow us to describe a way of life and to compare ways of life with one another.

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