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  1. 5 days ago · Troylus de Muro de Rossano, Milanese man-at-arms to Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan. A part of the King of France's forces has gone towards Normandy against the King of England, and a part to Luxemburg against the duke, so that all this country is deserted and in our hands.

  2. 1 day ago · 2010. [GALEAZZO VISCONTI] to his son in law, [ANCHISES VISCONTI]. Hopes that God and St. George will give him grace to express his intentions correctly, as he is in great pain from disease, increased by his troubles. Trusts the King and my Lord of York will put the best construction on his letter, as he intends to open his inmost heart to them.

  3. 4 days ago · Cesare married Virginia de Medici and continued to rule in the imperial duchies and carried on the family name.Galeazzo Maria Sforza also married Bona of Savoy, daughter of Philip II, Duke of Savoy and Margaret of Bourbon. Their daughter, Anna Sforza, was the first wife of Alfonso I d’Este.

  4. 2 days ago · We will be in the Duomo in Milan which is the main Cathedral and dedicated to the sacred Santa Maria Nascente. Is a majestic building in white marble and also one of the largest Catholic churches in the world. The construction of the Cathedral began in 1386, which coincided with Gian Galeazzo Visconti coming into power.

  5. 5 days ago · Cabría decir que tan habituales eran las conjuras que sus protagonistas ni siquiera habían sido originales en su plan. Dos años antes, el duque de Milán, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, fue asesinado cuando se disponía a entrar también en una misa, la navideña del día de San Esteban, una fiesta de gran importancia en la tradición italiana.

  6. 4 days ago · Built on a grandiose scale, the Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli is the seventh largest Christian church. Its magnificence may be at odds with the simplicity preached by St Francis himself but the flocks of pilgrims coming to visit the primitive Porziuncola chapel and the Cappella del Transito called for a building that was able to ...

  7. › wiki › PaviaPavia - Wikipedia

    4 days ago · The Jewish community of Pavia grew in the 15th century, when Elijah ben Shabbetai, personal doctor of Filippo Maria Visconti and professor at the University of Pavia and, above all, Joseph Colon Trabotto, who was a 15th-century rabbi who is considered Italy's foremost Judaic scholar and Talmudist of his era, and in the same university a Hebrew ...

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